
[MP name]

[MP address]

Dear [MP name],

Send My Friend to School: Every Child Needs a Teacher

In 2000, world leaders promised that every child in the world would complete a quality education by 2015, but time is running out. For every child in the world to get a good education 1.7 million more trained teachers are desperately needed.

This year [insert school name] is taking part in Send My Friend to School. This is being organised by the Global Campaign for Education, the world’s largest children’s campaign.

[insert name of school] is one of thousands of schools in the UK that is taking part in the Send My Friend to School. We have been creating ideal teacher cut-outs to highlight the inspirational work of teachers around the world. We have been… [give details of your school’s Send My Friend to School activities, e.g. How many pupils are involved? What have pupils been doing to support Send My Friend (in the classroom, assembly, special events etc? You could insert a quote from one of the children’s messages].

To show our commitment to the right of all children to receive a free, primary education, we are sending you the work we have done and are asking that you pass this on to the Prime Minister to remind him and other world leaders to keep their promise on education.

We would like to invite you to come to our school [insert invitation details eg to attend our event on (xxx) date) / to hear from our students about what they have learnt through their involvement in the campaign].

Yours sincerely etc

[Checklist of details to include in your letter:

·  What the school is doing or going to do as part of the campaign.

·  What the school would like the MP to do on the visit, how long it will last etc.

·  Mention any possible press attendance or press releases.

·  Named contact at school with telephone number and/or e-mail address.]