8:00 - 11:30 am NMPhA Council Meeting
Isleta Resort, 11000 Broadway SE, Albuquerque, NM 87105
Noon to Finish Isleta Golf Course, 4001 Hwy 47 SE, Albuquerque, NM 87105
Noon Registration
1:00 pm Golf Tournament Tee-time
6:00 pm Buffet Dinner - Golf Tournament Awards, Silent Auction & Raffle
Saturday, June 24, 2017
7:00 - 8:00 am Past President’s Breakfast – Sponsored by Pharmacist Mutual Companies
7:30 am Pick up name badges - Continental Breakfast
8:00 - 9:00 am General Session
The Role of Pharmacist and Pharmacy Technicians in the Treatment of Asthma Kevin P. McDermott, PharmD, NCPS-PP, PhC, BCPS, AE-C
ACPE#: 0104-0000-17-050-L01-P Contact Hours: 1.0 CEU 0.1 Initial Release Date: 6/25/17
Following this knowledge-based presentation, the pharmacist participants will be able to: 1) Describe how pharmacists and pharmacy technicians in various settings can work within the NIH asthma guidelines to improve care; 2) Review the four components of care in the asthma guidelines; 3) Describe some specific health maintenance issues related to asthma patients and 4) Identify other useful guidelines.
ACPE#: 0104-0000-17-050-L01-T
Following this knowledge-based presentation, the pharmacy technician participants will be able to: 1) Describe how pharmacists and pharmacy technicians in various settings can work within the NIH asthma guidelines to improve care; 2) Review the four components of care in the asthma guidelines; 3) Describe some specific health maintenance issues related to asthma patients and 4) Identify other useful guidelines.
Program Acknowledged by: Northern Navajo Medical Center
9:00 – 11:00 am General Session
Fall Risk Screening: Utilizing the CDC STEADI Fall Prevention Toolkit
Janet Popp, PT, MS
ACPE#: 0104-0000-17-039-L04-P Contact Hours: 2.0 CEU 0.2 Initial Release Date: 6/24/17
Following this application-based presentation, the pharmacist participants will be able to: 1) Apply effective communication strategies to discuss the issue of falls with older adults; 2) Identify fall risk factors and perform 3 strength and balance tests to screen for fall risk; 3) Implement resources from the CDC STEADI Toolkit to engage older adults in fall risk reduction and 4) Identify possible fall risk reduction referrals to other healthcare professionals and evidence based community programming.
ACPE#: 0104-0000-17-039-L04-T
Following this knowledge-based presentation, the pharmacy technician participants will be able to: 1) Apply effective communication strategies to discuss the issue of falls with older adults; 2) Identify fall risk factors and perform 3 strength and balance tests to screen for fall risk; 3) Implement resources from the CDC STEADI Toolkit to engage older adults in fall risk reduction and 4) Identify possible fall risk reduction referrals to other healthcare professionals and evidence based community programming.
Program Acknowledged by: NM Department of Health ERD, Office of Injury Prevention
11:10am - 2:00 pm Exhibits - Buffet Lunch
1:00 – 2:00 pm NM Pharmaceutical Care Foundation Meeting
2:00 - 4:00 pm Concurrent Sessions
Updated 5/30/17 Isleta Resort
u 2017 New Mexico Board of Pharmacy Drug Law UpdateBen Kesner, RPh & Shelley Bagwell, RPh
ACPE #: 0104-0000-17-001-L03-P / Contact Hours: 2.0 CEUs: 0.2 / Initial Release Date: 1/28/17
To familiarize health care professionals with new and/or changes to state and federal regulation or laws and to promote compliance with existing laws and regulations. At the completion of this knowledge-based presentation, the Pharmacist participant will be able to: 1) Identify and describe new drug laws and regulations; 2) Identify and describe changes to existing drug regulation and laws; 3) Identify compliance problem areas in drug laws and regulations;
4) Define the Pharmacist role in compliance with the drug laws and regulations discussed and 5) Identify drug law trends.
ACPE #: 0104-0000-17-001-L03-T
At the completion of this knowledge-based presentation, the Pharmacy Technician participant will be able to: 1) Identify and describe new drug laws and regulations; 2) Identify and describe changes to existing drug regulation and laws;
3) Identify compliance problem areas in drug laws and regulations; 4) Define the Pharmacy Technician role in compliance with the drug laws and regulations discussed and 5) Identify drug law trends.
Program Acknowledged by: New Mexico Board of Pharmacy
2:00 - 3:00 pm
VACCINE FOLLOW-UP - Mandatory for Pharmacists w/ Vaccination Prescriptive Authority (One Live CE hour per year)
u Immunizations: You are the Key to HPV Cancer Prevention
Lance A. Chilton, MD
ACPE#: 0104-0000-17-040-L01-P Contact Hours: 1.0 CEU 0.1 Initial Release Date: 6/24/17
Following this knowledge-based presentation, the pharmacist participants will be able to: 1) Define the importance of HPV vaccination for cancer prevention and the rationale for vaccinating at ages 11 or 12; 2) List the recommendations for HPV vaccine for girls and for boys; 3) Provide useful and compelling information about HPV vaccine to parents to aid in making the decision to vaccinate and 4) Locate resources relevant to current immunization practice.
