SBLBSHP Board Meeting Minutes

Wednesday,January11, 2017 from 7 pm to 8:30 pm

Kaiser Permanente South Bay Medical Center, Conference Rm B1 & B2

Teleconference No: 888-643-7185, access code: 6924498#

Presenter / Topics / Action Item/Notes
Welcome/Introductions and Announcements
President (Tim) /
  • Minutes – Review and approval meeting minutes (None to approve)
  • Minutes need to be sent to CSHP office and SBLB Webmaster
/ Meeting called to order at 7:03pm
New Business (Elected Officers)
President (Tim) /
  • Board transition for 2017
  • Review election results (See document)
  • Review 2017 Board (See document)
  • All 2017 meeting rooms reserved
  • 1/11, 2/8, 3/8, 4/12, 5/10, 6/14, 7/12, 8/9, 9/13, 10/11, 11/8, 12/13
  • 2017 Award Nominations (See attachment)
/ 2017 Board review
-By May 2017, we will know how many delegates we get
-Legal affairs chair is still vacant; Matt to work on it
-Tim suggests to touch-base with co-chairs to discuss plans for 2017
-Room reserved for all 2017 meeting dates. Matt will let us know if any changes are made to meetings
-2017 awards & deadlines posted on CSHP website. Tim and Matt will discuss which awards to pursue for next year
-Affiliate Chapter President (ACP) meeting on Saturday, 2/11/17. Matt will attend
-Tim will be emailing CSHP office to inform them of the board changes after 1/20/17
President-Elect (Matt) / Will work on the 2017 budget with Rosalin and discuss more at the next meeting
Immediate Past President (Cindy) / Nothing to report
Secretary (Angela) / Nothing to report
Treasurer (Rosalin) / 2016 Budget/finance review:
  • Expenses = under budget
  • Revenue = under estimate
  • Total 2016 finances = Positive
/ -Majority of expenses and revenues come from NWI, leadership breakfast, and half-day programs
-We were under budget for all programs in 2016
-Room for improvement - could work on increasing revenue
-Some revenue hasn’t come in yet (i.e. chapter rebate)
-Challenge: it is becoming increasingly competitive to secure vendors for events. We are only getting half of vendors that we used to get.
-Overall, 2016 was a positive year
-Of note, we didn’t do the fall 2016 social event that we had budgeted for
Director (Bill/Steve) / Per Steve – thank you for voting for him for CSHP president-elect, however, he didn’t win. Please congratulate MirtaMilares for being elected as the director
Delegates/Alternate Delegates / Nothing to report
New Business (Appointed Officers)
(Joanne/Leslie) / Set a deadline for these articles by 2/1/17 (3 weeks from January BOD meeting) with the goal to publish the newsletter by late February.
  • President’s Message - Matt
  • Recap: Night With Industry 2017@ Shade hotel - Cindy/Pauline/Julie
  • Mentorship update - Angela/Helena/Jennifer
  • Graduating mentees, thank mentors for volunteering
  • New mentor-mentee pairs
  • Upcoming social event advertisement
  • Recap: December festive board meeting - Volunteer?
  • Pictures
  • Recap: Long Beach Rescue Mission Project - Scott/Sandy/Sophie
  • (12/2) Diet
  • Recap: Education dinners - Angela/Billie
  • (10/4) Heart Failure at 555 steak house
  • (11/2) Polycythemia at Flemings
  • Student Representative Update - Lyndsie/Sophie/Dan
  • Thank SBLB for events that were sponsored
  • E.g. CSHP/CPhA luncheon, Meet the Directors, Legislative Day
  • Membership update -
  • Remind family/friends to renew membership
**Any additional article suggestions? / Cindy suggests to create 2 versions of newsletter:
-For members – contain financial report
-For website – omit financial report
Communications chairs to work with Rosalin to put together 2 separate newsletters.
Tim will write the article on the festive board meeting in December.
Clinical Affairs
(Cindy/Ros/Lauren/JR) / Rosalin got 2 checks from vendors for the installation
Educational/Industry Affairs
(Angela/Billie) / 2016 event schedule draft:
February: Educational Dinner – Hep C Harvoni (2/24/16)
March: Educ Dinner- No event
April: Educ Dinner – Xtandi (4/12/16)
May: WSC CE Presentations (2 events)
June: Educ Dinner – 6/8/16 Ibrutinib (Imbruvica)
July: Educ Dinner – 7/20/16 – The Depot
August: Educ Dinner – None
September: Educ Dinner – None (Had leadership breakfast)
October: Educ Dinner – 10/4/16 Heart Failure @ 555 steak house
November: Educ Dinner – 11/2/16 Polycythemia @ Flemings
December: None / 2017 plan reviewed
Specific dates & venues not yet set for February and March educational dinners.
Clinical Affairs to send event information to Educational/Industry Affairs as early as possible for CAPE accreditation
Angela Jeong thanks Billie Gomes for her co-chairing the position in 2016
Legal Affairs (Daniel) / No report
Membership(Dan) /
  • Membership Updates:
  • No December membership report
  • Following up on membership rebate checks (Last check in June 2016)
/ Tim reporting on behalf of Dan.
Got a lot of renewals in the past month as many memberships expired in December. Expect the next membership report to have more members
