Student Handbook


Our Lady of Fatima Elementary


Quick Reference of Important Dates


First Term: August 5 – October 7 (45 days)

Second Term: October 11 – December 16(44 days)

Third Term: January 4 – March 10 (45 days)

Fourth Term: March 14– May 24 (46 days)

9-Week Test Days

First Term: October 5, 6, 7 Report Card Day Oct. 17

Second Term: December 7, 8, 9 Report Card Day Jan. 13

Third Term: March 8, 9, 10 Report Card Day Mar. 20

Fourth Term: May 17, 18, 19 Report Card Day May 24

Teacher Workdays

August 1, 2, 3, 4, 2016 & January 3, 2017


Labor Day – September 5, 2016

Fall Break – October 10, 2016

Thanksgiving – November 21-25, 2016

Christmas Holidays – December 19, 2016 – January 3, 2017

Martin Luther King Holiday – January 16, 2017

Mardi Gras – February 27, 28, 2017

Spring Holiday- March 13, 2017

Easter Break – April 14 – 21, 2017

60% Days

Students must be picked up by 12:00 noon

After Care will not be available on the holiday 60% days.

August 5, 2016 (No aftercare) December 16, 2016 (No Aftercare)

January 13, 2017 (Aftercare) April 13, 2017 (No Aftercare)

May 12, 2017 (No Aftercare) May 24, 2017 (No Aftercare)

Emergency (Weather) Days

November 21, 22, 2016

March 13, 2017

Our school day is from 8:00 a.m. – 2:50 p.m. each day.

Approved by the School Board on January 19, 2016


320 Jim Money Road

Biloxi, Mississippi 39531

(228) 388-3602 School

(228) 385-1140 Fax

(228) 388-7980 Cafeteria

Office Hours 8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

Email: ;



This handbook is designed to be a synopsis of the policies and procedures of this school and it is not intended to be all-inclusive. The school is governed by general policies applicable to all schools within the Catholic Diocese of Biloxi as well as local school board policies. These are available for your review in the school office, and form an integral part of the agreement the school has entered into with parents to educate their children. It is expected that the handbook, local policies and general policies are consistent, however, at certain times due to human error and/or amendments to various parts, conflicts could arise. To the extent that a conflict exists, general policies shall take precedence followed by local school board policies and finally this handbook.


Our Lady of Fatima is a Catholic School centered on a love of God and learning, a respect for all and the development of each child’s full potential.


The staff of Our Lady of Fatima School is dedicated to providing a Catholic education, which supports and encourages each student to reach his/her full potential.


  • We believe that everyone has the right to learn in a loving, safe environment.
  • We support and promote the mission of the Catholic Church.
  • We facilitate the development of academic and social skills necessary for living in today’s society.
  • We encourage high moral standards.
  • We are open to progressive techniques and technology.
  • We believe everyone has the responsibility to treat others respectfully and honestly.
  • We believe in a close interaction with church, school and community.
  • We recognize the uniqueness of every child and celebrate their similarities and differences.


The Catholic school community within the Diocese of Biloxi, a ministry of the Catholic Church, embracing the teachings and traditions of the past, accepting the challenges and opportunities of the present, and preparing for the demands of the future, provides an education based on Christ’s teaching and Catholic values which focus on the formation of strong moral character, the furtherance of academic excellence, the inspiration to serve others, and the motivation to achieve God-given potential in the local and the world communities.


Diocesan Level

Bishop; Superintendent

Our Lady of Fatima Catholic School is part of the greater communities of Our Lady of Fatima Parish Church, and the Catholic Diocese of Biloxi. The Bishop delegates the direction of the educational ministry of the diocese to the Superintendent of Schools. Within the context of the shared responsibility processes the Diocesan Superintendent speaks for the Bishop and advises and supports Pastors, Principals and School Advisory Councils.

Parish Level

Pastor; Associate Pastor

The Pastor is the spiritual and temporal head of the parish (canonically). The Pastor is the key person in the parish educational program.

Local Level

Pastor; Principal; School Faculty and Staff, School Advisory Council; and Parent-Teacher Organization.

The principal is responsible for the local school. Each school operates independently in making curriculum, budgetary, and governance decisions under the umbrella of diocesan policy. Therefore the local principal is also a district superintendent. For state department of education purposes, the local Catholic School administrator serves as both superintendent and principal.

School Advisory Council (formerly school board) whose authority is derived from the Ordinary of the diocese is called into being by the local parish and given its mission to provide quality Catholic education for all those children in the parish whose parents choose to take advantage of such an opportunity. To be a School Advisory Council member, then, is more than just a job and is distinctively different from a political commitment. It is to accept a mission and to bring to that mission one’s talents, wisdom, experience, faith life and good will. It also implies a willingness to accept and an eagerness to seek information and spiritual formation.

The School Advisory Council, like that of the parish council, is only operative while in formal session, and in an advisory capacity. The function of a School Advisory Council is to provide a support mechanism to assist the principal in creating school policy. The Council makes recommendations to the principal and pastor regarding policy. The Council in its meetings does not address disciplinary issues, personnel issues, implementation of policy or any matters that involve the daily operation of the school. Those items will not become agenda items. Decisions of principals are final and appeals to the Diocesan School Advisory Council are for cases of expulsion only. No appeals of principal’s decisions can be made to local School Advisory Councils. In serious matters the pastor’s decision is final. The handbook for Pastors, Principal, and School Advisory Councils dated June 2006, delineates the roles of Pastors, Principals, School Advisory Councils and Parent Teacher Organizations.

2016-2017 Council Members

Pastor – Fr. Henry McInerney

President – Rob Myers

Vice President – John Shinn

Secretary – Aimee McLClendon

Support from the Parent Teacher Organization is a very large part of the overall Catholic environment. The

Primary purpose of a PTO is to assist the principal in providing additional activities and events to help students, and

To raise additional funds that directly supports the school. Active involvement of school staff and parents is a major part of a successful PTO.


Our Lady of Fatima has AA State Accreditation and is accredited by AdvancEd. The school makes an annual report to the State Department and AdvancEd on its progress in relation to evaluation recommendation and accreditation standards.

Our Lady of Fatima, in accordance with the Education Reform Act, plans a Staff Development Program annually and reviews and updates a Five Year Plan for the ongoing improvements of the school.


Our Lady of Fatima School maintains membership in the National Catholic Education Association...

Civic Regulations – Compliance Policies

  1. Civil Rights Act of 1969: Our Lady of Fatima School, in accordance with the Civil Rights Act of 1969, continues its non-discriminatory policy, which admits students of any race to all the rights, privileges, programs and activities generally accorded or made available to Fatima students. The school further declares that there will be no discrimination “on the grounds of race, color, or national origin” in the administration of educational policies and application for admission.
  2. Title IX 1972: Our Lady of Fatima School, in accordance with the requirements of Title IX of the Civil Rights Act, announces that it is in compliance with the Civil Rights Act regarding discrimination on the basis of sex in its admission policies, employment practices and its treatment of students.
  3. Rights and Privacy Act 1974: Our Lady of Fatima School is in compliance with the provisions granted under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act 1974.
  4. Education Reform Act 1982: Our Lady of Fatima Staff is presently engaged in a program of Staff-Development and a Five Year Plan for the on-going improvement of the school.
  5. Asbestos: Our Lady of Fatima School adheres to the State and Diocesan required three-year inspection plan.

In compliance with the requirements of AHERA, Our Lady of Fatima School completed an inspection on Wednesday, June 5, 2013 and found no significant changes to the condition of known or suspect asbestos-containing material in the school.



AGE: (In accordance with Mississippi State Law) Students entering kindergarten have to be five years of age on or before September 1, beginning the current school year.

Students entering Grade 1 have to be six years of age on or before September 1, beginning the current school year.

A record ofattendance is kept in the Mississippi School Register provided by the Diocesan Office.


(Section 37-13-91; 2f)

Regular school attendance for every child who has attained the age of six (6) on or before September 1 and who has not attained the age of seventeen (17) years on or before September 1 of the calendar year.


  • Requires that a parent, guardian, or custodian of a compulsory school age child must enroll the child in a school and cause the child to attend school.
  • Requires a parent to inform the school of the reason for the child’s absence from school.
  • Requires the school to report excessive unexcused absences to the youth court authority.

Any parent found in non-compliance with the law may be subject to a fine up to $1,000 or up to one year

in jail or both.


  • Illness or injury which prevents the child from being physically able to attend school.
  • When isolation of a child is ordered by the county health officer.
  • When it results from the death or serious illness of a member of the immediate family.
  • When it results from the attendance of a child at the proceedings of a court appearance.
  • If the religion of a child requires or suggests the observance of a religious event.
  • When it is demonstrated to that the purpose of the absence is to take advantage of a

valid educational opportunity such as travel.

  • When the absence results from attendance at an authorized school activity.

When a child has accumulated twelve (12) unexcused absences during the school year the student is responsible for absences and has refused or willfully failed to perform the duties imposed upon him or her.

Any student who misses (20) twenty unexcused absences, shall be subject to retention.

The following procedure is how we will monitor absences and reporting unexcused absences:

1)If a child has accumulated five (5) unlawful (unexcused) absences, the principal will send a first

warning letter to the parents of the child.

2)After ten (10) unlawful, (unexcused) absences, the principal will send a second warning letter to the

parents of the child.

3)When the child has accumulated twelve (12) the principal shall notify the parent by letter and callthe youth court authorities for their investigation into the case.

Students may be penalized in their academic studies for missing classes. However, if circumstances, such as surgery, long-term illness are involved, the principal, in consultation with the parents, makes a decision in the best interest of the student.

