Parish Council

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held at 7:30pm

on Tuesday, 17th February 2015

at the Village Hall, The Street, Stonham Aspal

Present: Mr R Stevenson (Chair), Mrs J Timms, Mr M Leith, Miss J Mitson, Mr A Turnbull, Mr C Tydeman

In attendance: Mrs A Green (Clerk), County Cllr M. Hicks, 1 member of the public

15.14.2 / Visiting speakers
Cllr Hicks reported on behalf of SCC. A written copy of the monthly report is on file. In addition Cllr Hicks reported that Better Broadband Suffolk map is showing Stonham Aspal as Blue which means the Parish is under consideration for fibre between 2015 and 2018. Dates should be known by the Autumn.
A Written report was provided by Suffolk Constabulary
  • There was no recorded crime in the parish
  • Current priorities – Reducing rural crime and incidents of hare coursing and speeding
  • The next area forum and priority Setting Meeting The Village Hall, The High Street, Thorndon from 7:30-8:30pm on Monday 27th April 2015

15.15 / Contribution by members of the public
  • The following highway issues were reported to the meeting
  • Blocked road gullies outside of the village hall
  • Something at Does Field…
  • At Hillside Debenham Rd
  • Bottom of Pound corner, poor road surface and pot holes
  • Water leaking in road between Village Hall and School by Church back gate/ Cemetery
  • It was suggested that the age limit at the recreation ground should be increased from 7 as the sign currently shows to 12-13. It was thought this may have been agreed previously and the sign needed updating.

15.16 / Approve minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 20th January 2015
Mr Tydeman proposed, seconded by Mrs Timms and agreed that the minutes were a correct record of the meeting and the Chairman then signed the minute book.
15.17.4 / Matters arising from the meeting held on 20th January 2015
Cllr Hicks reported that he had contacted Mr Bennett at The Old Post Office to explain outcome of looking at various options to improve the parking situation outside of his property. It was felt that the white lines met the needs, with other options, double yellow lines which would require a legal process and be unlikely to be agreed, plastic bollards that would be regularly damaged and painting keep clear were not viable. It was suggested that the Parish Council request on going monitoring by the community police officers and asking the School to send a letter to parents.
Scotts Hill
There had been no further information from Suffolk County Council Highways with regard to the drainage on Scotts Hill. It was agreed to chase for an update
One Suffolk Website for Stonham Aspal Parish Council has been agreed but as yet no information added. Mrs Timms offered to help the clerk on how to use the site.
A dog waste bin for Mill Green had been requested but Clerk is currently awaiting confirmation that it is ok for it to be attached to an existing sign post
15.18 / Apologies for absence
Apologies were received from Mr Wright
15.19 / To receive any pecuniary or non pecuniary declarations of interest from Members
There were no additional interests to declare
15.20.9 / Correspondence Received
  • Response from Local Government Finance Settlement 2015 to 2016 Consultation
  • DEFIBRILLATORS & PRIORITY SETTING MEETING from Mid suffolk central Safer Neighbourhood team
  • Section 137 Expenditure
  • Stonham Barns
  • email from Doug Brander Crowfield PC
  • correspondence relating to monitoring of event finish times - communication group
The Parish Council Unanimously agreed that rather than a separate liaison group that Janice Rowles be formally invited to attend Parish Council meetings each month.
  • LAIS1372 Transparency Code for Smaller Authorities SALC
Clerk to investigate further what the Transparency Code means to Stonham Aspal Parish Council Audit process.
  • LAIS1373 Automatic Precept Referendums SALC
  • Update from Mrs Joan Freeman with regard to planning at Aspal Cider
  • Mid Suffolk Community Infrastructure Levy REVISED Draft Charging Schedule Consultation
  • Babergh and Mid Suffolk Joint Local Plan Issues and Options

15.21 / Finance matters:
Clerk’s report
Balances at 12/01/15
Current account £8,268.61
Deposit account £4,221.48
Current Account Payments / Current Account Receipts
30/1/15 / transfer / Transfer to deposit account / 4000.00
2/2/15 / Chq 675 / SALC planning course attended by Mrs Timms / 30.00
4/2/15 / Chq 674 / David Grieves – mending notice board / 20.00
5/2/15 / Chq 676 / MSDC Grass cutting / 652.80
2/2/15 / Receipt / MSDC - Recycling / 204.13
TOTALS / 4702.80 / 204.13
Deposit Account Payments / Deposit Account Receipts
30/01/15 / Transfer / Transfer from current account / 4000.00
0 / 4000.00
Balances at 09/02/2015
Current account £3769.94
Deposit account £8,221.48
May 2014 / Payment / Pledge to Debenham swimming pool / 50.00
Requests for payment
There were no requests for payment
15.22 / Highway Matters
There were no additional Highway matters to those recorded under matters arising 15.17 and contributions by members of the public 15.15
15.23.3 / Planning matters
  • 0112/15The Ten Bells, The Street, Stonham Aspal Proposal: Listed Building Consent Replacement of 4 Dormer windows on west elevation. Replacement of first floor window on south east gable elevation.
  • 026/15Morgans, East End Road, Stonham Aspal, Full Planning Permission, Erection of Cart lodge
Parish Council Members agreed they did not have any objections or comments to make on either planning application.
Decisions and other planning matters.
There were no planning decisions
Stonham Barns update
Cllr Hicks reported to the meeting that
  • Charlie Aden will appoint someone to co-ordinate the Stonham Barns liaison group.
  • Midsuffolk Planning were expecting the Environmental impact assessment from Stonham Barns at the end of next week. A decision would be made on whether a full survey is required. The next steps will be submitting a planning application.
  • Simon Baileys request for information on events at Stonham Barns was made as Stonham Barns were not obliged to supply the information and none had been forthcoming. However an email had been sent to the Clerk saying that Stonham Barns had thought that the request for information had been responded to by Stonham Barns Planning consultant. Cller Hicks requested a copy of the email.

15.24.2 / Questions to the Chairman
It was agreed to invite local groups including the Metcalf Charities, WI, Community Council, PCC, School, Pre School, Recreation Ground Group and Football Club to the Annual Parish Meeting on 19th May 2015.
As of the 16th March 2015 the Parish Clerk will be contactable via mobile and at Applewood, Mill Green, Stonham Aspal IP14 6DA
14.148 / Date of next meeting
17th March 7:30pm.
The Chairman closed the meeting at 9:05pm

