Wichita State University

College of Education

CI 320: Introduction to Diversity: Exceptionalities (2 hrs.)

Semester: Spring, 2008

Faculty Member: Judy K. Ruder, MS

Office Address: 252E Corbin Education Center

Office Hours: Monday On-line all day

Tuesday 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

Thursday 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.

Telephone: 316-978-5257


Note: Weather Cancellations – Call 978-6633 (select 2) to obtain information on weather related class cancellations.

Catalog Description: This course surveys the strengths and needs of learners with exceptional needs, including those learners with physical, sensory, and cognitive disabilities and those learners who exhibit gifts and talents. The effects of cultural differences and human development on individuals with exceptional learning needs are explored. Current educational policy, practices, and services are reviewed.

Prerequisite(s): Admission to teacher education; concurrent enrollment in CI 311 Introduction to Diversity: Field Experience, CI 321 Introduction to Diversity: Cultural Issues, and CESP 334 Introduction to Diversity: Human Growth and Development.

Textbook(s) and Related Material:

Smith, T. E. C., Palloway, E. A., Patton, J. R., and Dowdy, C. A. (2008). Teaching students with special needs in inclusive settings (5th Ed.). Boston: Allyn & Bacon.

Wichita State University Faculty (2008). Guide to Core I: Teacher Education Program. Wichita State University, College of Education, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, as it appears in Blackboard for CI 311.

Technology Expectations: Students will be expected to (1) access Blackboard for course information; (2) use electronic mail, including SOS for secure email communication with the instructor; and (3) use word processing for all course assignments. Assignments may be submitted electronically, if desired.

Learner Outcomes (assessments, guiding principles and KSDE standards)

Course Outcomes
The student will: / Related Assessment / Guiding Principles from Conceptual Framework / KSDE Program Standards
1. develop an awareness of diversity, including exceptionalities. / #2, 3, 4 / HDD / S2-K2, S3-K2, S3-K4, S3-K6, S13-K2, S13-K3
2. identify and discuss the cultural, social, and legal trends related to the child and adolescent development and the impact on curricular planning for schools. / #4, exams / PR, HDD / S3-K6, St-K2, S10-K2, S13-K2, S13-K3, S13-K4, S13-K5, S13-K6
3. be aware of the biases and demonstrate openness and objectivity toward issues, theories, and orientations in understanding children and adolescents. / #2, 3, 4, dispositions / PR, HDD / S2-K1, S2-K2, S2-K3, S3-K1, S3-K2, S3-K4, S13-K4
4. demonstrate evidence of a working knowledge of key terms and concepts relating to diversity, exceptionalities, and culturally responsive teaching. / #1, 2, 3, 4, exams, dispositions / HDD / S2-K3, S3-K6
5. identify teaching/learning issues for diverse student populations. / #4, exams / HDD / S2-K2, S2-K3, S3-K1, S3-K2, S3-K4, S3-K6
6. describe the characteristics of, service delivery models for, and identification/assessment procedures related to students with sensory impairments, physical disabilities and other health impairments, cognitive exceptionalities, emotional/behavioral disorders, and severe and multiple disabilities. / #3, 4, exams / HDD / S2-K1, S2-K2, S3-K1, S3-K2, S3-K4, S3-K6
7. examine and interpret educational policy and practice through critically reflective oral, written, and visual communication. / #1, 2, 3, 4, exams, dispositions / PR, HDD / S2-K1, S2-K2, Se-K3, S3-K1, S3-K2, S3-K4, S3-K6

Course Assignments:

Class information, announcements, and assignments will be posted on Blackboard (http: www.blackboard.wichita.edu).

