Hi Waseca Band Families,
Upcoming Events:
August 21Waseca Marching Jays Fall Preview Thursday night at the Waseca High SchoolField 7 pm
August 23rd Annual Waseca Band Booster Family Picnic Saturday 5:30 pm Clear Lake Park Pavilion
August 24thWaseca Marching Jays at the Minnesota State Fair parade.
September 6th Eden Prairie and Eastview Marching Festival
Important Future Dates for the Season:
9/13/14 Rosemount Marching Festival
9/14/14 Waffle Breakfast
9/20/14 Waseca Marching Classic
9/27/14 Irondale Marching Festival
10/4/14 Sioux Falls Marching Festival
10/11/14 Valleyfest Marching Festival- Des Moines
Marching Band Fees
Student Marching Band Fees are now being collected. Mary Jo DeLaitsch will have a table set up inside the West doors of the Jr and Sr High School for your convenience on Thursday Aug. 21st from 4:30 - 7:00 PM (Before the Fall Preview)
State Fair Parade is Sunday, August 24th. These Marching Band Fees will need to be covered by the end of day on Thursday, August 21st, in order to participate in the parade.
Band Mentoring Program
We are trying something new this year. New Marching Band families will be linked to a veteran Band family to answer questions, give advice, and hopefully ease some confusion and feelings of being overwhelmed. Michel Sorenson is coordinating this new program. If you are a new marcher family you should hear from her soon.
Calendar Raffle
Hello Band Families!
We will have the Calendar Raffle Tickets at the Fall Preview on August 21st. Please stop by the table to pick-up your tickets. Each family has an envelope and is asked to make an effort to sell at least 4 tickets.
Thank you in advance and see you on the 21st!
-Mindy Garry
Parent T-Shirts
Attached is a T-shirt order form for this seasons T-shirt. Also attached is what the design will basically look like on the front and back. The deadline for ordering is Wednesday August 27. You can order and pay at the Family Picnic.
Waseca Marching Jays Season Preview
On Thursday Night August 22ndat 7 pmplease join us for the Waseca Marching Jays Season Preview. It will be held at the Waseca High School Football Field Stadium and all family, friends, fans and alumni are welcome to attend. We all get to 'preview' what the final show will look like and help the Band celebrate all their hard work. Parents and other family members will have an opportunity to try their hand (and feet) at some marching practice. There is a small fee ($2) at the gate, the Band Boosters will be selling water, Stadium Chairs,Blue Jay Fleece Blankets, and Window Clings.
Waseca Band BoosterAnnual Family Picnic
You are invited to the Waseca Band BoosterAnnual Family Picnic.
When: Saturday August 23rdat 5:30 pm
Where: the Clear Lake Park Pavilion
What/ Why: The Booster Picnic is our big family get-together. It is a great way to meet the Marching band Staff, the Drum Majors, the students, the Band Booster Board, and other families. There will be a short Band Booster Meeting with important information about the upcoming year and sign-ups for volunteer opportunities. This is the official meeting of all the Boosters for the year and we need to have everyone there. It is also a casual potluck. Freshman families are to bring a main dish, Sophomores - salad, fruit Juniors - dessert, Seniors – Chips, veggies, munchies and your own plates and silverware. Beverages (water) will be provided. Be watching for your invitation/ reminder postcards coming in the mail soon. Don’t miss it!
Waseca Marching Jays at the Minnesota State Fair
On Sunday, Aug 24th, the Marching Jays will be marching in the 2:00pm Parade at the Minnesota State Fair. You can find a lot of information about the fair including discounts at: http://www.mnstatefair.org/
Parade Route - The 14-block parade route begins near the Haunted House, goes north on Cosgrove St., west on Randall Ave., and south on Underwood St. ending just south of the Haunted House. Parade units are announced at the Leinie Lodge Bandshell and the east side of Baldwin Park across from the Fine Arts Building.
Marching Band Competition -High school marching bands compete in the Minnesota State Fair Marching Band Competition sponsored by McDonald's during the State Fair Mall Parade. The judging area is located on Cosgrove St. between the northwest corner of the Administration Building and the south side of Dan Patch Ave.
State Fair Map –Attached are several State fair Maps that include the Marching Band Route as well as parking.
Bands Marching on Sunday Aug. 24
1. Stewartville High School
Stewartville, MN
2. Waseca High School
Waseca, MN
3. Spring Valley High School
Spring Valley, WI
4. Glenwood City High School
Glenwood City, WI
5. Rockford Area High Schools
Rockford, MN
Dad's Belgian Waffle Breakfast at Farmamerica.
Save the date for the Waseca Band fundraiser- Dad's Belgian Waffles at Farmamerica. This will be the Sunday of the Farmamerica Fall Fair. Your student will have tickets to sell and we are looking for volunteers to help serve the meal. Shifts are available from 8 am to 11 am and 10:30 am to 1:30 pm. It's a great breakfast and a good way to earn work credits. If you can help contact Robin Dulas (); 507-833-8164; 507-461-0314.
Go Marching Jays 2014!
Scott and Deb Markell
Waseca Band Boosters