8th Grade Mathematics ~ Algebra 1

Mrs. Schuck ~ Room 9



Welcome to Davidson Middle school! I am happy to be back for another great year here at DMS and I look forward to exploring the exciting subject of math with you this year. Please come to class with a positive attitude and be ready to learn!!

We will be using McDougal Littell’s Algebra 1 book for the entire year and covering all of the chapters. During this year if you are able to maintain an 80% for each trimester, you will receive high school credit in this course.

Please visit my website for up to date lesson plans, homework, links for homework help and school pictures! http://www.southgateschools.com/web/?iduser=213

If you have any questions or concerns you can contact me by email at or call the school at (734) 246-4628.

Materials to be brought to class each day:

~Your math book and note taking guide ~Pencils, Pencils, Pencils!!!

~Planner ~Three ring binder with dividers

~Calculator (see below for recommendations)

Calculator suggestions:

A minimum of a scientific calculator should be brought to class each day. You can find a good scientific calculator for about $10-15 at Meijer, Best Buy, or any store that sells electronics.

A graphing calculator is suggested. Graphing calculators are expensive but will be used in many math classes to follow. I suggest the Texas Instruments TI-84 Plus Silver Edition graphing calculator. This calculator costs around $130. If you do choose to purchase a Texas Instruments calculator please cut off the proof of purchase and turn it in to me, TI offers tools for the classroom for the POP.

I do have calculators available in the room to use during class only. My calculators are not to be taken out of the room. If you are unable to have your own calculator, please feel free to use mine during class time.

Materials we need to keep the classroom running:

~AAA batteries are used in the graphing calculators I provide during class. These batteries are needed to keep them working. If everyone brings in a 4-pack of these batteries, I will be able to keep the calculators available the entire year.

~Tissue. We need tissue throughout the year, any donations would be greatly appreciated.

Grading Scale:

A 100-94% A- 93-90%

B+ 89-87% B 86-84% B- 83-80%

C+ 79-77% C 76-74% C- 73-70%

Below 70% in an “E” and can be redone within one week of the assignment date.

Classroom Rules:

  1. Come to class prepared! Have all of your materials ready and be in your seat when class begins.
  2. Raise your hand to talk, when you need something, or have a question.
  3. Wait to be called upon before you start talking.
  4. Stay in your assigned seat during class, unless otherwise directed.
  5. Show respect to yourself, your classmates, your teachers, your parents, and the property of others.
  6. Follow directions the first time given.
  7. Pick up after yourself.


In coordination with the ABCE program, grading in math will be 20% on practice and participation and 80% on assessments.

Practice and participation will be based on homework quizzes, note taking guide, warm up problems, and any daily work that may be assigned. There will be approximately 5 questions on each homework quiz. On these quizzes you are allowed to use any homework that has been completed to help you. The note taking guide is completed in class, with the vocabulary being completed at home. Note-taking guides are collected at the end of each chapter. Warm up problems are completed during the first 10 minutes of class and collected each Friday.

Assessments will consist of but not limited to section quizzes, chapter tests, and projects. You will not be allowed to use any notes or homework to help you on any assessment.


Any assignment or test can be re-taken within a one week window from when it was originally assigned. The retake can improve your grade up to a 70% C- grade. Tests and quizzes can only be made up at Saturday school. Assignments can be worked on at home and resubmitted in class. After the week is up, no assignments or tests will be accepted for a better grade.

Homework Grading:

Homework is vital to understanding math concepts presented in class, and must be completed and turned in on time. Expect homework every night, and it will be due the following day at the beginning of class. Though you will only be graded on the homework quiz, you need to complete every assignment given to help you grasp the concept being presented and built upon in class.

Absent work:

  1. You are responsible to get any work from your absence (you can find it online at my website)

You will be given one day for everyday you were absent to make up the work. Ex. Absent Monday receives homework Tuesday, due on Wednesday.
8th Grade Mathematics ~ Algebra 1

Mrs. Schuck ~ Room 9



Please sign this paper in pen.

I have read and will follow the rules and routines of Mrs. Schuck’s classroom.

Student Name (Printed):______

Student Signature: ______

Photo Release:

I take pictures of the students throughout the year at many school events. I like to post the pictures on my website. Please indicate below if I may post your child’s pictures on my website.

_____ Yes, you may take pictures of my child and post on your school website

_____ No, Please do not take or post any pictures of my child for your website

Contact information:

I like to be able to easily contact parents throughout the year. Please provide the phone number you are best to be reached at and your email address.


Phone Number:______

Best time to reach you:______

Email address: ______

Parent/Guardian Signature: ______