1.  Assignment #1--Individualized Education Plan: Each pre-service teacher will complete and submit an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) for his/her enrollment in CI 320. The IEP will provide identification information, present levels of educational performance, transition plan, goals and objectives, delivery of services, review dates, special recommendations, and signatures. Due: August 28, 2008. (50 points)

2. Assignment #2—Collaboration Issues: Students will be given a set of questions over chapters 1- 4 & 14 to which to respond. Textbook citations are required for each question. Due: September 11, 2008. (25 points)

3. Assignment #3—Learning Disabilities: Following viewing of the video “F.A.T. City”, students will be given a set of questions over chapter 5 and the video to which to respond. Textbook citations are required for each question. Due: October 2, 2008. (25 points)

4. Assignment #4—Behavior Management: Students will be given a set of questions over chapter 6, 7 & 14 to which to respond. Textbook citations are required for each question. Due: October 23, 2008. (25 points)

5. Assignment #5—Communication Disorders & Orthopedic Impairments: Following viewing of the movie “Nell”, students will be given a set of questions over chapters 8 - 11and the movie to which to respond. Textbook citations are required for each question. Due: November 20, 2008. (25 points)

6. Assignment #6— Field Experience Requirement (FER) #3: FER #3 is also a requirement of CI 320 based upon observations from the field experience in an elementary school and a special education facility. Follow the guidelines in the Guide to Core One for completion of FER #3. Due: December 4, 2008. (100 points)

7. Assignment #7—Code of Conduct Activity (Optional): After an independent review of various codes of ethics for several professional organizations, students may submit a written code of conduct for individuals participating in an IEP conference. The score on this written code of conduct may replace any 50-point assignment(s)/exam listed above. Due: no later than December 11, 2008. (50 points)

8. Participation, Dispositions, and Attendance: Professionalism; including attendance, participation in class activities and discussions, and positive dispositions, is required and will be evaluated throughout the semester. Both students and the instructor will evaluate dispositions. Students may be asked to self-assess their own dispositions during the semester using the rubric and provide written reflection on their own dispositions. The instructor will assess dispositions on a continual basis and a compilation score will be determined at the end of the semester. (100 points)

7. Examinations: There will be 3 exams as outlined on the Course Schedule. These exams will be worth 50 points each covering readings and lectures/discussions/activities of the previous four-five weeks. These exams may consist of matching, true/false and multiple choice questions, as well as listing and essay. Exams are scheduled for September 18, October 30, and December 18, 2008.


Assignment Summary:

Assignment #1—IEP 50 points

Assignment #2—Collaboration Issues 25

Assignment #3—Learning Disabilities 25

Assignment #4—Behavior Management 25

Assignment #5—“Nell” Assignment 25

Assignment #6—FER #3 100

Assignment #5—Code of Conduct Activity (50) (Optional, may replace any 50 pt.)

Participation, Dispositions, Attendance 100

Exam #1 50

Exam #2 50

Exam #3 50

Total 500 points


A = 450-500 points

B = 400-449 points

C = 350-399 points

D = 300-349 points

F = below 300 points

All projects and assignments are due as outlined in the syllabus. No late assignments will be accepted without prior approval of the instructor. All late assignments will be subject to a reduction of 2 points for each day late. MAKE-UP EXAMS ARE NOT GIVEN IN THIS COURSE. Should a student miss an exam, the optional assignment will then be required to make up the missed exam. No work will be accepted after the date of the final. All typed assignments should conform to the APA guidelines.

Academic Honesty: A standard of honesty, fairly applied to all students, is essential to a learning environment. Students abridging a standard of honesty must accept the consequences; penalties are assessed by appropriate classroom instructors or other designated people. Serious cases may result in discipline at the college or University level and may result in suspension or dismissal. Dismissal from a college for academic dishonesty constitutes dismissal from the University. (WSU Student Code of Conduct)

Special Needs: ADA: If you have a physical, perceptual, psychiatric/emotional, medical, or learning disability that may impact your ability to carry out assigned course work, contact the Office of Disability Services (DS), Grace Wilkie Annex, room 173. (Voice/TDD 978-3309). ODS will review your concerns, confirm your disability, and determine, with you, what accommodations are necessary. All information and documentation of your disability is confidential and will not be released by DS without your written permission

Educational Materials Resource: "Book fine policies are in effect for any materials checked out for this class from the Library Resource Center (LRC) at the Joyce Focht Instructional Support Center (USD 259), 412 S. Main, Wichita. All materials for this class must be returned and fines paid at the LRC by this semester's Study Day before grades for this class will be recorded. NOTE: At the time of check out at the LRC, you will be asked to give your name, WSU student identification number, and identify the appropriate WSU class and instructor's name."

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