: X1, Matieland, 7602 : (021) 808 4679 : (021) 808 4897

(Please complete in full)

1. / Name of organisation :
2. / Postal address :
Code :
3. / Nature/purpose of meeting :
4. / Date of meeting :
5. / Duration of meeting : / From : / To :
6. / In the case of a sponsored meeting, please give particulars of advertising material that will be displayed :
7. / Date of preparation of facilities : / From : / To :
Name of person in charge of preparation :
Telephone numbers : / (W) : / (H) :
8. / Undertaking by applicant :
I have familiarised myself with the terms and conditions pertaining to the use of the facilities of the University as stated below.
The hirer will be held accountable for the orderly progression of the function and for any damage to University property due to the function. The Sports Bureau reserves the right to recover the costs of repairing damage to or for cleaning the University facility from the hirer. The costs will be recovered from the hirer’s deposit, and the balance, if any, will be paid back at the discretion of the Sports Bureau, after inspection of the facility.
I also understand that the University is not liable for any damage resulting from any flaw or defect in the buildings or equipment, that the University is not liable for any damage to or loss of anything admitted to the premises, brought here or left here and that the University can, without advancing any reasons, cancel the booking at any time.
I undertake to pay the rental and deposit (where applicable) for the facilities and extras as requested on the date determined by the Sports Bureau.
8.1 / Initials and surname :
8.2 / Title :
8.3 / Capacity :
8.4 / Postal address :
8.5 / Telephone : / (W) : / (H) :
Cell phone : / Fax :
A deposit of R500/R5 000 is payable as soon as your application is approved.