ACPE#: 0104-0000-17-040-L01-T
Following this knowledge-based presentation, the pharmacy technician participants will be able to: 1) Define the importance of HPV vaccination for cancer prevention and the rationale for vaccinating at ages 11 or 12; 2) List the recommendations for HPV vaccine for girls and for boys; 3) Provide useful and compelling information about HPV vaccine to parents to aid in making the decision to vaccinate and 4) Locate resources relevant to current immunization practice.
Program Acknowledged by: UNM's Area Health Education Center
3:00 – 3:10 pm Afternoon Snack Break
3:10 - 4:10 pm
v New Antiepileptic Drugs Mikiko Y. Takeda, PharmD, MS, PhC
ACPE#:0104-0000-17-041-L01-P Contact Hours: 1.0 CEU 0.1 Initial Release Date: 6/24/17
Following this knowledge-based presentation, the pharmacist participants will be able to: 1) Review pharmacology and pharmacokinetics of antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) and to detect possible adverse reactions at early stage; 2) Review pharmacology and pharmacokinetics of newer AEDs and to explain the differences and similarities of newer AEDs and
3) Select appropriate AED for patients with epilepsy and to monitor adequate labs for patient safety.
Following this knowledge-based presentation, the pharmacy technician participants will be able to: 1) Review pharmacology and pharmacokinetics of antiepileptic drugs (AEDs); 2) Update drug information on the newer AEDs and 3) Identify major adverse reactions from AEDs for patient safety.
Program Acknowledged by: UNM College of Pharmacy
4:20 - 5:20 pm General Session
Palliative Medicine and Symptom Management for Terminally Ill Patients
Traci M. White, PharmD, PhC
ACPE#:0104-0000-17-042-L04-P Contact Hours: 1.0 CEU 0.1 Initial Release Date: 6/24/17
Following this knowledge-based presentation, the pharmacist participants will be able to: 1) Describe the roles and responsibilities of the pharmacist in palliative care; 2) Assess and recommend treatment strategies for pain and common symptoms encountered in the palliative care setting; 3) Describe basic principles and approach to deprescribing and 4) Identify communication techniques for discussing serious illness and advance directives with patients and their families.
Following this knowledge-based presentation, the pharmacy technician participants will be able to: 1) Describe the role of palliative care in the trajectory of illness; 2) Identify commonly used medications and various routes of administration utilized in the palliative care setting and 3) Identify communication techniques for discussing serious illness and advance directives with patients and their families.
Program Acknowledged by: UNM/NMSU Cooperative Pharmacy Program
5:30pm – 7:00pm Wine & Cheese – Sponsored by: New Mexico Pharmacy Business Council
Sunday, June 25, 2017
7:30 am Pick up name badges - Continental Breakfast
8:00 - 9:00 am General Session
Pipe Cleaners in the Pipeline: Mechanisms of Action for Novel Cardiovascular Drugs on the Clinical Horizon Matthew J. Campen, PhD, MSPH
ACPE#: 0104-0000-17-043-L01-P Contact Hours: 1.0 CEU 0.1 Initial Release Date: 6/25/17
Following this knowledge-based presentation, the pharmacist participants will be able to: 1) List novel cardiac agents available and upcoming; 2) Learn mechanisms of action of cardiac agents and 3) Review the target populations who may benefit from novel cardiovascular drugs.
ACPE#: 0104-0000-17-043-L01-T
Following this knowledge-based presentation, the pharmacy technician participants will be able to: 1) List novel cardiac agents available and upcoming; 2) Learn mechanisms of action of cardiac agents and 3) Review the target populations who may benefit from novel cardiovascular drugs.
Program Acknowledged by: UNM College of Pharmacy
9:00 – 9:10 am Coffee Break
9:10 – 10:10 am General Session
Gut Feeling: Adventures into the Microbiome Jennifer Smith, PharmD
ACPE#: 0104-0000-17-048-L04-P Contact Hours: 1.0 CEU 0.1 Initial Release Date: 6/25/17
Following this knowledge-based presentation, the pharmacist participants will be able to: 1) Describe the proposed mechanism(s) between the gut microbiome and psychiatric disease; 2) Describe factors that shape bacterial landscape; 3) List psychiatric diseases that have been associated with alterations in gut microbiota and 4) Describe the strength of the evidence supporting use of probiotics to treat psychiatric disease.
ACPE#: 0104-0000-17-048-L04-T
Following this knowledge-based presentation, the pharmacy technician participants will be able to: 1) Describe the proposed mechanism(s) between the gut microbiome and psychiatric disease; 2) Describe factors that shape the bacterial landscape; 3) List psychiatric diseases that have been associated with alterations in gut microbiota and 4) Describe the evidence supporting use of probiotics to treat psychiatric disease.
