Minnesota CPCU Society Chapter

Board Meeting Minutes

April 20th, 2017

Attendance - Voting members: Cindy Jordan, Dana Bolz, Allen Bosch, Craig Ehalt, Matt Andresen, Rick Liddle, Dave Matlon, and Jason Berger. Ex-Officio (non-voting members): Gary Pasterik, John DeSanto, and Jeff Ewins

Secretary’s Report – Dana

Ø  Reviewed and approved the March 2017 meeting notes – Allen motioned to accept and Matt seconded. The board all approved.

Treasurer’s Report – Craig

Ø  Reviewed and approved March 2017 financials – expenses are tracking as expected. Income is tracking ahead of budget so far. Craig will be collecting signatures from the officers at the next in person meeting. Allen motioned to accept, and Dana seconded. The board all approved.

Committee Reports:

Ø  All I-Day – Matt/Allen

o  Donations for All I Day – discussed what to do with the $1000 donation for charitable contributions for the All I Day speaker. One idea that the board all liked was the Cookie cart. We could then do a drawing and people could win cookies from the cookie cart. Discussion around if we should we ask for another $500 or $1000 for this? Board will think about it and there will be later discussion.

o  If anyone has any contacts that would be willing to donate to all I Day, let the committee members know by the next board meeting.

o  Discussed how many CPCUs we want to talk about their experience this year. General consensus was that one will be enough this year, and a possible idea would be Mike Happe

o  We are going to recognize Mike Happe at the meeting this year for all he has done for the chapter and as governor.

Ø  Monthly Meetings/National Seminars/Chapter Activities – John

o  Discussed if we need a new volunteer for the Chapter meetings committee as Rita is stepping down. Board decided we are not replacing Rita at this time due to having the Square and online payments.

o  State Fair speaker Dennis Larson – John is going to look into cost and venue of having it at the State Fair - may have to come up with an alternate venue due to cost but will discuss that at our next meeting.

o  September meeting – Anita will speak on International insurance.

o  John will talk with Chelsea about the Young Agents co-sponsored event.

Ø  New Designee Committee –Dana/Chelsea

o  Dana is working on venue and will have date/location pinned down by next meeting.

o  11 new designees so far this year

Ø  Membership Committee – Jason

o  Meeting May 2nd to discuss ideas

Ø  Website/Chapter-gram (Communications) -Judie

Ø  2016 Operating Plan –Allen

o  Allen sent out an update earlier this week, we are at 20% completion for the year.

o  Allen reached out to Julie to get the % conversion on new designees and getting our lapsed members back.

Ø  Good Works –Rick

o  Feed My Starving Children in June, more will be coming out about that.

New Business:

Ø  Meeting with Russell Birch at Associated Financial recap – Cindy and Allen

o  Cohort Program has been started – 11 people that meet every Monday who are working through the exams. This has been very successful so far.

o  Cindy and Allen will be reaching out to the big brokerage agencies to see what their involvement with CPCU will be, as there does not seem to be a lot of support there.

Ø  Connections visits – RAM and EMC – Cindy

o  Brian and Cindy will go with Dana on connections visit to EMC. Dana will send some dates to Cindy and Brian that will work.

o  RAM is very interested in becoming active in the society. Will figure out a date to do connections visit with them after the EMC visit.

Ø  Ideas for new board members for 2018 – Cindy

o  Will need 2 new board members for next year. Chelsea is going to be stepping down. Someone will be stepping up into Secretary, and then need 2 new members. Everyone should be looking for possible members. Shoot ideas over to Cindy and Allen.

Old Business:

Ø  Partial Completers Social Update – Allen

o  16 people signed up, 6 partial completers.

Next Meeting: Thursday, May 18th, 2017 at 7:30 am