MET creation through EIS Collection.


Ø  Full legal given names only.

Ø  Date of birth entered as year-month-day

After data is entered into admin package (Maplewood, etc), create a demographic file from your administrative package and save the file to your desktop. If the school is just using EIS Collection the instructions on how to set up the school information and enter student data is under the Help section - Manual of EIS Collection.

Open EIS Collection.

Ø  Click on student – import – demographics

Ø  A new box opens up – “Import Demographic File (20?? academic year)”

Ø  Make sure perform validation box is checked.

Ø  Enter the location and name of the file to be imported. Press “select this file”, then press “import”.

Ø  Correct any errors EIS Collection finds.

Ø  To generate demographic file in EIS to be submitted to Student Records so they may generate the MET numbers do the following:

Ø  Open EIS Collection.

Ø  Click on student – export – demographics

Ø  A new box opens up – “Create Demographics Export File (academic year should be current academic year)”

Ø  Make sure perform validation box is checked.

Ø  The file/name path should be directed to the desktop for easy retrieval. The path should likely read C:\user\username\desktop\schoolnumberdem.asc. The file created should include your school number. An example is 1969dem.asc

Ø  This is the file you will be sending into Student Records.

To send the file to Student Records the schools need to be set up on the transfer website.

The transfer website - needs a contact person, school email, phone number and approval from principal if the contact person is not the principal. Contact Joanne Zimmer at with the information. She will return the email with the user name and password and instructions to put up the demographic file and then later how to retrieve the MET file and to import the file into EIS Collection.