Annex 1

Practices of UGC-funded institutions
for disclosing the dates, agendas, papers, briefing materials, reports/minutes of council meetings

Institution / Current practices /
The City University of Hong Kong (CityU) / It has been the university’s practice since 2007 for copies of the minutes and papers of council meetings, except those of a confidential nature, to be kept in the university library for university members’ information. The meeting dates and decisions of the council and its committees are available on the university’s website for public access.
Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU) / Since December 2008, the university has made public on its website the decisions made at council meetings, except those of a confidential nature. The dates of council meetings in each academic year are marked in the Academic Calendar distributed to the staff before the beginning of the academic year.
Lingnan University (LU) / Since March 2005, the university has made public the dates of council meetings on its website. To further enhance the transparency of institutional governance, summaries of discussions and decisions made at council meetings have been made available for public scrutiny on the university’s website since February 2009.
The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) / It has been the council’s practice since January 2009 to place a summary report of its decisions on the university’s website after each meeting, except for matters involving personal privacy, and plans and proposals pending finalisation, and any item the immediate release or disclosure of which after the meeting is considered inappropriate by the council.
The Hong Kong Institute of Education (HKIEd) / At present, council meeting dates, agendas, papers and minutes, except those of a confidential nature, are available on the institute’s intranet.
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) / It has been the council’s practice since January 2006 to upload its major decisions, except those of a confidential nature, onto the university’s intranet. The council will consider reviewing the current practice in due course to ensure an appropriate level of transparency of institutional governance. Meeting dates of the council in each academic year are marked in the University Calendar, which is available in printed form and also accessible by the public on the university’s website.
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) / The council publishes through the university’s intranet after each meeting the decisions made, except those involving personnel or other sensitive matters that are to be protected. Press releases will continue to be issued for public information.
The University of Hong Kong (HKU) / The council publishes on the university’s website after each meeting a report summarising all the decisions made, except those involving personnel matters relating to individuals, and plans and proposals pending finalisation. Plans and proposals will eventually be disclosed when they are finalised.