JUNE 20, 2010 and SEPTEMBER 12, 2010

Open Date: 5/4/2010 Open Date: 7/27/2010
Close Date: 6/1/2010Close Date: 8/31/2010

USEF Endorsed/USEA Recognized: PT,N,T,BN

SEND ENTRIES TO: Melanie O’Neill, 6251 Stump RoadPipersville, PA18947 (215) 766-7107


Org: BucksCountyHorsePark Organizing Committee

OFFICIALS:TD – Pat Mansfield-r, MD, PGJ –June, Cynthia Mancini, r – NY, Sept, Eileen Pritchard-Bryan,R - MD

EVENT FEES: Event Fees Directory – see individual section for details. Draw checks to BCHP. Entry: P/T,T/N: $125.00; BN: $110.00 (section 1) Stabling: $30.00 (section 5) Muck fee: $25.00 (section 5)

1) ENTRIES: Entry fee includes a $20 non-refundable office fee. Double entries: Accepted. BN competitors who are not USEA members must pay extra $25 with entry. Fee of $25 charged for changes/additions after closing date. Prelim fees do not apply to P/T Refunds: Before C.D-Entry/Stabling less $20; After C.D-No refund. Competition cancellation-No refund. Neg. Coggins required within 12 months for all horses.

2) TENTATIVE SCHEDULE: Sat: Cross-country course open-3 pm. Sun: Dressage-8 am, Cross-country-10 am; Show Jumping-Noon.

3) AWARDS: 8 ribbons/division. Dressage: 6 ribbons per division. Special awards: closest to cross-country time, horse park member awards-include member number.

4) STARTING TIMES: Available 6/24,by email, send request to , or on or (215) 766-7107

5) STABLING/VETERINARIAN: Off-site. $30/night. $25 cleaning deposit. Stall doors & initial bedding provided. Hay/feed/bedding available for purchase. Veterinarian: Quakertown Vet Clinic 215-536-2726

6) ACCOMMODATIONS: Plumsteadville Inn-8.8 mi. (215) 766-7500. Hampton Inn-17.8 mi. (215) 536-7779. Best Western-17.8 mi. (215) 536-2500. Court House Motel Inn 14.6 mi.

7) DIRECTIONS: Address: 8934 Easton Rd., Revere, PA18953 From North/West (also NY, NJ): I-78 to Easton; Follow Rt. 611 South thru Raubsville, Riegelsville, Kintnersville, to traffic signal in Ferndale. BCHP is exactly 1 mi. south of traffic signal, on right. From Philadelphia/South: Rt. 611 North thru Doylestown, Plumsteadville, Ottsville. Traffic signal at junction of Rt. 412, stay Rt. 611 North. HorsePark is 2.3 mi. on left. From Central NJ: US Rt. 202 South to Rt. 413 North, to Rt. 611 North, continue as above.

8) DRESSAGE: Test & arena sizes: PT- 2010 USEF Preliminary Test A-Sm. T-2010 USEF Training Test A-Sm. N-2010 USEF Novice Test A -Sm. BN-2010 USEF Beginner Novice Test B-Sm. Arenas: Screenings and sand.

9) CROSS-COUNTRY: PT- 2400 m @ 470 mpm T-2400 m @ 450 mpm. N-2000 m @ 375 mpm. BN-2000 m @ 350 mpm, max. height 2´7". All courses- Solid courses at each level. Varied terrain, wood & fields, hills & flat. Check website for status of water. . P/T uses T xc course, will have several Preliminary questions at Training height. P/T show jumping full Preliminary level.

10) OTHER INFORMATION: Cross-country open for schooling, until June 11 - $35. Levels may be divided/combined as entries warrant; state preferences under the Eligible Section and birth date on entry. Food on grounds. No mechanized vehicles on cross-country Dogs must be leashed. Check entry status at Correct mistakes by closing date or be charged the change fee. Day of show phone - 267-337-4159