Permitting & Enforcement Committee MeetingSeptember 9, 2008

Permitting and Enforcement CommitteeFINAL

When: September 9, 2008

9:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Where:Central Office, Columbus

Conference Room C

Facilitator:Jim Braun, Co-Chair

Minutes:Ed Fasko

Time / Topic / Lead /
Involvement / Actions Needed / Deadline
10:00 / Enforcement update
New items?
CETA items? / Orlemann / General update. / NA
10:30 / New Source Review
New items?
R&D exemption in 31-03
New 21-07 record keeping / Hopkins
CDAQ / General update.
See questions below.
See question below. / NA
11:00 / Permit Issuance and Data Management
New items?
Title V permits / Ahern / General update. / NA
11:15 / Break / everyone / Relax & Stretch / NA
11:45 / STARS2
Information entry in STARS2.
Items from conference call (see below). / Ahern / Ours / RAPCA
All / Should we enter deviation reports, stack test reports, inspection reports, etc.? / NA
12:15 / Terms and Conditions and Policy Distribution
New items? / Hunter / Suttman / General update. / NA
12:30 / Engineering Guides Revisions
Review and update existing Engineering Guides. / # 6 - Cleveland
# 9 - NWDO
# 16 - NWDO
# 18 - Toledo
# 20 - Akron
# 23 - SEDO
# 24 - Toledo
# 25 - Cleveland
# 26 - NEDO
# 27 - RAPCA
# 44 - NEDO
# 53 - Dewulf / JO / LB
# 70 - Hunter
# 74 - Hall
# 75 - Hopkins / # 6 - Mike H. to review Jim O.=s comments
# 9 - Jim O. has questions for NWDO
# 16 - Submit comments by August 29.
# 18 - Toledo revise question
# 20 - update on progress
# 23 - Submit comments by July 8.
# 24 - update on progress
# 25 - update on progress
# 26 - update on progress
# 27 - Submit comments by June 15.
# 44 - Minor changes, ready for final issuance.
# 53 - Rule was appealed with hearing in February.
# 70 - Hunter review comments
# 74 - Waiting on FR for PM2.5 for setting limits
# 75 - Hopkins review comments / NA
12:45 / General Permit & Permit By Rule development
Create new GPs and PBRs / Crematories - Cleveland
Generators - NEDO
Tub Grinders - CDO / Provide status update. / NA
1:00 / New items? / All / New items to discuss? / NA
Pending Action Items suggested by P&E Committee / Date Action Completed
1. Post most recent template Director=s letters on intranet. / ??
2. Post most recent audit disclosure exemption letter on intranet. / ??
3. Suttman to prepare landfill guidance document. Need to address e-mail from USEPA regarding authority to allow changes. / ??
4. Orlemann to revise EAR form to remove duplicate information. / ??

Parking Lot Items:

1.Multiple emissions units controlled by a common control device. There is a small possibility that these permitting concepts might be used for the BAT rules under SB 265 or they could be used to develop pollutant specific limitations in the OAC rules.

2.Engineering Guide on 17-11 and 17-08 - Orlemann working on diagrams in order to finalize this guide.

Next meeting: November13, 2008 (on a Thursday)

STARS2 Conference Call Items:

-Status of portable source guidance and the need to incorporate Stars2 issues -consistent treatment of portables statewide (ie. Are roadways and storage piles portable? Can portable eus and non-portable be issued together? Should they be?)

-Stars2 grouping feature (Who can create a group name? Should there be a naming convention?) Note: Stars2 name limited to 20 characters

-Compliance oversite for portable sources (Who should observe testing? Respond to complaints? Cite violations? Conduct FCEs?)

-14 day Completeness letter only needed for new emissions units and Chapter 31 modifications?

-Establish each dry cleaning machine as a separate emissions unit?

3745-31-03 Exemption

(i) Laboratory equipment

(i) Laboratory equipment and laboratory fume hoods used exclusively for

chemical or physical analyses and bench scale laboratory equipment.

(ii) Laboratory paint booths used to prepare samples for chemical or

physical analysis where the actual emissions of each laboratory paint

booth is less than 3.0 tons of VOC per year and where:

(a) The owner or operator maintains records, available to the director

upon request, detailing that the VOC emissions are less than 3.0

tons of VOC per year, and

(b) Any exhaust system that serves only coating spray equipment is

supplied with a properly installed and operating particulate control



  1. For the exemption above, is it necessary for the facility to maintain records for each individual paint booth or is it acceptable to maintain records for all the paint booths combined and demonstrate that the average VOC emissions for each booth are less than 3.0 tons/year?
  1. If it the answer to question 1 is yes, then what happens if the average for all paint booths exceeds 3.0 tons/year - will the facility need to obtain a permit for all of the spray booths if they are not able to determine which spray booth(s) exceed the 3.0 ton/year limit?
  1. If the facility needs to obtain a permit for all of the spray booths, is it possible to identify all spray booths as a single emissions unit such as “R&D Spray Booths” so that they can continue to maintain facility wide records for all spray booths combined? Or will it be necessary to obtain individual permits for each booth with individual record keeping?
  1. If it can be determined that one or more specific paint booths have actual emissions greater than 3.0 tons/year, then those emissions units would need a permit and would have individual record keeping requirements while the remaining spray booths that qualify for the exemption could remain under facility wide record keeping (if the answer to question 1 is yes). Is this correct?


Comment: As examples of the applicability of this paragraph, if a permit-to-install,

a permit-by-rule, a permit-to-operate, or a Title V permit has been issued prior to the effective date of this rule and contains both a citation to rule 3745-21-07 of the Administrative Code and one of the associated requirements referenced within this comment, the associated requirements contained in such a permit shall be void upon the effective date of this rule. The associated requirements covered by this comment shall include: (a) any requirement that prohibits the use of photochemically reactive materials, or prohibits the use of volatile photochemically reactive materials; (b) any requirement that limits organic compound emissions from an operation to eight pounds per hour and forty pounds per day, except as specified in paragraphs (M)(3)(d) and (M)(3)(g) of this rule; (c) any requirement to determine or document materials as being photochemically reactive materials; and (d) any recordkeeping and reporting requirements related to requirements referred to in (a), (b) or (c) of this comment.

All other permit conditions, including annual emission or material usage limitations (tons per year, gallons per day or month or year, VOC per gallon, etc.) and all other recordkeeping and reporting requirements associated with those permit conditions remain in effect.


  1. The above comment states that the noted requirements become void upon the effective date of the rule. Is a facility allowed to take advantage of this new allowance immediately or do they have to wait until their permit is modified to reflect the changes in the new 21-07 rule?
