Produced by Rhema Bible Church North, based on sermon by Ps Joshua McCauley, entitled:
FEAR NOT 30th June, 2013
Stress and fear are related. Explain briefly. [Allow one minute feedback per person]
Read: Joshua 1:7
Question: In this verse, God gave Joshua the answer to fear. What was it? [Allow for feedback]
Answer: Joshua was to observe and to do everything according to all the Law [the word of God] which was commanded by Moses.
Question: How do you manage to overcome your daily fears? [Allow for feedback]
Read: Numbers 13:33
Question: Why was this report [in this verse] contradicting God’s promise? [Allow for feedback]
Answer: The men who gave the report implied that it was impossible to occupy the promised land.
Question: Fear can stop you from accomplishing many great plans. Can you testify to this fact? [ that is, give an example ]
Read: 1 Samuel 17:26
Question: What was it that gave David such confidence and guts not to fear?
Answer: He believed in the great Jehovah – who had an unbreakable covenant with the nation of Israel.
Question: How would you respond in a situation like this? [Allow for feedback]
Read: Joshua 1:5
Question: Do you think this verse still applies to you and I today? [Allow for feedback]
Answer: YES; because God will never leave us nor forsake us.
Question: When painful things happen to you; deep down in your heart, what do you think of this promise? [Allow for feedback]
In reality, most of the things we fear, seldom happen. Let us therefore pray that we shall trust God; rest in Him, hold onto His word and promises – so that we may experience the peace of God that surpasses all understanding in our daily lives.