Stage objectives and Area objectives

3.1 STAGE OBJECTIVES (ESO objectives)

a.  To be able to understand general and specific information in various communicative situations showing an attitude of respect and cooperation towards the interlocutor.

b.  To be able to communicate orally in daily communicative situations in an appropriate way and with a certain degree of autonomy.

c.  To assume their duties responsibly, know and exercise their rights in respect for others, practice tolerance, cooperation and solidarity among people and groups, practicing dialogue to strengthen human rights as common values of a plural society and prepare them for the exercise of democratic citizenship.

d.  To develop and strengthen habits of discipline, study and individual and group work as a necessary condition for effective implementation of the learning tasks and as a means of personal development.

e.  To value and respect the difference of sexes and the equal rights and opportunities between them. Reject stereotypes involving discrimination between men and women.

f.  To strengthen their emotional skills in all areas of personality and in their relationships with others, and reject violence, prejudice of any kind, sexist behaviour and resolve conflicts peacefully.

g.  To develop basic skills in the use of information sources, with a critical eye, to acquire new knowledge. To acquire a basic knowledge in the field of technology, especially in information and communication.

h.  To design scientific knowledge as an integrated knowledge structured into various disciplines, as well as understand and apply the methods to identify problems in the various fields of knowledge and experience.

i.  To develop entrepreneurship and self-confidence, participation, a critical sense, the personal initiative and the ability to learn how to learn, plan, take decisions and take responsibility.

j.  To understand and express correctly, orally and in writing in the Spanish language and, if any, in the co-official languages of the Autonomous Community, texts and complex messages, and start into the knowledge, reading and study of literature.

k.  Understand and express properly in one or more foreign languages.

l.  To know, appreciate and respect the basic aspects of the culture and history themselves and others, as well as artistic and cultural heritage.

m.  To know and accept the functioning of the body and that of others, respect differences, enhance the habits of health care and physical and incorporate physical education and sport to promote personal and social development. Know and appreciate the human dimension of sexuality in all its diversity. Appreciate critically social habits related to health, consumption, caring for living beings and the environment, contributing to their conservation and improvement.

n.  To appreciate the artistic creation and understand the language of the various art forms, using various means of expression and representation.

3.2 AREA OBJECTIVES (Contribution of the English area to the basic competences)

1.  To listen to and understand general and specific information of oral texts in diverse communicative situations adopting an attitude of respect and cooperation.

2.  To express and interact orally and easily in common situations of communication, with suitable degree of autonomy.

3.  To read and comprehend diverse texts of various levels in line with the abilities and interests of the students in order to draw general and specific information, and use reading as a source of pleasure and personal enrichment. Favour a CLIL oriented learning (Content and Language Integrated Learning).

4.  To write simple texts with different purposes on various topics using appropriate elements of cohesion, coherence and consistency.

5.  To use properly elements of phonetic, lexical, structural and functional nature, which are basic in the foreign language in real contexts of communication.

6.  To develop autonomy in learning, reflect on their own learning processes, and transfer meaning to the foreign language skills and communication strategies acquired in other languages. Long-life learning.

7.  To use learning strategies and all means at their disposal, including the technologies of information and communication, to obtain, select and present information orally and in writing. Digital competence through the use of ICT: chats, blogs, wikis, power point presentations, online dictionary, thesaurus etc.

8.  To appreciate the foreign language as an instrument to access information and as a tool for learning diverse contents.

9.  To value the foreign language and the languages in general, as a means of communication and understanding between people of diverse backgrounds, languages and cultures avoiding any kind of discrimination and cultural-linguistic stereotypes.

10. To express a receptive attitude and self-confidence in the ability of learning and using a foreign language. Develop the ability of learning to learn (long-life learning).