Quarter 2 Extra Credit Project:
Rube Goldberg Machine
Description: You will design and construct your very own Rube Goldberg Machine (think “Mousetrap”). Your machine must be made of at least 5 components or simple machines, and may ONLY be made using recycled materials. After construction, you will need to answer some questions about your machine. You will not be given any class time to complete this project as it is extra credit, but Miss Amole will be happy to answer any questions you may have and offer help when needed. You could earn up to 50 extra credit points by doing this project!
Procedures & Requirements:
1. Design your Rube Goldberg machine following the criteria described below:
a. It must be made of recycled materials only. I do not want you spending unnecessary money.
b. It must contain at least 5 simple machines or components.
c. It must work!
d. Keep in mind that neatness, creativity, and clarity will determine part of your awarded points.
2. Build your Rube Goldberg Machine.
3. Answer the analysis questions below about your machine. Typed answers will receive additional points.
a. What function does your machine perform/ What will it do in the end?
b. Component 1 is most like which simple machine?
c. Component 2 is most like which simple machine?
d. Component 3 is most like which simple machine?
e. Component 4 is most like which simple machine?
f. Component 5 is most like which simple machine?
g. Name the area in your machine where the highest amount of potential energy can be found.
h. Name the area in your machine where the lowest amount of potential energy can be found.
i. Name the area in your machine where the highest amount of kinetic energy can be found.
j. Name the area in your machine where the lowest amount of kinetic energy can be found.
4. Turn in your Rube Goldberg Machine, the answers to these questions, and this paper to Miss Amole before Friday, December 11, 2015. Late submissions will not be eligible for any credit. If your machine is too large to transport to the classroom, you may video tape it in action, and e-mail your video to Miss Amole at .
5. Optional: If you present your machine and analysis to the class, you could earn additional extra credit. See Miss Amole to schedule a time to present if you wish.
Quarter 2 Extra Credit Project:
Rube Goldberg Machine
Name: ______Date: ______Period: ____
Design & Construction:
Used recycled materials _____/5 pts.
Has minimum of 5 components _____/5 pts.
It works _____/5 pts.
Discussion of Machine:
Typed _____/2 pts.
Identifies the function performed _____/2 pts.
Correctly identifies Component 1 simple machine _____/2 pts.
Correctly identifies Component 2 simple machine _____/2 pts.
Correctly identifies Component 3 simple machine _____/2 pts.
Correctly identifies Component 4 simple machine _____/2 pts.
Correctly identifies Component 5 simple machine _____/2 pts.
Correctly identifies point of highest potential energy _____/2 pts.
Correctly identifies point of lowest potential energy _____/2 pts.
Correctly identifies point of highest kinetic energy _____/2 pts.
Correctly identifies point of lowest kinetic energy _____/2 pts.
Neatness _____/2 pts.
Clarity _____/2 pts.
Creativity _____/3 pts.
Oral Presentation:
Voice Volume _____/2 pts.
Faced Audience/Eye Contact _____/2 pts.
Professional _____/2 pts.
Teacher Comments: