Valley Ranch Elementary


Dear Parents,

We are excited to announce the start of the VRE Scrabble Club on Wednesday, September 7, 2016! This club will consist of 4th and 5th graders who love playing games and want to expand their vocabulary. Students will get a chance to compete with partners against classmates while learning spelling and math strategies. Students will also have an opportunity to compete against other Scrabble clubs in the area.

Scrabble meetings will be held on Wednesday afternoons from 3:00-3:45 in Mrs. Carmical’s room. Transportation will NOT be provided by the school and parents must arrive promptly at 4:00 to pick up students on the side of the school by the cafeteria. Students must have, and maintain passing grades and good conduct. Due to limited space, if students miss more than two consecutive meetings, their space may be forfeited to another student.

Students will need to bring a brad folder to be used for Scrabble to the first club meeting. This folder will hold handouts throughout the year as mini lessons on rules and strategies are taught. The folder will need to be brought to every meeting.

We will order Scrabble t-shirts to wear to school on Wednesday, and to the tournament to show our team spirit. Please use the attached form to order your child’s t-shirt. T-Shirts are $10 (cash only). All orders are due by September 21, 2016.

We look forward to an exciting year!


Mrs. Carmical

(281) 577-8760 ext. 3999

Mrs. Nash

(281)577-8760 ext. 3936

Valley Ranch Elementary


Membership Application Form

Student Name: ______Grade: _____ Homeroom Teacher: ______

*Good grades and conduct are a requirement of the Scrabble Club*

List your current grades:

Grade / Conduct / Teacher Signature
Social Studies
Language Arts

Please return this form to Mrs. Carmical or Mrs. Nash

Parent/Guardian (s) Name (s): ______

Home Phone: ______Work Phone: ______Cell Phone: ______

Other Phone: ______

Parent’s Email: ______

People allowed to pick student up: ______


If person is not on this list, they will not be allowed to take the student home.

Permission for student to access the internet during Scrabble Club while supervised by a teacher:

Yes No

Permission for student’s picture to be taken during Scrabble Club activities and competitions:

Yes No

Parent/Guardian Signature: ______Date: ______

Student Signature ______Date: ______

*Please note that there are limited spaces in the Scrabble Club. If you miss more than two consecutive meetings your space may be forfeited to another student. *

Valley Ranch Elementary


T-Shirt Order Form

Please complete and return the following. Please enclose $10 (cash only). All orders are due by September 21, 2016.

Player’s Name: ______Grade: ______

T Shirt Size Youth: Small ______Medium ______Large ______

Adult: Small ______Medium ______Large ______

X-Large ______2XL (add $2) ______3XL (add $3) ______

Enclosed $ ______CASH CHECK