TARDINESS A student is tardy if he/she arrives after 8:05 a.m. The policy at Our Lady of Fatima requires all tardy students to be signed in at the office by a parent, legal guardian, or parent’s designee. Continual tardiness is reflected in reports and records. Parents are expected to cooperate in solving the problem. A cumulative total of five (5) tardies per term, as recorded by the teacher and/or in the principal’s office.

WITHDRAWAL The school should be notified of intention to withdraw at least one week ahead of time. Date and reason for withdrawal is noted in cumulative record in so far as this is ascertained.

When a student is withdrawn from school a report card and teacher report are given to the parents. Other records are forwarded directly to the school of transfer on receiving a request card from the school. A copy of the record is kept permanently in Our Lady of Fatima.


Tuition Schedule




  • All new and transfer students must be registered by parents or guardians. A registration form mustbe completed. This does not mean official acceptance. References are first verified when possible. The student’s academic position is objectively established through school transcripts or by a standardized test. A birth certificate has to be verified by the principal before registration is official. Catholics have to present Certificates of Baptism. It is our policy to return all such certificates immediately. We need a copy of each student’s social security card.
  • Parents are expected to make the school aware of any emotional, physical, or other problem, which may need special care of services on the part of the staff or personnel.
  • All students entering Mississippi schools for the first time require Mississippi Health Board Compliance by law.
  • The school requires a copy of any legal guardianship.
  • When all of the required paperwork is received by the registrar, the student is officially accepted.

Student Records

  • The following records are kept on every student:
  1. Cumulative Record K through 6
  2. Registration Card updated annually or as needed
  3. Emergency Information Card
  4. Mississippi Health Board Compliance
  • Parents are asked to notify the office regarding change of phone number, address, or other information required by the school for parent contact.
  • Teachers have access to student records as a valid and scientific approach to teaching and counseling.
  • Our Lady of Fatima is in compliance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, allowing parents access to their child’s records.
  • Transfer of Records is by mail directly to the new school on receipt of a request from the new school.
  • Cumulative records are filed in a locked, fireproof cabinet.


Registration fee is non-refundable – exception is made for unexpected military transfers.

Tuition is non-refundable after the first two weeks of each of the ten installment payments. All tuition is due on the 5th or the 20th of each month. All payments must be submitted to FACTS Tuition Management Program through automatic bank draft. All tuition and fees must be paid in full no later than May 15th. Payments for lunch, Child Care Program Fees, tuition/fees, etc. must be paid separately.

Financial Debts: Report cards will be withheld if families have neglected paying tuition, school fines, and school fees, without explanation, or without any financial arrangements with the principal. Post-dated checks are not acceptable. Collection of unpaid fees will be conducted according to school policies.

Registration, tuition and PTO fees are listed on the next page.


Registration Fees
Paid Feb. 1 – April 30st / $200 1st Child (PK‐6) / $250.00 per family (PK‐6)
Paid after May 1st / $250 1st Child (PK‐6) / $300.00 per family (PK‐6)
K – 6 Tuition
*Active Parishioner Rate / Standard Rate
10 Monthly Payments / $371.00 ‐ 1 child / $514.00 ‐ 1 child
August – May / $615.00 ‐ family (2) / $855.00 ‐ family (2)
$791.00 ‐ family (3) / $1,115.00 ‐ family (3)
$905.00 ‐ family (4) / $1,285.00 ‐ family (4)
Pre‐Kindergarten (3 & 4 year olds) Tuition:
Full Day Session / ½ Day Session – PK 3 Only
10 Monthly Payments $498.00 per child (per month) / $284.00 per child
(per month)

August ‐ May

Annual Fees – All Students:

General Fees $285.00 (school/ book fees and supply fees)

PTO Fees $250.00 (per family)

Annual fees may be paid in one annual payment or in 10 monthly payments from August – May.

*Active Parishioner Rate requires:

1)Parents and students attend Mass every Sunday and Holy Days of Obligation throughout the entire year.

2)Make a weekly contribution of your desired amount to the church using the church envelopes.

3)Parents are asked to volunteer for a bingo assignment four times a year.

We offer an active military discount! Ask in the office about the details!

We offer a $50 discount on tuition for any family that refers a new family and results in a new enrollment! The amount will be applied after the first week of school.

Our Lady of Fatima Church Subsidy Requirements: To qualify for the subsidized rate of pay you must commit to three requirements:

First, Parents and students must attend mass every Sunday and Holyday including summer. The parish council and the school board adopted and approved the proposal that church attendance be reviewed on a quarterly basis. Envelopes must show attendance 75% of the time. If the obligation has not been met,the family will be required to pay ¼ of the year’s subsidy.

The second requirement is that you use church envelopes on a weekly basis. It was agreed by the council and the board that attendance was a greater priority than the amount given in an envelope. An empty envelope can be put in the collection to show attendance.

The third requirement is that parents work BINGO four times a year.
