ThousandOaksHigh School
Verbal Bulletin
Thursday, April 04, 2013
It’s Recycle Thursday.Please place all of your recyclables outside your classroom at this time.
Attention seniors: Jostens will be on campus to deliver announcements next week, Monday, April 8th at lunch for those of you who placed an order.
The deadline for AP Test Registration is tomorrow at 3PM. If you have any questions or concerns, please see Mrs. Sparks in the College/Career Center (Room D-2).
A representative from Moorpark College will be on Campus next Thursday, April 11th during 4th and 5th periods. They will cover the application process as well as steps to follow if you plan to attend Moorpark. To sign up for this very important presentation, please see Mrs. Sparks in the Career Center today.
Fundraiser for Habitat for Humanity: Join Key Club “Build Treats to Build Homes”. Come to the quad at lunch today to build your own sundae, and on Friday to build your own tropical smoothie! It’s only $2 each.
Jazz Band will be hosting a Bake Sale at the front exit after school today. Please come by and support the Band.
Relay for Life is looking for volunteers! If you are interested in supporting this awesome event, please stop by the tables at lunch. Tomorrow they will be selling Pizza from D’Amores. All proceeds will go to the American Cancer Society!!!
- If you are interested in being on the organizing committee for Tedx Youth in the fall, please attend a meeting in the Library tonight at 5:30pm. If you have any questions please see Mrs. Carlson in K2b.
- Noche de Carnaval, Latino Scholarship Dance is this Friday, April 5th 7:30-11:00pm in the MPR. Tickets are on sale now in the Student Store for $15 and will not be on sale at the door.
- Drop in tutoring isavailable in the library today from 3:00-4:30.
- Cheer Packets are due tomorrow by 4PM. Teachers if you have recommendation letters to turn in to the Activities Office, please turn them in as soon as possible.
ATHLETICSPlease dismiss the following athletes:
All track at 12:45
JV and Varsity Swim at 1:15
Congratulations and Best Wishes to our Boys’ Basketball Team as they celebrate their season at tonight’s banquet.
Lunch Happenings: The following clubs will be meeting during lunch today:
- PTSA Student Group in I-2
- Aca Deca in C-6
- United Environmental Voice in F-6
- Catholic Club in F-7
- Campus Light Christian Club in F-1
- Junior Statement of America in C-1
- A Cappella Club in A-7
- Pokémon Club in H-4
- Chess Club in F-2
- Link Crew Tutoring in E-7
- Legal and Government Majors in C-6
- Arts Performance in C-7, showcase rehearsal
And now a message for all Seniors: About senior packets & showcase
And now a message from Link Crew: Reminder to meet today in E-7 at lunch to choose tee-shirts.
Have a great day!