Valid Oct 1 until Sept 30



*Total in group? ______

How many in each category? 0-4yrs _____ 5-14yrs _____

15-18yrs______19-29yrs_____ 30-54yrs_____ 55+yrs _____


Name of group

Contact Person


Street Address


City ProvincePostal Code


Home TelephoneCell




Email Address


Age ___ Birth date DD/MM/YY ____/____/____

(required for statistical purposes)

Parent signature required if under 18______

First Nations/Metis or other Ethnic identity O Yes O No



Other Information Ex: Dance styles currently involved in, are you a seamstress, choreographer, certified instructor, etc?


I want my information published in the DSI directory. This is a member-to-member publication – not for public distribution

OYes O No

I want my information to be available on the DSI website

(This information is password protected and only available to other DSI members)

OYes O No

I want to receive information about DSI via E-mail

O Yes, I subscribe O No, I don’t wish to subscribe

I authorize the use of my photo to DSI for promotional use

O Yes O No

I would be interested in volunteering for DSI

O Yes O No

I would be interested in volunteering for a DSI event

O Yes O No


OYes, I would like to make a donation to DSI of $______(Donations of $20.00 or more will be acknowledged with a tax-deductible receipt)


OYes, I would like to purchase a Tariff 19 SOCAN license, as required by all dance teachers/dance studios at the discounted rate of $70/year provided to DSI

O Yes, I would like to become a member of The Canadian Dance Assembly for a discounted rate (see back for rates)

OYes, I would like to purchase a discounted subscription to The Dance Current magazine available exclusively to CDA members for $36.75 (tax incl.)

*Please see reverse for more information on affiliated organizations


O CashO Cheque

O Money OrderO Master Card

O VisaO Debit

*Please call DSI to process your electronic payment

Thank you!

Please return your completed form with payment to:

Dance Saskatchewan Inc

205 A Pacific Avenue, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada

S7K 1N9


For DSI office use only:

Date ______Rect # ______Zone ______



Discounts on DSI sponsored workshops We use our standing in Canada's dance community to attract professionals to share their knowledge in local workshops from master classes to lecture demonstrations.

Access to our Dance Resource Centre If you're looking for a video, book or magazine about dance our Resource Centre probably has it. If we don't, we'll try to find it for you. It's open to all members (dance students, parents, teachers, choreographers and others.).

Member Discounts on studio and dance floor rentals Enhance performance and reduce the risk of injury by renting dance flooring.

Eligibility for scholarships Dance festival organizers award Dance Saskatchewan Inc. scholarships at festivals across the province.

Eligibility for grants Dance Saskatchewan Inc. awards grants to individual members, group members and special projects for travel, choreography, workshops or education. Applications are screened and grants made by jury selection.

Free copy of High School Dance Credit Template Use Dance Saskatchewan Inc.'s template to help write your application for High School Dance Credit.Available on request.

Mail outs and issues of Footnotes with news and announcements for Saskatchewan's dance community. Keep in touch with happenings in the dance world.

Weekly E newsA weekly email that lists Provincial, National and International events that are of interest to dancers.

Free listing and copy of the annual DSI Dance DirectoryWhether you are looking for a special kind of dance shoe or specialized instruction, the annual directory puts it at your fingertips. Convention coordinators, service clubs, and others use the directory for their events.

Discounts on advertising through DSI

Reduced liability insurance rates for dance groups

Please contact us for more information.

Dance Saskatchewan Inc

205 A Pacific Avenue

Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada

Phone: (306) 931-8480

Toll free: 1-800-667-8480

(F) 306-244-1520



SOCAN is legally required for all active dance teachers and choreographers.

SOCAN is to make sure that music creators and publishers are fairly compensated for the use of their works. A SOCAN license allows you access to virtually the world's entire repertoire of copyright-protected musical works. If you authorize the public performance of copyright protected-musical works without obtaining a performing right license, you are liable for copyright infringement and we may protect these rights by pursuing the mater through legal channels.

A SOCAN license is available October-December. Applicable to calendar year commencing in January for a cost of $70.00


The Canadian Dance Assembly (CDA) is the voice of the professional dance sector in Canada and advocates for a healthy, sustainable environment in which professional dance practice can grow and thrive.


Affiliated Dance Professional $35

Affiliated Dance Artist $20

Students* (non voting) $10

* Student members do not vote, and are not listed in the Canadian Dance Directory

Select your Standing Council

Please select one primary Council within which you will vote that reflects your interests as a dance professional.

Standing Council / Voting
(check only one) / Area of Interest
(check all that apply)
Freelancers & Consultants
Independent Artists
Training & Education/Research & Writing
Ballet Companies
Dance Companies
Service & Support
Dance Presenters

If your organization is interested to join the Canadian Dance Assembly, please contact the CDA offices directly for Organizational Membership rates. or 416-515-8445


Purchase a discounted subscription to The Dance Current magazine at just $36.75 (regular subscription cost $42) low offer is available to CDA members only.