Program Acknowledged by: Walgreens
10:20 – 11:20 am Concurrent Sessions
u Preparing Pharmacists to Safely Care for Veterinary Patients
Elaine Blythe, PharmD
ACPE#: 0104-0000-17-047-L04-P Contact Hours: 1.0 CEU 0.1 Initial Release Date: 6/25/17
Following this knowledge-based presentation, the pharmacist participants will be able to: 1) Describe the trend of increased animal prescriptions outsourced to community and retail pharmacies by veterinarians; 2) Summarize the outcomes of the recent survey on veterinary prescriptions and retail pharmacies relating to pharmacist filling of veterinary prescriptions; 3) List the educational resources and tools that can be utilized to ensure the safe dispensing of prescription medications for companion animal patients and 4) Communicate effectively with animal owners and veterinarians to: meet state-mandated counseling requirements, ensure patient safety, and solve drug administration problems.
ACPE#: 0104-0000-17-047-L04-T
Following this knowledge-based presentation, the pharmacy technician participants will be able to: 1) Recognize veterinary pharmacy as a specialized area within pharmacy practice; 2) Describe the trend of increased animal prescriptions outsourced to community and retail pharmacies by veterinarians and 3) List a resource that can be utilized to ensure the safe dispensing of prescription medications for companion animal patients.
10:20am – 11:20 am Concurrent Session
v Management of the Complex Organ Donor Patient David L. Comfort
ACPE#:0104-0000-17-051-L04-P Contact Hours: 1.0 CEU 0.1 Initial Release Date: 6/25/17
Following this knowledge-based presentation, the pharmacist participants will be able to: 1) Anticipate the pharmacologic needs of the brain injured patient; 2) Diagnose Death by Neurologic Criteria and 3) Appropriately treat electrolyte imbalance.
Following this knowledge-based presentation, the pharmacy technician participants will be able to: 1) Anticipate the pharmacologic needs of the brain injured patient; 2) Diagnose Death by Neurologic Criteria and 3) appropriately treat electrolyte imbalance.
Program Acknowledged by: New Mexico Donor Services
Updated 5/30/17 Isleta Resort
11:30am – 12:30pm General Session
ProntoPharm: A Quick and Speedy Pharmacy Knowledge Review
Amy Bachyrycz, PharmD & Damian Lucero, PharmD
ACPE#: 0104-0000-17-045-L04-P Contact Hours: 1.0 CEU 0.1 Initial Release Date: 6/25/17
Following this knowledge-based presentation, the pharmacist participants will be able to: 1) Review the sections of the NAPLEXExam breakdown as it is currently organized; 2) Simulate a NAPLX Exam experience to review the material and determine your simulated score and 3) Practice selected questions for areview of your pharmacy knowledge,using a Q and A format.
ACPE#: 0104-0000-17-045-L04-T
Following this knowledge-based presentation, the pharmacy technician participants will be able to: 1) Define what the NAPLEX Exam is and the main goal of the NAPLEX Exam; 2) Review the sections of the NAPLEX Exam breakdown as it is currently organized and 3) Learn selected pharmacy knowledge questions, using a Q and A format.
Program Acknowledged by: Walgreens
12:30 – 2:00 pm Luncheon
State of the Association – Teri Rolan, President
Current Issues - R. Dale Tinker, Executive Director
UNM College of Pharmacy Update – Dean, Lynda Welage
Updated 5/30/17 Isleta Resort
2:00 – 3:00 pm Concurrent Sessions
Patient Safety/Opioid Safety CPE
u Pharmacy-Based Naloxone Distribution: Successes, Challenges and Opportunities Carly Cloud Floyd, PharmD, PhC, CACP, AAHIVP
ACPE#: 0104-0000-17-049-L05-P Contact Hours: 1.0 CEU 0.1 Initial Release Date: 6/25/17
Following this knowledge-based presentation, the pharmacist participants will be able to: 1) Describe the need to address opioid-related overdoses in the state of New Mexico; 2) Outline the progress New Mexico has made in reducing overdose death rates and opportunities for future improvements; 3) Describe “A Dose of Reality” training program strategies for improving access to naloxone; 4) Address common stigmas around opioid use and naloxone distribution that may pose a barrier to care; 5) Review “A Dose of Reality” program results over the past year; 6) Describe lessons learned from “A Dose of Reality” participants and 7) Outline process to request naloxone training and benefits of training for all staff, including pharmacists, pharmacy technicians, and pharmacy clerks.
ACPE#: 0104-0000-17-049-L05-T
Following this knowledge-based presentation, the pharmacy technician participants will be able to: 1) 1) Describe the need to address opioid-related overdoses in the state of New Mexico; 2) Outline the progress New Mexico has made in reducing overdose death rates and opportunities for future improvements; 3) Describe “A Dose of Reality” training program strategies for improving access to naloxone; 4) Address common stigmas around opioid use and naloxone distribution that may pose a barrier to care; 5) Review “A Dose of Reality” program results over the past year; 6) Describe lessons learned from “A Dose of Reality” participants and 7) Outline process to request naloxone training and benefits of training for all staff, including pharmacists, pharmacy technicians, and pharmacy clerks.