December 11, 2008


LEADER: Heshmat Mortazavi

USA Toll Free Number: ___800-593-9988______

PASSCODE: __35151______

1.  Roll Call –Leslie

·  Members Present: Borden, Smith, Nelson, Lee, Leslie, McLaughlin, Mortazavi, Talley, Goodman, and Jewell

·  Members Excused: Blahut, Fuller, Packer, House, Wilson

·  Members Absent: Schoen

2.  ADO Call-Mortazavi

3.  AIP (Assignment Incentive Pay)

·  Deadline extended to Dec 31, 2009

·  Funded by Service Unit

·  Go to DCP website and follow instructions to submit your application.

4.  OFRD (Office of Force Readiness and Deployment)

·  Check to be done again on Jan 2, 2009

·  Possibility of being sent to retention board if not deployable (Basic Ready Qualified)

5.  IHS currently in Continuous Resolution until Feb ‘09

6.  ADHP (Advanced Dental Hygiene Practitioner)

·  Not endorsing at this time, as there are several federal and state issues that need to be resolved.

7.  New Secretary of Health is Tom Dashell

8.  LRP funds not released yet due to Continuing Resolution.

9.  IHS Recruitment website is being worked. Should be available by the end of December

10. HP/DP- Mortazavi

11. Program awards nominations are being solicited. NOHC members to review and score awards. One member will be required to chair this committee. Chair will be in charge of collecting nominations from Mortazavi and distributing to reviewers for scoring. Will elect chair at next meeting. If anyone is interested in chairing this please notify Mortazavi.

12. MCRP - Blahut

·  No report

13. GPRA - Blahut

·  No report

14. Awards Status – Mortazavi

·  No nominations for clinical excellence award – dentists. Dead line extended to Dec 19,2008. There may be nomination in the pipeline. We get the final report before next Conference call.

15. Five Hygiene nominations

·  Status is unknown for Asst. Mortazavi will follow up with Morningstar regarding the status of the asst award.

16. Other Issues

·  National Combined Councils Meeting is going to be held at Bahia Resort in San Diego Feb 8-13, 2008.

–  We will meet Tues, Thurs and ½ day Friday.

–  Tues: work on charter and come up with work plan for 2009

–  Lynn VanPelt will do presentation about LRP and Recruitment and Retention.

–  Speaker on Chronic Care Initiative

–  Blahut – HPDP scoring discussion, GPRA, 2009 Oral Health Survey

–  Sturm – provide business plan to submit to Halliday

–  Lee – requesting website suggestions to change design of website. Currently obsolete per Lee.

-  Mortazavi will send out preliminary agenda in the middle of January. Any additions need to be sent to him to modify agenda. He will then send out the finalized agenda end of January.

17. Mortazavi talked to Dr. Smith (perio) regarding the TMJ post op instructions. Mortazavi will make corrections on PO and send out for review. We will vote on approving at next meeting.

18. “What is NOHC” form was approved for distribution to website. 100% of members present voted yes.