Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Laugharne Township Community Council

held on Thursday 10th November 2016 in the Millennium Hall, Laugharne.

Present: Mayor K. Gough

Cllrs. I. John, R. Stevens, D.M. Lewis, , J D R Thomas, J. Lynch J. Bradshaw,

C.Cllr. J. Tremlett

Clerk Chris Delaney

Public: Mr P. Thompson from Broadway was present. He updated members on developments to deal with the speeding issue through Broadway. The police had agreed that a Community Speed Watch Group could be set up to work with them to monitor and control speeding through the community. He explained the process and what was involved. Members thanked him for all his efforts to deal with this problem.

1 / Apologies
Cllr. A. Isaacs, D.M. Jones, L. Brown, S. Brown
2 / Disclosures of personal interest
3 / (a) / Approval of the Minutes of the last Ordinary Meeting – 13/10/2016
The minutes were agreed as a true record.
(b) / Matters Arising from the Minutes
1.  The clerk informed members that an additional step by the Back Lane gate had been installed.
5e) The clerk informed members that he had responded as agreed to the Community Infrastructure Levy consultation.
2 The clerk had approached the quarry to sort out the pot holes in the car park but was awaiting a meeting.
4 Members were informed that the seats on the pavement by the Mariners had been moved without any approach to the enforcement officers.
4 / Accounts for payment and a note of income received
2356 / CJD Salary October
CJD Office Costs October
HMRC September
Tenby Media
HCI Data Ltd
Mayor’s Allowance
Total / £
£ / 366.96
£ 1666.32
Balances 31th ctober 2016
Current account £ 9558.14
Reserve Account £ 663.35
Gratuity £ 1098.85
Total £ 11320.34
5 / Policy issues
(a) / Planning
W/34546 Reserved matters approval for phases of the Laugharne Park Development. This had been briefly discussed at the last meeting and the clerk had been asked to arrange a meeting with the developers. The clerk informed members that he had met with the planning officer. She had been in contact with the developers and a meeting in December with the Scrutiny Committee was being finalised. Following his meeting with the planning officer the clerk was able to update members. The reserved matters were detail within the approved outline planning.
W/34567 Retention of a single storey Cafe building Corran Spa. The cafe was already in place and this was confirmed as a retrospective application. Although concerned that this building had been sited without planning permission, they had no objection.
d) / Scrutiny Committee
The clerk informed members that a well attended public meeting to discuss managing moorings along the Corran had taken place. A site meeting to discuss this further would be held on the 12th November.
Christmas Arrangements
The clerk reported that arrangements were in hand for the lights and Christmas trees. Fireworks had been purchased. Details for turning on the lights were agreed and members were asked to contact the Mayor to confirm numbers for the Christmas Dinner.
Street Names
Cllr. Tremlett informed members that she had met the responsible officer in Street-scene, who had explained the problems involved in locating street-name signs on buildings, although they could be located on posts in the pavement. The clerk was asked to arrange a site meeting with the officer together with the conservation officer. Members confirmed their desire to see the traditional black & white signs re-instated, rather than the more modern coloured version that the county council use. The traditional signs were made of cast iron and some companies still made them. However they could be made in modern composite materials to a traditional design, which would be cheaper than cast iron.
6 / For information
(a) / Reports on Groups and Meetings
There had been no meetings in the period
(b) / Clerk’s Report
The clerk reported correspondence from the Deputy Leader of CCC, Cllr. Pam Palmer, who was looking for support for the council’s Toybox Scheme. Members agreed to donate £100.
Cllr. John declared an interest as a member of the Newsletter team in the following item.
The clerk had also received a letter from the Community Newsletter team regarding financial assistance. Members felt that the newsletter was a great success and agreed a grant of £150.
c) / County Councillor’s Report
C.Cllr. Tremlett had already reported on a number of matters. In addition she brought members up to date with the Pre-school which was a great success.
d) / Other matters
1.  The Clerk was asked to contact CCC regarding the floodlights on the castle. Two different lamps of different shades were being used which was unsatisfactory
2.  The clerk was asked to also write to CCC about the trees overhanging Gosport Street from the lane to Sir Johns Hill towards Orchard Park.
3.  Members were concerned about a number of issues following the recent visit by the hunt. The clerk was asked to contact them.
The meeting closed at 9.05 pm