Physics OnlineThermal Conduction


The purpose of this lab is to test the formula for thermal conduction and the accepted values of thermal conductivity. The rate of heat conduction from a higher temperature system is given by the following formula:

[1] Q/t = kA(Tc – Th)/L

Q = heat

t = time

k = thermal conductivity of barrier

A = cross-sectional area of barrier

Th = temperature of the higher temperature system

Tc = temperature of the lower temperature system

L = length of barrier

Since conduction of heat can change the temperature of an object, the more precise formula is

[2] ∂Q/∂t = kA(Tc – Th)/L.

The formula relating heat to temperature change for the higher temperature system is the following:

[3] Q = mhcΔT

Q = heat

mh = mass of the higher temperature system

c = specific heat capacity of higher temperature system

ΔT = temperature change for the higher temperature system

Equation [3] can be written in differential form as follows:

[4] ∂Q = mhc∂Th

Equation [4] can be substituted into equation [2]:

[5] mhc(∂Th/∂t) = kA(Tc – Th)/L.

Solving for ∂T/∂t in equation [5] gives a differential equation:

[6] ∂Th/∂t = -[kA/(mhcL)](Th – Tc)

If the lower temperature system does not change its temperature because it undergoes a phase change, then equation [6] can be solved for the temperature difference as a function of time:

[7] Th – Tc = Toe-t/τ

[8] τ = mhcL/(kA)

To = initial temperature difference
τ = time constant

Equipment You Procure

·  digital camera

·  hot tap water

·  ice

·  sandwich fixings

Equipment from Kits

·  100 mL graduated cylinder

·  thermal conductivity kit (remove the cheap thermometers)

·  digital thermometer

·  calipers

Experimental Procedures

Thermal Conduction

1)  Make yourself a sandwich.

2)  Measure the width and thickness of the conducting metal. Calculate the cross-sectional area, A.

3)  Fill one insulated cup with ice and add cold water so that the water reaches the top of the ice. Cover the cup (skip if you only have one lid).

4)  Fill with hot tap water and cover the second cup.

5)  Connect the two cups of water by poking the metal rod through the holes in the lids. Measure the relevant length of the rod, L, which is the distance from surface of hot water to surface of cold water, not necessarily the entire length of the rod.

6)  Gently shake both cups a few times a minute for a few minutes before taking any temperature measurements.

7)  Eat your sandwich and measure the temperature of the hot water, Th, and the elapsed time in seconds every minute or so for half an hour. Gently shake both cups a few times per minute. Do not open the cups. You can measure the temperature and shake the cups without opening them.

8)  For each measured temperature of the hot water, calculate the temperature difference between the hot and cold water. You may assume that Tc = 2°C ± 2°C throughout the experiment.

9)  Graph the temperature difference on the vertical axis and the time in seconds on the x axis. Use the approved format for graphs.

10) Create a trendline of type “exponential”. You absolutely must use an exponential trendline. Do not use a trendline of a different type. Include the equation and R2. Does your best fit line go through most of the error bars? If so, then the theory of thermal conductivity made a useful prediction regarding the temperature as a function of time.

Thermal Conductivity

11) You should have a formula from the graph of the form y = Ae-Bx where A and B are constants. Calculate the time constant, τ, by inverting the magnitude of the constant in the exponent (τ = 1/B). You will not be able to estimate the error in this quantity. You may need to increase the number of digits that appear in the exponent to obtain more than one significant digit. Right-click on the equation and select “format trendline label” to do so.

12) Measure the volume of the hot water. Calculate the mass of the hot water, assuming the density is 1000 ± 10 kg/m3.

13) Solve equation [8] for the experimental thermal conductivity, k, in terms of known quantities.

14) Calculate the experimental thermal conductivity and compare to the accepted value for the substance (k = 217 W/(m*K) for aluminum). You may use the accepted value of c = 4190 ± 15 J/(kg*K) for water. Be sure to use SI units for all your data.

Repeat the entire experiment using a different initial hot temperature, a different mass of hot water, or a different value of L.

Here are some important things to double-check so that you can earn full credit on this report:

1)  Use lots of ice. If you don’t have enough ice, the temperature of the cold side will fluctuate and the formulas used will be incorrect.

2)  Use SI units at all times. You will have area in m2, length in meters, and time in seconds. You may use K or °C.

3)  Gently shake the cups several times per minute.

4)  Use temperature difference between hot and cold in the graph, not temperature.

5)  Use time in seconds in the graph.

6)  Use an exponential trendline.

7)  Obtain more than one significant digit in the exponent of your graph.

8)  Use the magnitude of the constant in the exponent to calculate τ. See Wikipedia for the definition of magnitude.

9)  Use only equation [8] to calculate conductivity. The rest of the equations are there to show you how equation [8] is derived.