Unit 3, Lesson 1: Through Grandpa’s Eyes

Intervention Passage: “Joyce Writes a Good Story”

Word Knowledge

1: Soo Lin Joyce Howard Shawn

2: thought avoid garden watering

3: caught practice voice choice

4: frown something afraid tomorrow

Comprehension Strategy: Summarizing

Comprehension Questions:

1.  What was Joyce’s problem in the story?

2.  Summarize what happened to Joyce during the first chapter, “A Good Idea.”

3.  What did Joyce finally decide to write about?

4.  What was Joyce afraid to do?

5.  Summarize the second chapter of the story, “Joyce in Class.”

Unit 3, Lesson 2: The Cat Who Became a Poet

Intervention Passage: “Queen Kit”

Word Knowledge

1: Queen Kit Conrad Pete Ned Tom

2: surprise tripped tasty spilled dressmaker

3: purring upset subjects flying bright

4: treat smile mean right glum

Comprehension Strategy: Asking Questions

Comprehension Questions:

1.  Why was the queen glum?

2.  What did each of the queen subjects do to make the queen smile?

3.  How did the queen’s subjects surprise the queen?

4.  What went wrong when the subjects presented their gifts to the queen?

5.  What happened that made the queen smile?

Unit 3, Lesson 3: A Cloak for the Dreamer

Intervention Passage: “Dead as a Dodo, Bald as an Eagle”

Word Knowledge

1: Dutch Americans United States Earth Indian Ocean

2: Africa eagle dodo turkey ruin

3: island factories picture hundred settlers

4: perhaps extinct decided learning trouble

Comprehension Strategy: Monitoring and Clarifying

Comprehension Questions:

1.  How did the dodo become extinct?

2.  Describe what a bald eagle looks like?

3.  How did the bald eagle get its name?

4.  What things happened to hurt the bald eagles?

5.  What did the Americans decide to do to help the bald eagles?

Unit 3, Lesson 4: Picasso

Intervention Passage: “Nesting and Burrowing Birds”

Word Knowledge

1: woodpecker Kakapo parrot prairie underground

2: tuatar a prion plover kookaburra termite

3: disorganized constructed deserted repeatedly

4: discarded uninvited prehistoric shorebird plentiful

Comprehension Strategy: Summarizing

Comprehension Questions:

1.  In what ways are all birds alike?

2.  Summarize all the different things birds need to make nests?

3.  Describe how a bee-eater makes a nest.

4.  What happens after a fairy prion makes its nest.

5.  Give an example of two different kinds of nests.

Unit 3, Lesson 5: The Emperor’s New Clothes

Intervention Passage: “The Frog Who Wanted to Fly”

Word Knowledge

1: Dan DeeLight Jane Triangle Ivan Pam My-Oh-My

2: brightened explained sighed smiled Sy Bly

3: tongue tightly delightful inviting

4: thought quiet perhaps scientist

Comprehension Strategy: Asking Questions

Comprehension Questions:

1.  Why did Ivan want to fly so badly?

2.  Why did Ivan go to see Jane Triangle?

3.  Who helped Ivan cross the pond?

4.  What things did Ivan’s friends tell him he could do well?

5.  Why did Frog change his mind at the end of the story and decide to dive

instead of fly?

Unit 3, Lesson 6: Roxaboxen

Intervention Passage: “Whales”

Word Knowledge

1: mammals humans California creatures minutes

2: communicate differently frequently shrimplike

3: continue protected survive thrived hunting

4: baleen underwater elephants orcas frightened

Comprehension Strategy: Asking Questions

Comprehension Questions:

1.  How are whales and fish different?

2.  How are whales similar to humans?

3.  What is the first thing a baby whale does after it is born?

4.  What does a whale do when it needs fresh air?

5.  Describe a blue whale and what it can do.

6.  Why are blue whales in danger?

Unit 5 Lesson 1 A Story A Story

Intervention Passage: “How Tigers Got Their Stripes”

Word Knowledge

1: Thailand stripes rainy seasons caused

2: raft stored built palm baskets

3: golden explained heavy flood neighbors

4: weigh worry quickly tricked twisted

Comprehension Strategy: Clarifying

Comprehension Questions:

1. What do you think rainy seasons are? How can we figure this out?

2. Can you clarify the meaning of “palm stems” by using context clues?

3. What does the tiger mean when he says he is not a mouse?

4. Why does the basket maker think the tiger needs a raft?

5. Why did the tiger become furious with the basket maker?

6. What makes this story a folktale?

Unit 5 Lesson 2 Oral History

Intervention Passage: “Why Corn Is Yellow”

Comprehension Strategy: Clarifying

Word Knowledge

1: Mexico Eduardo morning watched golden

2: flowers shine fields rested wondered

3: followed walked sank started reached

4: tumbled flowed cried remembered smiled

1. Clarify the phase “the sun wakes the flowers”.

2. Clarify the phrase, “he saw the sun tell the sky good night”.

3. When the author states that Eduardo saw a “gold flame light the water”, is he talking about real fire?

4. Why did Eduardo say, “that’s what I get for taking it”?

5. How did corn become yellow like the sun?

6. What makes this story a folktale?

Unit 5 Lesson 3 Storm in the Night

Intervention Passage: “Tall Tales”

Comprehension Strategy: Making Connections

Word Knowledge

1: Native Americans Pacific Coast totem pole

2: salmon carved carving imagination figures

3: chief album painted lifted standing

4: important usually bottom carefully shoulders

1. If you didn’t have a written language, how would you tell future generations about your life?

2. How would you portray your family on a totem pole?

3. Do you or your family have anything in your home that tells the story of your family? Describe what these things are and what stories they tell. You may want to include family photo albums, work from school that you have saved, and videos or movies of your family.

4. Describe how a totem pole is made.

Unit 5 Lesson 4 Carving the Pole

Intervention Passage: “The Giant’s Bridge”

Comprehension Strategy: Visualizing

Word Knowledge

1: Ireland Causeway Finn MacCoul Scotland Finn Gall

2: giant lava steppingstones thought

3: finished tired found fight bridge

4: clever believe whatever crossed

1. Visualize the two giants that lived in Scotland and Ireland. Describe what you think they looked like. You may draw a picture of what you are visualizing.

2. Imagine how Finn MacCoul’s wife felt and the expression on her face when Finn Gall showed up at her door. Describe what you are visualizing.

3. Describe your image of Finn Gall pulling up the stones in the ocean road as he ran back to Scotland.

Unit 5 Lesson 5 The Keeping Quilt

Intervention Passage: Charles Dickens and the Little Children

Comprehension Strategy: Asking Questions

Word Knowledge

1: Charles Mexico Eduardo morning watched golden

2: flowers shine fields rested wondered

3: followed walked sank started reached

4: tumbled flowed cried remembered smiled

1. Clarify the phase “the sun wakes the flowers”.

2. Clarify the phrase, “he saw the sun tell the sky good night”.

3. When the author states that Eduardo saw a “gold flame light the water”, is he talking about real fire?

4. Why did Eduardo say, “that’s what I get for taking it”?

5. How did corn become yellow like the sun?

6. What makes this story a folktale?