Dr. Vance Kruszewski & Dr. Janis Noseworthy

189 Dykeland Street, Suite 5, Wolfville, Nova Scotia B4P 1A3

Tel: (902) 542-9355 Fax : (902) 542-2838


Child’s NameDate

Parents’ Names

Marital status of parents______

Are you legally entitled to consent to this child’s healthcare? ______YES ______NO

Siblings’ Names (ages)


CityProv..Postal Code

DOBAgeTel ______

Referred By

Has your child ever received chiropractic care?____YES_____NO

If yes, previous doctor’s name and date of last visit______

Name of Medical Doctor ____

Date of last doctor visit and reason __

Present Health Complains/Concerns



When did this problem begin?______

Is this problem (circle) occasional frequentconstantintermittent

Does this problem radiate? ___YES ____NO If yes, where?

What makes this worse?______

What makes this better?______

Is the problem worse during a certain time of the day? ____YES ____NO

If yes, when?

Does this interfere with the child’s Sleep Eating Daily Routine

Is this becoming worse?_____

Other professionals seen for this condition______

Results with that treatment______

Often seemingly unrelated symptoms can manifest as other health concerns:

(please circle if your child has had any of the following)

HeadachesLoss of tasteWeight gainUpper back pain

DizzinessLight sensitivityDental problemsNeck pain

FaintingFace flushedFeversLow back pain

IrritabilityBronchitisChest pressureStiffness

DepressionPneumoniaBreast PainReduced Mobility

Loss of balanceDifficulty breathingFrequent coldsNumbness in leg(s)

Loss of concentrationShortness of breathSinus congestionNumbness in feet

Loss of memoryAsthmaSore throatNumbness in hand(s)

Ear buzzingUrinary problemsEar infection/painWeakness

Poor coordinationConstipationAllergiesMuscle cramps

Vision changesDiarrheaHeartburnSleeping problems

Loss of smellWeight lossBloatingGas


History of Birth

What was the child’s gestational age at birth?weeks

Birth Weight_lbsozBirth Length ______inches

Was your child born (circle)at homein a birthing centerin a hospital

Was the birth considered(circle)medicalmidwife

What was the duration of the labour and birth?hours

Was the child borncephalic (head first)breech (feet first)?

Were there any complications?YESNO

If yes, please explain_

Please circle any assistance which was used during the birth

ForcepsVacuum extractionC-section Episiotomy

Was labour (circle)spontaneous or induced

Were any medications or epidurals given to the mother during birth?YESNO

If yes, what was given?__

Apgar score (if known):at birth/10after 5 minutes/10

Growth & Development

Was the infant alert and responsive within 12 hours of delivery?YESNO

If no, please explain__

At what age did the child

Respond to soundFollow an object

Hold up headVocalize

Sit aloneTeethe


Do you consider the child’s sleeping pattern normal?YESNO

If no, please explain______

Family Health History

Please note any health problems

Mother’s family

Father’s family______


Since problems that chiropractors look for can be related to many types of stressors, the following information is also very important to us:

Physical Stressors

Any trauma to the mother during pregnancy? (falls, accidents, etc.)YESNO

Please explain

Any evidence of birth trauma to the infant? (Please check)

Bruising Stuck in birth canal

Respiratory depression Odd shaped head

Fast or excessively long birth Cord around neck

Any falls from couches, beds, change tables, etc.?YESNO

If yes, please provide details

Any traumas resulting in bruising, cuts, stitches or fractures?YESNO

If yes, please provide details

Any hospitalizations or surgeries?YESNO

If yes, please provide details

Any sports played? __

Is a school backpack used?YESNO

If so, is itheavy orlight

Chemical Stressors

Was the child breast fed?YESNO

If yes, how long?

Formula introduced at what age?What formula?______

Introduction of cow’s milk at what age?__

Began solid foods at what age?Types of foods?____

Any food or juice intolerance?YESNO

Type of intolerance?______

During pregnancy did the motherSmoke?YESNOHow much?______

Drink?YESNOHow much?______

Any illnesses during the pregnancy?YESNO

If yes, please explain______

Any supplements taken during pregnancy?YESNO

If yes, please list ____

Any Ultrasounds?YESNO

How many and reasons for being done?

Any invasive procedures during pregnancy (amniocentesis,surgery, etc.)?YESNO

If yes, please explain_

Any pets at home?YESNOList

Any smokers in the home?YESNO

Vaccinations and age given______

Any negative reactions?YESNO

Please explain______

Any antibiotics given?YESNO


Psychosocial Stressors

Any difficulties with lactation?YESNO

Any problems with bonding?YESNO

Any behavioral problems?YESNO

Any night terrors, sleepwalking, difficulty sleeping?YESNO______

Age when child began daycare ______

Average number of hours of TV per week

Average number of hours of computer use/gaming/etc. per week______

Do you feel that your child’s social and emotional development is normal for their age? YES NO

If no, explain ______

Additional Comments

