Add Your Signature to Your Image
by Ron Davis
With one click of the mouse you can place your signature on your image any colour or size.
All you need is a digital camera with macro or a scanner.
1.With a black pen sign your name on a blank white sheet of paper, scan the signed area on a flatbed at 300 ppi or take a snap of it in an evenly lit area. Make it fills the frame.
2.In P’Shop or Elements select the Crop tool drag the mouse around the signature. Hit Enter and then open Levels. Move the White pointer slider inwards to make the paper pure white, then move the Black pointer inwards to boost contrast (about to 139).
3.Now go to Image>Image Size and with Constrain Proportions and Resample ticked, enter a value of 1200 Pixels in width at the top of the dialog box. This will give you a reasonable size signature.
4.Go to Edit>Define brush and type in My Signature (or what ever name you want to call it) in the Brush Name dialog box that appears on the screen. Click OK and then close down the image. You’ll be asked if you want to save it. You don’t need to, so click Don’t save.
5.Open an image you want to sign, and then select the Paint brush tool. Click on the Brush Presets arrow (next to the squiggly line window on the Options bar at the top of the screen) and you will find My Signature brush at the bottom of the list. Double click on this and you can sign your name in one click.
6.You will sign with the colour set in the Foreground colour swatch. Double Click on this to select the colour you want from the Colour Picker. The size of the brush can be changed quickly with the square brackets keys or alter the size with the Brush size box on the Options bar.