Marlon Ivan Moreno

Jefe de Servicio al Cliente

Grupo Calleja

Prlongacion 59 Av

Sur y Calle El Progreso #2934

San Salvador

El Salvador

Dear Marlon:

The idea and most economical plan for Grupo Calleja is the 3 year service culture plan. This is the buffet plan that allows you to have as much as you want, as fast as you want with NO limits.. You need to add all office, warehouse and security guards in addition to all store personnel so all employees impacting service are included.

The objective for Grupo Calleja should be to increase market share, sales, and profits through a customer service strategy. It is the only marketing strategy your competition will not copy.

Three-Year Service Culture
This investment covers unlimited usage of Service Quality Institute's programs each year. Grupo Calleja can select in any order of priority any three versions they want to use each year. It includes facilitating for management programs, Train-the-Trainer fees, all product, and free replacement materials to cover employee turnover. We have also added free Customer Service Certification Seminar registrations in Minneapolis, Minnesota. The savings are significant with the 3 year service culture plan.Customization, personalization, Coschando, The Customer is Boss, Loyal for Life BSP book, e-Service, travel and shipping costs are not included. SQI will try to do as much duplication and printing in El Salvador to keep shipping costs to a minimum.
This plan is for organizations serious about a culture change. The all-inclusive pricing is based solely on the number of employees, regardless of number of locations. Each year we review the number of employees to adjust the agreement.Service Quality Institute will work with you to maximize success. All Service Quality Institute technical support over the life of the agreement is included in the price. This includes unlimited access by phone and email with John Tschohl.A three-year agreement needs to be signed.

5000 employees $36.00 per person $3.00per month
John Tschohl Service Strategy Kickoff Seminar
John Tschohl can be used to drive the service strategy in a one

day seminar for your top 400 -800 executives, managers and leaders. There is no limit to the number of participants you can have attend the seminar. EWong in Peru has him do 2,800 people a day. His seminar will be customized to Grupo Calleja. The $20,000 speaking fee is waived. Grupo Calleja is only responsible for travel expenses. The speaking fee will be reduced to $15,000 a day for future events because of the service culture plan.

Leading Empowered Teams for Service Quality is for everyone in a leadership position. Includes in-house facilitation implementation by SQI. This will include at least 500 people.
Attaining Excellence is for employees in a leadership position. Includes in-house facilitation by SQI. This will include at least 500 people.

FEELINGS Customer Care for Supermarkets is for the total workforce. Facilitator material provided. The video is also available on DVD and CD. Grupo Calleja can have many sets as they need. Every facilitator receives a leader guide. Train-the-Trainer seminars are included. Each employee receives a participant kit. Training must be conducted every 60 to 90 days for new employees. With your employee turnover rate you need to train each month about 150 new employees. Service Quality Institute provides all materials regardless of employee turnover. We suggest a minimum of 135 facilitators so each store, warehouse and corporate office has at least 2 facilitators. With 260 facilitators they will only have to facilitate two groups of 10-15 participants. The office and warehouse will use the Feelings Quality Service First Time Every Time version.
BAD (Buck-A-Day) Cost Reduction Campaign is for everyone. Service Quality Institute provides all materials and support. Software to measure the results is included.

Loyal for Life, a Service Recovery program shows employees how to take a customer from hell to heaven in 60 seconds or less when Grupo Calleja makes a mistake. It is built on service recovery and empowerment.
Exceptional Service for Supermarkets is for the total workforce. Includes all materials for facilitators and participants. Train-the-Trainer seminars are included. The Warehouse and office will use the service retail version.
Good Idea Campaign on Quality and Customer Satisfaction is for everyone. Service Quality Institute provides all materials and support. Software is included to measure the results.
Service First Video Library: Grupo Calleja receives as many sets as needed. We suggest the introduction be personalized with your President on the front of Session One with a 60-90 second introduction. Grupo Calleja ideally needs at least 70 sets. It has supermarket vignettes throughout the 12 videos.

BAD-is-Back Cost Reduction Campaign should be used in the third year for everyone. Service Quality Institute provides all materials and support.
Grupo Calleja is responsible for all shipping, travel expenses, personalization and customization fees if required.
All video is also available in DVD and CD

Detailed Breakdown
I have enclosed a detailed breakdown of the Training for the next 36 months. You save about 50% with the 3 year service culture and buffet plan. The investment is per position so there is NO charge for materials for employee turnover.
1. Leading Empowered Teams
We will train about 500 managers, supervisors and leaders in 17 different groups of about 30 people each This is a 2 day seminar. The seminars will be over an 8 week time period. Ideally you want the training done throughout El Salvador by our facilitators to keep travel costs to a minimum. Travel costs by SQI are additional.

We provide the facilitator and all materials. Grupo Calleja provides the locations, lunch and coffee etc. This can be anywhere in El Salvador.