Lisa suggests reporting to CSHP office if 5% off promo code made difference in member renewal.
Feedback: 5% off promo code came out little too later after many members already renewed
Rebate checks – haven’t received one since June 2016. CSHP office explains some chapters may have received too much rebate so they are trying to sort it out.
Mentorship Program (Angela) /
  • 2016 Mentorship program update
-Started with 18 mentor-mentee pairs, 16 mentees successfully completed the program
-5 mentees RSVP’d so far for the NWI
  • 2017 Mentorship program update
-21 mentor-mentee pairs
-First email went out
-Potential social date: Fridays – 2/10, 2/17, 2/24, 3/3, 3/10
-Reasonable budget? / $1000 budgeted for mentorship program in 2016; mentorship committee members to discuss how to spend this money
-Pay for parking for mentees attending NWI
-Gifts for mentees & mentors
Social Event – will pick a Friday and look for a venue. Will propose a budget at the next month’s meeting.
Public Relations
(Scott) / 1. Long Beach Rescue Mission (LBRM) Project
  • Teach classes on chronic diseases (Healthy Heart Fridays)
  • Every other month, 1 hour each class, 4 classes for 2016
  • Schedule:
  • 6/3/16 (Diabetes) - DONE
  • 8/5/16 (Dyslipidemia) - DONE
  • 10/7/16 (Smoking Cessation) - DONE
  • 12/2/16 (Diet) – UPDATE
/ Update on 12/2/16 education session: it was a huge success with 40+ attendees. USC students did a good job.
Held total of 5 classes in 2016. Scott is currently working with Sophie (USC student) for 2017 classes to be held every other month. Adding classes on pain management and prescription medication abuse.
USC/PDC students are hosting a health fair at LBRM on 4/2/17; will need 8-10 preceptors.
Clarification on whether preceptors need their own malpractice insurance: USC HIGHLY recommends getting one as the school will not cover for what happens under preceptors’ supervision at health fairs
Consider applying for CSHP PR award
(Cindy/Pauline/Julie) /
  • UPDATE: NWI 2017
  • 1/20/16 (Friday) @ Shade hotel Redondo Beach
  • Ocean/Nautical theme
  • CSHP President Vicky Ferraresi will be doing the installation
  • POY Award
/ Fewer headcount (60 vs 90) and vendors (5 vs 11) compared to the last year. Will need to get more vendor contacts at the seminar for next year’s NWI.
Site visit yesterday went well and everything seems ready to go.
Food: Italian Buffet
Alcohol: 24 beers on tap, wine, and soft drink. Drinks will be covered by the chapter.
Dress code: Semi-formal
Raffle prizes: Grand prize will be a pair of Disneyland tickets. Other prizes are TBD based on the final invoice from the venue.
Center pieces: Floral center pieces ordered and will be delivered
Parking: $15/car
-Chapter will reimburse for student volunteers and mentees
-Historically, chapter has not paid for parking for members attending
AV equipment: Sandy will bring speakers and mic from USC. Screen and projector will be provided by the venue.
Pauline, Cindy La, and Julie will emcee
Steve Thompson will be in attendance to present this year’s POY award
Contingency plan in case of rain: there is an indoor space that we can relocate to, however, will cost $200 additional fee to move the bar and will only have 4 craft beers instead of 24.
Budget: Currently under budget ($10000 set-aside for NWI). Minimum food requirement = $6200 + tax/service charge = est. $8000. Rest of budget to be used for raffle prizes, plaques, certificates, gifts, etc.
To do:
-Social chairs to send detailed information to NWI attendees regarding dress code and parking
-Go over the script
-Tim needs to send the script to Vicky Ferraresi ahead of time.
(Amanda) / SBLBSHP Website ( / Tim has been uploading the minutes to the website
CSHP Liason
(Lisa) / No update
Technician Liason
Student Liaisons / Western (Dan Nguyen)
USC (Lyndsie Okumura/Sophie Cheng) / USC students reporting:
New requirement for 1st & 2nd years – attend at least 1 CSHP/CPhA meeting per semester.
-Suggest have a cap of 10 students per meeting.
-Students can RSVP through Sophie Cheng who will inform the chapter regarding their planned attendance
Student involvement in Kaiser Permanente drug take-back day; Tim and Matt to discuss with students later
Email Lyndsie/Sophie if interested in attending any of these events:
1)Local CSHP/CPhA dinner – 3/22/17
2)LA Regional Food Bank Volunteer with Skull & Mortar – 2/4/17, 8:30am-12pm.
End Meeting
Roundtable / 2/1/17 Addendum
-Two financial additions to the budget were voted on via email by the BOD after the January BOD meeting had adjourned
  • SBLBSHP New Table Runner - $100 addition to Clinical Affairs budget - APPROVED
  • Mentorship Social (Angela Lee) - $1500 - PENDING

Motion to Adjourn / 8:15pm
Next meeting: /
  • 2/8/16 (Wednesday)

Meeting Attendees
In person / Tim Chou, Angela Lee, Matt Kamada, Cindy La, Julie La, Leslie Tanaka, Billie Gomes, Joanne Lin, Helena Lau, Jennifer Fong, Pauline Phan
On phone / Lisa Lum, Lauren Epperson, RosalinPrechakul, Cindy Odegard, Jenny Wan, Scott Harada, Angela Jeong
Students / Liana So, Jody Gotoc, Lyndsie Okumura, Sandy On