How to create an Addendum

  1. Click Find an Evaluation
  2. Use binoculars to search for your student
  3. Find your student and click on their name

***continue to next page

Be sure each evaluation that is shown has a completed (c) or terminated (t) status. (If all are completed go to instruction #3)

  1. If there are any active evaluations:
  2. If any active evaluations exist:
  3. Click on the evaluation that is active to open it
  4. Change status to completed
  5. Enter in the date that the evaluation/review was completed
  6. Click save

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  1. Click Find Evaluation/Review again
  2. All Evaluations should have a completed or terminated status
  3. Click on Add an Intermediate Review

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  1. Complete the information needed:
  2. Request date – date you are entering the info
  3. Requested by – choose appropriate
  4. Status – active
  5. Coordinator – MUST use binoculars to choose the case manager
  6. Reason for Review -Select correct reason
  7. Complete consent info
  8. Eligibility – choose Eligible for services – You MUST enter area of eligibility either click the white icon to add the area – if the area is there click the pencil icon to edit it if the date or category needs to be changed.
  9. Complete any info you have under the dates section

5. Completed Date –Important –cannot enter the completed date yet – you enter this after the IEP is completed and submitted as final!!

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6. Click Save

  1. Click ok to the question

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  1. Click the activities tab
  2. click schedule activities
  3. click save after activities appear

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  1. You are now ready to begin the questionnaire
  2. Click IEP Questionnaire – the questionnaire will start
  3. You have to choose if this is an amended plan (addendum)
  4. If this is an addendum – CHECK this box
  5. Do NOT check amended plan this is not an amended plan
  6. Click Start

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  1. Click ok that you want the IEP to copy forward

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  1. Questionnaire should start


  • Information will be pulled into the addendum from the current IEP. Dates will be deleted for you to type in new dates. Go through the questionnaire just like you do for the initial IEP and answer all the questions or change the information as needed.
  • Verify that the questionnaire is complete by clicking on completed questionnaire
  • Once all pages are correct and complete click completed questionnaire again to check for any more errors.
  • You may preview the IEP in draft form and print.
  • To get a final copy you will have to go to your menu and click on submit IEP – final this is what attaches the IEP to the service plan for later viewing.
  • If you making changes after submitted as a final - YOU MUST submit the IEP again in the so it will attach the changes to the IEP before it is made current.