
Redbank GP Practice Patient Participation Group

Date: 29th September 2016

Venue: Radcliffe Primary Care Centre – Star Suite

Present:Doug Galvin (DG) (interim Chair)

Alison Bridge (Secretary) (Minutes)

Jim Rogers (JR)

Moira Grinyer (MG)

John McCullough (JM)

Elaine McCullough (EM)

Doreen Hawk (DH)

Pat Walmsley (PW)

In attendance: Dr Peter Thomas (PT) (see item 1.6 and 1.9)

Agenda Item No
Standing Items
1.1 / Apologies for Absence
Syl Skelly, Michele Winstanley
1.2 / Chair’s Opening Remarks/Introductions
DG discussed the meeting held with Dr Thomas and AB following the last group. The Chair informed that there is a need to develop a more positive approach for the group.
DG identified problems with opening pdf attachments on email through nhs.net.
1.3 / Approval of Minutes of Last Meeting28th July 2016.
These were approved.
1.4 / Matters Arising and Action Log
Please see updates on Action Log and 2015/16 Action Log Register.
1.5 / Questions/comments from Patients
An issue was raised on behalf of a patient regarding an appointment with Dr Basu at Royal Bolton Hospital. It was explained that following an initial appointment in March 2016 with a follow up in October, a letter was received cancelling until 21 November. A further letter was received to cancel until 22 February 2017. This gives a 12 month rather than 6 months wait. AB was approached to see if there was any follow up that could be undertaken within practice in the meantime.
1.6 / Update from Dr Thomas
PT explained the locality model whereby an overarching group consisting of four different sectors, looking at different areas crisis response in Radcliffe). Looking how we can use vacant NH beds following discharging patients from hospital. Care packages. IG and IT governance required. DNs piloting using vision anywhere. Pennine Care community Services committed to purchasing vision (clinical IT system) to ensure a more robust patient record. Pennine Acute and Social Care hopefully using migration tool to enable systems to communicate to each other. It was noted that Mental Health Services patients in deprived areas do not access services as appropriately as needed. There is a complexity of psycho-social needs. There would need to be a different agenda around deprivation. PT continued that the Local Authority need to make £6m savings probably within social care – reduction in funding to NH places is being explored.
DG pointed out the timeline for all this fundamental change and that all has to come together for submission of the bid. PT felt that there is a need to involve patients in the community and engagement. DH advised that she was involved with ‘Ambition for Aging’ getting access to people with problems of isolation, and agreed to forward details to the practice.
DG expressed concerns regarding governance issues and people who try to promote engagement need to be guided on what they can/cannot promise.
PT advised that the Local Authority were looking to secure a ‘community champion’ who will support this and promote the practice role.
1.7 / CCG/Patient Cabinet Update
DG believes that Robin Ward is still attending the West Sector meetings.
Ian Trafford has forwarded to DG that the Patient Cabinet is undergoing significant change with a Terms of Reference.
JR expressed his concern regarding the request to seek a community champion when the Patient Cabinet is not feeding back as it should.
JR mentioned that a Board Member will be responsible for the remit of the Patient Cabinet.
1.8 / Complaints and Compliments (anonymised)
A copy of the latest complaint log was provided for members information.
There were no new nhs choices comments.
1.9 / Practice Update
  • PT is now working at RLC Surgery as a temporary measure (4 – 6 months). Currently in the process of appointing a GP to cover him within Redbank Practice.
  • Barbara Wright, Lead Nurse and NP leaving in November. AB explained recruitment process but not easy to get right calibre of staff.
DG felt there is a relevance of practice self promotion. PT advised that the practice has developed many innovative practices over the years which unfortunately have not been carried forward.
PT has written to the CCG regarding the current positon with regard to Healthier Radcliffe and a response has been received from David Latham. At this point DG enquired as to why no active promotion of Healthier Radcliffe by the CCG. PT explained that deprivation affects the attendance levels of A&E and non elective admissions.
PT and PW had a discussion regarding the NHS 111 service and out of hospital care. JR mentioned the cost in deprived areas for social care. It was also noted that the treatment room service is under pressure so patients are going to WICs which would result in the CCG paying twice for this service.
1.10 / Websites Update
JR presented a list for information useful for members, highlighting the following:-
  • Integrated care a ‘main priority’ for GM, says Burnham.
  • Boards must make decisions with patients, not for them
  • GP Services must expand into evenings and weekends under NHS England plans.
  • Put Patients First Campaign.
Copies of these updates and the HSJ article will be scanned in and forwarded along with these minutes.
1.11 / Township Forum Update
There was no update.
2.1 / Future role of Patient Group
Discussion centred around more Integration into practice and members to be listened to.
2.2 / AGM and Annual Report
This will take place on Thursday 24 November at 10.00 am, ahead of the new Patient Group Committee. MW to display Notice in reception area and make available on the website.
The Annual Report will be provided for the AGM but will be passed to members at the 27 October meeting to read in preparation.
3.1 / GP Patient Survey (Enc)
Members were informed that they may receive a questionnaire about their
experiences of local health services.The survey covers issues that concern patients,such as access to care and satisfaction withtreatment.
3.2 / Urgent Care Service Re-design in Bury
Members were asked to provide feedback to the CCG regarding this issue. Several members (PW, EM, JM) fed back already completed.
3.3 / Accessible Information Standards
AB reported on the CCGs requiring assurance from GP Practices that this is being implemented. Each Practice has submitted an action plan around the key implementation areas i.e. identify patients who have any information or communication needs, and find out how to meet their needs, record those needs in a standardized way, highlight on a patient’s record, so it is clear that they have information or communication needs, and clearly explain how those needs should be met, include information about a patient’s needs with other NHS and adult social care providers, when they have consent or permission to do so, and make sure that people get information in an accessible way and communication support if they need it.
JR agreed look through the practice policy document from a patient point of view to see if improvements need to be made.
Any Other Business
4.1 / Flu Vaccinations
Pharmacists are contacting patients to say they can have their flu vaccinations ‘as an assist to the practice’. The practice is concerned as use the opportunity at the vaccination appointment to identify/monitor other concerns etc and this could be missed.
4.2 / Date, Time and Venue of next Meeting.
Thursday 27th October 10.00 am in the Star Suite Board Room, Radcliffe Primary Care Centre.