REiNS International Collaboration Members

Jeffrey Allen, MD (NYU Langone Medical Center, Member, Visual Outcomes Working Group); Simone Ardern-Holmes, MD (The Children’s Hospital at Westmead, Member, Tumor Measurement, Functional Outcomes, Visual Outcomes and Whole-Body MRI Working Groups); Robert Avery, DO (Children’s National Medical Center, Visual Outcomes Working Group); Dusica Babovic-Vuksanovic, MD (Mayo Clinic, Member, Tumor Measurement and Functional Outcomes Working Groups); Andrea Baldwin, CRNP (National Cancer Institute, Member, Patient-Reported Outcomes Working Group); Fred Barker, MD (Massachusetts General Hospital, Member, Tumor Measurement and Functional Outcomes Working Groups); Amanda Bergner, MS CGC (Johns Hopkins Comprehensive Neurofibromatosis Center, Member, Patient-Reported Outcomes Working Group); Larissa Bilaniuk, MD (The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Member, Visual Outcomes Working Group); Jaishri Blakely, MD (John Hopkins Medical Institute, Chair, Whole Body MRI Working Group; Member, Functional Outcomes and Biomarkers Working Groups); Miriam Bredella, MD (Massachusetts General Hospital, Member, Whole-Body MRI Working Group); John Carino, MD, MPH (Johns Hopkins Medical Institute, Member, Whole-Body MRI Working Group); Avneesh Chabra, MD (Johns Hopkins Medical Institute, Member, Whole-Body MRI Working Group); Stephen Connor, MD (King’s College Hospital, Member, Tumor Measurement Working Group); Eva Dombi, MD (National Cancer Institute, Co-Chair, Tumor Measurement Working Group; Member, Whole-Body MRI Working Group); D. Gareth Evans, MD (St. Mary's Hospital, Member, Tumor Measurement, Whole-Body MRI and Functional Outcomes Working Groups); Laura Fayad, MD (Johns Hopkins Medical Institute, Member, Whole-Body MRI Working Group); Rosalie Ferner, MD (Guy's and St. Thomas Hospital, Member, Tumor Meaurement, Patient-Reported Outcomes, and Functional Outcomes Working Groups); Michael Fisher, MD (The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Chair, Visual Outcomes Working Group; Member, Tumor Measurement Working Group); Barbara Franklin (Advocure NF2, Inc., Member, Patient-Reported Outcomes Working Group); Kathy Gardner, MD (University of Pittsburgh, Member, Funtional Outcomes and Patient-Reported Outcomes Working Groups); Stephane Goutagny, MD, PhD (Hôpital Beaujon, Member, Tumor Measurement Working Group); David Gutmann, MD, PhD (Washington University School of Medicine, Member, Visual Outcomes Working Group); Theresa Hadlock, MD (Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary Member, Functional Outcomes Working Group); Chris Halpin, PhD (Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary, Member, Functional Outcomes Working Group); C. Oliver Hanemann, MD, PhD (Plymouth University Peninsula Schools of Medicine and Dentistry, Chair, Biomarkers Working Group); Kristina Hardy, PhD (Children’s National Medical Center, Member, Neurocognitive Outcomes Working Group); Gordon Harris, PhD (Massachusetts General Hospital, Member, Tumor Measurement and Whole-Body MRI Working Groups); Cynthia Hingtgen, MD, PhD (Michigan State University, Member, Patient-Reported Outcomes Working Group); Susan Huson, MD (Central Manchester University Hospitals NHS Trust, Member, Whole-Body MRI Working Group); Michael Jacobs, PhD (Johns Hopkins Medical Institute, Member, Whole-Body MRI Working Group); Jennifer Janusz, PsyD (University of Colorado School of Medicine, Neurocognitive Outcomes Working Group); Diego Jaramillo, MD (The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Member, Tumor Measurement Working Group); Matthias Karajannis, MD (NYU Langone Medical Center, Member, Tumor Measurement and Biomarker Working Groups); Bonnie Klein-Tasman, PhD (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Member, Neurocognitive Outcomes Working Group); Bruce Korf, MD, PhD (University of Alabama at Birmingham, Member, Tumor Measurement Working Group); Robert Listernick, MD (Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago, Member, Visual Outcomes Working Group); Grant Liu, MD (The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Member, Visual Outcomes Working Group); Staci Martin, PhD (National Cancer Institute, Member, Patient-Reported Outcomes, Visual Outcomes and Neurocognitive Outcomes Working Groups); Victor Mautner, MD (University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Member, Tumor Measurement and Whole-Body MRI Working Groups); Vanessa Merker, BS (Massachusetts General Hospital, Member, Patient-Reported Outcomes Working Group); Kathryn North, MD (Royal Children’s Hospital, Member, Neurocognitive Outcomes Working Group); Fabio Nunes, MD (Eli Lilly and Company, Member, Biomarkers Working Group); Jonathan Payne, DPsych (The Children’s Hospital at Westmead Member, Neurocognitive Outcomes Working Group); Scott Plotkin, MD, PhD (Massachusetts General Hospital, Co-Chair, REiNS International Collaboratio; Chair, Functional Outcomes Working Group; Member, Tumor Measurement Working Group); Tina Poussaint, MD (Boston Children's Hospital, Member, Tumor Measurement Working Group); Kent Robertson, MD, PhD (Riley Hospital for Children, Member, Functional Outcomes, Biomarkers and Tumor Measurement Working Groups); Laura Schaffner Gray, M. Phil (The George Washington University, Member, Neurocognitive Outcomes Working Group); Elizabeth Schorry, MD (Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center, Functional Outcomes and Patient-Reported Outcomes Working Groups); Claire Semerjian, MA (Children’s National Medical Center, Neurocognitive Outcomes Working Group); Chie-Schin Shih, MD (Riley Hospital for Children, Member, Tumor Measurement Working Group); William Slattery III, MD (House Clinic, Member, Functional Outcomes Working Group); Sondra Solomon, PhD (University of Vermont, Member, Patient-Reported Outcomes Working Group); Anat Stemmer-Rachamimov, MD (Massachusetts General Hospital, Member, Biomarkers Working Group); Mary Anne Tamula, MA (NIH Clinical Monitoring Research Program, Member, Neurocognitive Outcomes Workin Group); James Tonsgard, MD (University of Chicago, Member, Functional Outcomes and Patient-Reported Outcomes Working Groups); Nicole Ullrich, MD, PhD (Boston Children’s Hospital, Member, Visual Outcomes and Neurocognitive Working Groups); Karin Walsh, PsyD (Children’s National Medical Center, Chair, Neurocognitive Outcomes Working Group); Bradley Welling, MD PhD (Ohio State University, Member, Functional Outcomes Working Group); Ralph Wenzel, MD (University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Member, Whole-Body MRI Working Group); Brigitte Widemann, MD (National Cancer Institute, Co-Chair, REiNS Internation Collaboration; Co-chair, Tumor Measurement Working Group; Member, Whole-Body MRI Working Group); Pamela Wolters, PhD (National Cancer Institute, Chair, Patient-Reported Outcomes Working Group; Member, Neurocognitive Outcomes Working Group)