This program will help your executives, managers, supervisors and department heads to learn how to look at Grupo Calleja to remove gaps and develop a service strategy. To help Grupo Calleja become the most customer driven supermarket in El Salvador. It will also teach empowerment, teamwork and how to coach an empowered and high performing workforce. In most organizations most employees do NOT feel loved or appreciated. Employees are driven by recognition and being valued and appreciated. It is critical that every leader master this skill which is taught in Leading Empowered Teams. Empowerment will be the backbone on of your serviced strategy. Leaders must celebrate empowerment and learn how to confront it when not used.
We suggest you also train everyone you are thinking about developing and promoting to a leadership position. Ideally this could be another 100 leaders. All of this is included in the $36 fee per person per year for 3 years. We suspect you will also have another new 30 -60 leaders each year that should go through Leading Empowered Teams.
John Tschohl's book, Achieving Excellence Through Customer Service, is part of the program. Each participant receives a copy in Spanish.
2. Feelings Customer Care for Supermarkets
We will conduct 10 two day Train the Trainer Seminars for at least 260 facilitators. We create ownership by having a lot of facilitators. With 5000 employees in 70 locations it is important to conduct the training on site to reduce travel expenses and time. Many employees at Grupo Calleja do not have their own cars. The skills needed for facilitators are enthusiasm, peer respect and customer service role models. Title is NOT important. Each facilitator will be asked over 1-2 months to conduct 2 groups of 12- 15 participants each.
Keep the size of the participants low for maximum discussion and experiential learning. We will teach the facilitators to NEVER answer a question. The Train the Trainer seminar is designed to make them feel comfortable with the training and let them practice the facilitating. Our material is idiot proof and goof proof but no one believes this. You want a diversifed group of facilitators. Identify janitors, security guards, cashiers, product, meat, bakery, baggers and role models from every work position you have. You should be developing hundreds of leaders within Grupo Calleja to drive the service strategy.
We want to create and build at least 260 champions who will drive the service strategy. When a person has to do the training they are forced to master the ideas even more than the participants. By using role models the service strategy message becomes more believable. The last thing you want to do is have only a few people training 5000 people. All employees regardless of position with NO exception must go through Feelings Customer Care for Supermarkets.
Each session of Feelings is 3-4 hours long. Sessions are once a week. Can be done any time of the day or week. It should be conducted on site so no travel is needed.

SQI will use another version of Feelings called Quality Service First Time Every Time for office and warehouse employees.
We provide all materials listed below and Grupo Calleja provides the meeting room, monitor and DVD or video equipment.
Facilitator Material
I recommenced Grupo Calleja have a minimum of 60 Facilitator kits with video, CD or DVD with leader guides.

Leader Guides for Additional Facilators
I suggested each facilitator have his own leader guide to mark up and use. If you want more facilitators at the larger locations they should have their own leader guide for facilitating. There is no limit and no fee for any of these materials.
We suggest you have the President on the back cover of the book and on the front of the video for 90 seconds. Have your CEO filmed on site talking from a Grupo Calleja store. Grupo Calleja is responsible for providing high quality digital video for the master and camera ready art work for the book. We charge our out of pocket wholesale cost for any customization work.
I suggest the following. The final invoice will be whatever the vendor charges us. Grupo Calleja provides camera ready art work.
Edit of Video $125
Book 4 color cover $995
Certificate of Completion $225 2 color

Video & DVD jacket and face labels. $300
I suggest we customize all print materials so it has Grupo Calleja logos and colors. This is a marketing tool that lets your President communicate to 5000 people that he values them, loves them and wants them to take care of customers. They are only interested in what is in it for them. Feelings is very strong on building people from within. Our goal is to motivate employees to higher performance and to master customer service. We use Feelings as a tool to increase performance, morale and teamwork.

Feelings Customer Care Participant Kits
This includes a 128 page book with a 4 color Grupo Calleja cover with your President on the back cover. They use this book during the sessions, during the follow up session and as homework during the week. It is easy to read. They are asked to read 6 chapters in preparation for Session Two and 6 chapters for Session Three. Each session is one week apart. A facilitator can conduct 2 groups within 1-2 months. Do NOT over burden facilitators.

The follow up session 30 days after completion asks them to read 3 chapters of the book again and fill out another sheet at the end of the book. Without reinforcement Grupo Calleja is dead.
You will need to run new groups every 60 - 90 days for new employees and those who failed to internalize the message. I am sure some retire, some will need to be terminated and new employees will be hired

The participant kit includes a Certificate of Completion which I believe should be customized for Grupo Calleja. This is important for the employee.
Each person receives a Quality Technique card for reinforcement and a 4 page Customer Service Performance Standard. The Supervisor is responsible for evaluating each employee on these 36 customer service skills, attitudes and values. You may want employees to also evaluate their own performance so they each can review the evaluations at the same time. What you inspect you get more of. We are measuring behavior. If we get employees to use the ideas in Feelings customer complaints will be reduced and Grupo Calleja will be the model for service in El Salvador. Wilth Wal-Mart now in El Salvador customer service is more critical.

BAD Cost Reduction Campaign

Grupo Calleja will launch to training with the BAD cost reduction campaign. This is a 30 day campaign. NO training time is necessary. We will spend one day helping the coordinator understand how to run the campaign and provide support throughout the campaign.
The goal is to get every employee to look for a way to say $1 a day. There are about 250 days in a year. If each person comes up with these savings the total savings will be $1,250,000. This is the equilvant of increasing sales $60 million. State Bank in Texas had about $500 in savings per person. We had the US Military have one person who came up with a $1 million dollar savings.
SQI provides you the software to handle the tracking and measurements. We provide all material. You should be able to fund the entire 3 year service culture plan with BAD. Service leaders are always looking for ways to eliminate waste and costs. They then pass the savings on to the customer with lower prices which builds greater sales.
The first week is a teaser campaign and the following 3 weeks are the actual campaign It is funny, exciting, easy to implement, simple and works.