Village of Hamilton

Airport/Airpark Commission

Regular Meeting of September 10, 2012

4:15pm., Airport


Present: Chairman Carl Albrecht; Commissioners: Roger Rowlett, Art Steneri, and Harvey Kliman; Administrator Sean Graham; Trustee Dominick Pangallo

Public Present: None

Chairman Albrecht called the meeting to order at 4:18pm.

Approval of Agenda: Approved as written

Approval of Minutes: Regular Meeting of August 6, 2012: Several changes were requested:

1.  Correct spelling of Rennselear to Rensselear under Fuel Pricing

2.  Hangar Door-add escrow and fund balance after the words two accounts

3.  Financial Report/Budget-second sentence change JetA to 100LL

A motion was made by Commissioner Steneri to accept the minutes as corrected. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Rowlett and carried.

Public Comment: None. Bob Pils has expressed an interest in coming to meetings, but was not present at the meeting today.


Security Substation: Administrator Graham reported that bids are out and will be opened on September 21. There is a walk through with the contractors scheduled for September 11th at 11am for the Security Improvement Project and 1pm for the Security Substation Project. A recommendation from the APC will need to go to the Board of Trustees.

Marketing of the Airpark: No report. One hundred and fifty-one surveys have been collected. Commissioners Steneri and Kliman will begin to analyze the data and will report back to the Commission.

Fuel Pricing: A packet was distributed to each Commissioner to review and discuss. Administrator Graham explained that the worksheet shows the way fuel prices have been determined. In the past the total purchase price was divided by the total number of gallons which gives the purchase price. Then 8% was added in, then the mark up of $.60. After talking to Rick Bargabos, Administrator Graham feels we should have been taking the purchase price per gallon, add in mark up, then add the 8%, and then add the taxes. Treasurer Henderson has put in a request for a refund with NYS of $14,366.66 for JetA and $9,439.30 for 100LL (sales tax prepaid). What should be done with the refund was discussed. Commissioner Rowlett stated this has nothing to do with the taxes; it has to do with our pricing. Staying competitive with our pricing is crucial to the Airport.

Web Site Committee: Commissioner Watkins stated that work continues on developing content. Contacting Zach Staff at McFarland Johnson and Kip Hicks from the IDA was suggested by Administrator Graham. Matt Turcott from North Shore Solutions has given a quote of $500.00 to link this group of subpages to the Village website. Final approval will be up to the Board of Trustees.


Financial Report/Budget: The Airport monthly reports were distributed. Revenue is at 34%, expenses at 29%.

Hillman Extension: The Commission discussed what the next step should be with Mr. Hillman. Having him bring in engineered plans or starting some site work was discussed. The Commission determined not to impose any conditions on Mr. Hillman. The extension was granted. Mr. Hillman will be reminded that the extensions will not be granted indefinitely. Trustee Pangallo will bring to the Trustees.

Brink Purchase Offer: Steve Brink has expressed an interest in two acres at the Airpark. Having deed restrictions was agreed to by the Commissioners. Commissioner Kliman stated that conditions could be put in the subdivision requirements. The Commissioners gave the okay for Mr. Brink to do the preliminary survey at his expense.

Airport Assessment: Administrator Graham stated he agrees an assessment is a good idea. Commissioner Rowlett has emailed the Commissioners several questions regarding the fuel rebate, stats on renters, policies, and leases. Chairman Albrecht asked how flying activity is determined. The answer is fuel sales. Commissioner Rowlett would like the fuel sheets from each hangar/pilot to see if the rebate policy has had any impact. Administrator Graham will have those sheets emailed to Commissioner Rowlett within the next two months.

Lease Renewal: The leases are not up for renewal until 2013.

Bassett Healthcare: Administrator Graham stated he has heard from a gentleman by the name of Dave Karl who has once again claimed to be interested in property at the Airpark. Administrator Graham told him that the property is still available and to get back to him when they have definite plans.

Claims: Were reviewed by Commissioner Steneri.

Next Meeting will be October 11, 2012, at 4:00pm, at the Airport.

Adjournment: There being no other business to come before the Commission, Commissioner Steneri made a motion to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Watkins and carried. The meeting was adjourned at 5:15pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Kim Taranto