Curriculum/CalendarApprovals -Frequently Asked Questions
Updated March 14, 2008

Q: When a course or courses serve multiple degree programs, which Program Committee approveschanges, additionsand deletions?

A: Courses core to multiple degree programs must be reviewed by all Program Committees the course serves, but only one copy of the approved templates need be submitted.

Example 1: BA and BSc both offer Math majors. When changes are made to courses core to each specialization, BUGS requires evidence these have been approved by bothProgramCommittees.
Example 2: A number of Economics (ECON) courses are core to multiple specializations in multiple degree programs (BComm, BA, BSc ENV). Changes should be reviewed and approved by all three Program Committees.

(NB: remember to submit edits to the Schedule of Studies for the affected specialization(s). Complete Form D: Specialization Change Template.

Q: What about Restricted Electives?

A: When changes are being proposed to restricted electives which serve more than one degree program or specialization, consultation mustbe sought from those degree programs or departments using those courses in their curriculum. Evidence of consultation (electronic memo or copy of email correspondence) must be provided when submitting the templates.

Example 1: Department X proposes a semester change to a set of courses. The courses are included in the schedule of studies for two or more degree programs. The courses are core to one degree program and restricted electives in the other two. The other two program committees must be consulted on this change.

Example 2: Department Y proposes the deletion of a course due to low enrolment. The course is a restricted elective in two programs. Both must be consulted on the deletion.

In both examples, consultation allows program committees to provide feedback on how the change will affect the progression of students through the degree, to seek out alternate choices for the curriculum and, if changes are approved, to amend the schedule of studies.

Require additional clarification regarding restricted electives? Contact the ORS representative for your Program Committee or the Coordinator of Undergraduate Curriculum (see Contact Us at

Q. What is the approval process when a department wishes to propose a new course that could be a free elective or serve as a specific distribution requirement for any degree program? Which Program Committee reviews the proposal?

A. The department making the proposal should ensure the course is reviewed and approved for use by any ProgramCommittee that is the intended audience. Those committees will decide on the course’s suitability and use in the degree program.

Q: Which College Dean (or Designate) is responsible for final approval before proposal is submitted?

A: Approvals of changes, additions or deletions may be academic in nature only or both academic and resource-related in nature.

Proposals which have resource implications (course additions, deletions, major changes to lab or facility requirements and, in some cases, semester designations and lecture/laboratory hours)must be approved by the Dean (or Designate) with resource responsibility for the department or degree program proposing the change.

Templates which are solely academic in nature require approval from the Chair of the Program Committee and Dean (or Designate) on behalf of the Program Committee with academic responsibility for that program.

Q: Who is a “Designate”?

A: A Designate is normally an Associate Dean or Program Committee Chair. In some cases, Deans have designated approval authority, including changes which may affect resources, to their Associate Dean. Often, this person also chairs the Program Committee(s) for the College. This should be noted on file with the Coordinator of Undergraduate Curriculum.

Q: Once changes are approved to a course or courses serving multiple degree programs, which Program Committee is responsible for submission of the templates to the Coordinator of Undergraduate Curriculum?

A: The updated templates provide space for confirming approvals from multiple Program Committees. Once approvals are confirmed, only one Program Committee Secretary should forward the completed templates.

If a course is core to one degree program and a restricted elective in the other(s), the Program Committee for which the course is core should submit the templates.

If a course is a restricted elective each of the degree programs, the Program Committee Chairs or Secretaries should consult with each other in advance to decide which will make the submission on behalf of all the committees. A list of Program Committee Chairs and Secretaries is online at:
