Project document draft 4 August 2004

UNDP Project Document

Government of Syria

United Nations Development Programme

Main partners

Ministry of Local Administration and Environment / Ministry of Agriculture
and Agrarian Reform

Project Title:

Biodiversity Conservation and Protected Area Management


List of abbreviations / iii
Section 1: UNDP Project Document
Part Ia Situation analysis / 1
Part Ib Strategy / 1
Part IIa. Strategic Results Framework / 2
Part IIb Summary and detailed budgets / 4
Part III Management arrangements / 7
IIIa. Key national and international agencies / 7
IIIb. Project structures / 9
IIIc. Project staffing and technical support / 10
Part IV Legal context / 11
Part V Management risk strategy / 11
Signature page / 12
Annex 1.1 Terms of Reference / 14
Annex 1.2 Total Budget and Workplan / 61
Annex 1.3 Detailed Monitoring and Evaluation Plan
Annex 1.4 Annual Budget & Work plan (complete for project inception)
Annex 1.5 Budget for Government in-kind contribution
Annex 1.6 W.B /WWF Management Effectiveness Tracking Tool form
Annex 1.7 Project organizational structure
Section 2: UNDP Project Brief
Part I Approved Project Brief
Part II Annexes

List of abbreviations

AEWA / African-Eurasian Migratory Water-bird Agreement
CBD / Convention on Biological Diversity
GEF / Global Environment Facility
HCA / High Commission for Afforestation
HCES / High Commission for Environmental Safety
ICARDA / International Center for Agricultural Research in Dry Areas
IFAD / International Fund for Agricultural Development
IPGRI / International Plant Genetic Resource Institute
IUCN / International Union for the Conservation of Nature
MAAR / Ministry of Agriculture and Agrarian Reform
MAAR-DBPAM / Ministry of Agriculture and Agrarian Reform – Division of Biodiversity and Protected Area Management
MLAE / Ministry of Local Administration and Environment
MLAE-DBPA / Ministry of Local Administration and Environment – Directorate of Biodiversity and Protected Areas
MSP / Medium-size Project
NBSAP / National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan
NBU / National Biodiversity Unit
NPA / Nature Protected area
NPD / National Project Director
NPD / National Project Manager
PCU / Project Co-ordination Unit
PIM / Project Implementation Meeting
PIMA / Project Implementation and Monitoring Advisor
PSC / Project Steering Committee
RePA / Restoration Protected Area
RaPA / Rangeland Protected Area
SMPR / Secretariat-Managed Project Review
STA / Scientific and Technical Advisory Panel
TPR / Tripartite Review
UNDP / United Nations Development Programme


Project document draft 4 August 2004

Part Ia Situation Analysis

The project will help to ensure that the globally and nationally significant biodiversity of Syria is sustainably used by, and provides benefits to, current generations while being conserved for the benefit of future generations. A detailed description of the problem to be addressed is provided in Part 2.b.i of Section 2 of this document. The relevant outcome in the Country Programme is SAS: G3- SGN1 – SASN2 institutional framework for environmental management & energy development. The national institutional and legal framework is described in Part 2.b (paras. 25-28) of Section 2. A description of lessons learned that have influenced project design is provided in Part 2.g.i of Section 2. An independent review of the project design is provided in Annex 4 of Section 2.

Part Ib Strategy

Syria’s approach to sustainable development while conserving biodiversity, and its national commitment to these goals, are described in Section 2, Table 1. UNDP’s programme in support of these goals is described in Section 2, paragraph 98, while the specific activities undertaken through this project in support of policy development and strengthened national capacities are described in Section 2, paragraphs 83-85.


Project document draft 4 August 2004

Part II.a Strategic Results Framework

A detailed log frame matrix is provided in Annex A of Section 2.

Intended Outcome as stated in the Country Results Framework: improved capacity of national / sectoral authorities to plan and implement integrated approaches to environmental management and energy development that respond to the needs of the poor.
Outcome indicator as stated in the Country Programme Results and Resources Framework, including baseline and target:
•Improved PA’s management effectiveness
•Direct support for 3 PA’s.
Applicable Strategic Area of Support: G3- SGN1 – SASN2: Institutional framework for environmental management & energy development
Partnership Strategy: UNDP convenes and chairs a thematic group on environment to develop environmentally sustainable paradigm into attainable outputs at national and sectoral levels. The group will meet on a quarterly basis to discuss specific issues. Main partners are UN agencies, State Planning Commission , Ministry of Local administration and Environment , Ministry of Agriculture and Agrarian Reform
Ministry of irrigation, JICA and EU and others
Project title: Biodiversity Conservation and Protected Area Management
Project Number: 227
Intended Outputs / Output targets for 2003-2009 / Indicative Activities / Activity Areas / Inputs[1] /
Outcome 1 - Policies and institutional systems that allow for the wise selection and effective operation of protected areas to conserve globally significant biodiversity / ·  By end of Year 2, a detailed and agreed set of streamlined national institutional arrangements describing the functions of all units and agencies involved in PA management and clarifying their respective roles and mechanisms of co-operation
·  By end of Year 4, relevant HQ units possess a critical mass of trained staff able to effectively manage the overall PA system, including oversight of individual PAs
·  By end of project, MAAR has developed and is implementing a comprehensive set of HQ-based activities aimed at managing and extending PAs within forest areas and other dry-land ecosystems (rangelands)
·  By end of project, MLAE is implementing a system for inter-sectoral co-ordination through which it is able to closely monitor and provide direction to other ministries to ensure that the national system of PAs plays a visible role in achieving national biodiversity conservation and sustainable development objectives / 1.1  Institutional capacity building for PA management / Activity Area 1.1 inputs
·  Sub-contract #1/TOR#17/BL 72100: Institutional and human resource assessment, $46,000
·  Sub-contract #2/TOR#18/BL 72100: Institutional and human resource capacity building, $85,000
Total direct inputs for AA 1.1: $131,000
1.2  Human resource development / Activity Area 1.2 Inputs
·  Sub-contract #1/ TOR#17/BL 72100: Institutional and human resource assessment, $86,500
·  Sub-contract #2/TOR#18/BL 72100: Institutional and human resource capacity building, $175,000
Total direct inputs for AA 1.2: $261,500
1.3  Support for carrying out PA-related co-ordination responsibilities – MAAR / Activity Area 1.3 Inputs
·  International consultants (BL 71200): (i) TOR 15.1: Forest ecologist; (ii) TOR 15.2: Protected area financing specialist. Total funding: $69,300
·  Local consultants (BL 71300): (i) TOR 16.4: Forest ecologist #2; (ii) TOR 16.5: Environmental economist; (iii) TOR 16.6: Standardization of PA reporting; (iv) Workshop organization. Total funding: $55,000.
·  Contractual services – Companies (BL 72100): (i) SC#3/TOR #19: PA prioritization and gaps analysis. Total funding: $60,000
·  Travel (mission costs): $72,000
·  Professional services (reporting costs and workshop expenses): $22,700
Total direct inputs for AA 1.3: $279,000
1.4  Support for carrying out PA-related co-ordination responsibilities – MLAE / Activity Area 1.4 Inputs
·  Contractual services – Companies (BL 72100): (i) SC#3/TOR#19 Protected area prioritization and gaps analysis; (ii) SC #4/TOR#20: National-level data management system; (iii) SC#5/TOR#21: Public awareness campaign. Total funding: $349,500.
·  Local consultants: workshop organization: $15,000.
·  Travel (mission costs): $22,000
·  Professional services (reporting costs and workshop expenses): $20,000
Total inputs for AA 1.4: $406,500
Outcome 2 - Effective techniques for PA management and biodiversity conservation have been demonstrated through the design and implement-tation of management plans at three sites / ·  By end of Year 4, local cadres and managers at project sites are trained in ecosystem-based management and have been exposed to examples of international best practices
·  By end of Year 2, baseline monitoring reports on biodiversity dynamics and natural resource management are available for each project site
·  By end of Year 2, integrated management plans are agreed at each site. Plans may be updated annually on a rolling basis thereafter
·  Management actions are implemented in accordance with management plans / 2.1  Training of local cadres and managers in ecosystem planning and management / Activity Area 2.1 Inputs
·  71600 - Travel (Study tours, fellowships & workshops for MAAR & MLAE field staff): $172,000
·  71300 - Local consultants (Workshop organization for MAAR & MLAE): $45,000
·  71600 - Travel (Mission costs/ local travel): $17,000
·  74000 - Miscellaneous (Related expenses): $35,000
Total direct inputs for AA 2.1: $269,000
2.2  Implementation of biodiversity monitoring programmes / Activity Area 2.2 Inputs
·  71300 - Local consultants: (i) TOR # 15.1: Socio-economist, baseline indicators; (ii) TOR # 15.2: Forest ecologist - baseline indicators; (iii) TOR #15.3: Follow-up indicator surveys. Total funding: $42,000
·  71600 - Travel (Mission costs/ local travel): $32,000
·  72100 - Contractual services - Companies (TOR #22: Ecological monitoring and data management. $74,000
·  72200 - Equipment (for ecological monitoring and data management). $38,000
Total direct inputs for AA 2.2: $186,000
2.3  Development of site management plans / Activity Area 2.3 Inputs
·  71200 - International consultants (TOR#13: Management planning expert): $89,100
·  71300 - Local consultants (TOR # 16.7: Management planning experts): $87,000
·  71600 - Travel (Mission costs/ local travel): $30,000
·  72100 - Publication (management plan): $9,000
Total direct inputs for AA 2.3: $215,100.
2.4  Implementation of site management plans / Activity Area 2.4 Inputs
·  72100 - Contractual services – companies: (i) SC#7-9/TOR #23 - Implement new management plan activities. $375,900
·  71600 - Travel (Mission costs/ local travel): $21,000
·  72200 – Equipment: $50,000
Total direct inputs for AA 2.4: $446,900
Outcome 3 - Sustainable use of natural resources in and around protected areas has been demonstrated through the development and implementation of a programme for alternative sustainable livelihoods and community resource management / ·  Examples of participatory management mechanisms and stakeholder feedback systems are incorporated into management plans and operations.
·  40% of rural and Bedouin communities involved in sustainable use of the natural resources in the 3 sites by end of the project / 3.1  Assessment of local community relationships with demonstration sites and site resources / Activity Area 3.1 Inputs
·  71300 - Local consultants (TOR # 17.14: Traditional community knowledge gathering). $27,000
·  71600 - Travel (Mission costs/ local travel): $8,000
·  72100 - Contractual services - Companies (TOR #25: In-depth socio-economic assessments, sites 1-3: $102,000
Total direct inputs for AA 3.1: $137,000
3.2  Site management plans and operational actions that address threats arising from local community activities in and around site areas / Activity Area 3.2 Inputs
·  71300 - Local consultants: TOR #16.1: Socio-economist - baseline indicators). $12,000.
·  72100 - Contractual services – Companies: TOR #22: Ecological and socio-economic monitoring and data management. $57,047
Total direct inputs for AA 3.2: $69,047
·  / Alternative livelihood activities and opportunities are made available to local communities where required / Activity Area 3.3 Inputs
·  71200 - International consultants: TOR#14: Micro-credit and micro-enterprise specialist. $25,000
·  71300 - Local consultants: TOR #11: Socio-economic specialist. $94.080
·  71600- Mission costs/ local travel: $35,000
·  72100 - Contractual services – Companies: TOR #25: Micro-credit and micro-enterprise development. $396,000
Total direct inputs for AA 3.3: $550,080


Project document draft 4 August 2004

II.b Summary and Detailed Budgets

This section presents summaries of the GEF and UNDP cash contributions as well as Government’s in-kind contribution.

i. GEF cash contribution (US$)

Budget line / Description / Amount
71200 / International consultants / 348,621
71300 / Local consultants / 782,000
71400 / Contractual services – individuals / 96,929
71600 / Travel / 470,000
72100 / Contractual services – companies / 1,285,900
72200 / Equipment / 158,000
74000 / Miscellaneous / 75,000
74100 / Professional services / 75,400
TOTAL / 3,291,850

ii. UNDP cash contribution (US$)

Budget line / Description / Amount
71200 / International consultants / 86,360
71300 / Local consultants / 256,080
71400 / Contractual services – individuals / 40,000
71600 / Travel / 35,000
72100 / Contractual services – companies / 521,047
72200 / Equipment / 32,316
74000 / Miscellaneous / 16,710
74100 / Professional services / 12,487
TOTAL / 1,000,000

iii. Government in-kind contribution

Personnel / 640,100
Subcontracts / 330,683
Training / 157,217
Equipment / 845,000
Miscellaneous / 434,000
TOTAL / 2,407,000

Additional budgetary details are found in the following locations in the project document:

·  Annex 1.2 (see separate spreadsheet file) presents the project’s Total Budget and Workplan as well as Annual Budgets and Workplans, which present financial details at the level of individual budget lines, organized by Activity Area and Outcome.

·  Annex 1.3 presents a further breakdown of the Government in-kind contribution.

·  Part IIa. Presents the project’s Strategic Results Framework, which presents the same information on project inputs, though here grouped and summed within each Activity Area by input type (International consultants, Contractual services, etc.).

·  Annex 1.1 provides Terms of Reference for project staff, consultants, sub-contracts, etc. TORs for consultants and sub-contracts provide the item-level budgets, which can be useful in cases where individual sub-contracts (see TORs #17-19 and 22) are funded from more than one Activity Area.

Part III. Management Arrangements

III.a Key national and international agencies[2]

1.  The major national and international agencies having roles in project implementation and oversight are identified below.

i. The executing agencies

2.  The responsibilities of the Ministry of Agriculture and Agrarian Reform (MAAR) and the Ministry of Local Administration and Environment (MLAE) as the national executing agencies (or the “Designated Institutions” in UNDP terminology) will include:

·  Jointly selecting, in co-operation with UNDP, a National Project Director (NPD) who will be responsible, as Director of the Project Co-ordination Unit (PCU) for overall project implementation;

·  Individually selecting, from within their respective Ministries, National Project Managers (NPMs), who will be responsible for co-ordinating their respective Ministry’s participation in the project.