
NULCA Australia Inc Special General Meeting

On 4 April 2008


Quality Hotel, Mickleham Victoria

Present:Elzabeth Boesen

Shirlee Cook

John Croxson

Anthony Johnstone

Steve Fraser

Steve Wood

Alan Hunter

Mark Edwards

David Frost

Brendan King

Mark Binks

Ben Minutoli

Michael Daly

Eamon Bowler


Gary Humrich

Jim Archibald

Glen Blackmore

Grant Higgins

Gordon Bell

The President opened the meeting at 1115.

The President asked the meeting to accent the apologies

Moved – Mark Edwards

Seconded – Michael Daly

Passed Unanimously

The President welcomed those present opened the meeting to General Business.

  1. Alan Hunter outlined a recent incident about an optical fibre location where the cable had not been where Telstra plans had shown. He used the incident to indicate to the meeting that part of the role Nulca should be to provide advice, support members and to represent their interests to the utilities. He added that he believed that Nulca should have a preferred insurer who should be able to assist in cases especially when issues were in dispute. Discussion followed.

He mentioned that in the aforesaid incident that the Secretary had taken the time, sought external professional advice and had provided assistance.

  1. Steve Fraser asked the committee about what correspondence had been received/sent. The President outlined the procedures in place. In addition he asked that his letter (copy attached) to Alinta outlining problems locators are having be sent on to Alinta.
  1. The Treasurer presented the Financial Report.

Moved – Alan Hunter

Seconded – Mark Edwards


  1. Michael Daly added that the Profit and Loss Report should be placed in the members section of the website

Moved – Michael Daly

Seconded – Alan Hunter


  1. Steve Wood addressed the meeting on the progress of the brochure, membership card and bumper stickers.
  1. Mark Edwards raised concerns about falling membership and the need for Nulca to be a more prominent player in the utility location industry. In particular the need to push to have utilities acknowledge Nulca as the spokesperson of the locating industry. He indicated that as part of this process that Nulca should lobby utilities to ensure that the concerns of locators are addressed. There was wide support for his views.
  1. Mark Binks, the Dial 1100 Before You Dig manager for Vic/Tas addressed the meeting. He reinforced the need the put in place a training and accreditation program that the utility asset owners would recognise and feel confident about. He indicated that he would seek approval after the next State managers meeting to provide Nulca with national contact details for utilities and underground asset owners. Anthony Johnstone indicated that an approach should be made to both EnergySafe and WorkSafe.
  1. Steve Fraser addressed the meeting and tabled his comments and suggestions about the draft training course. The President initially read the document to the meeting, but sought approval, given its length to place it with the minutes on the website.
  1. The President raised the point that plans Dial 1100 Before You Dig were not date stamped and as a result currency was impossible to validate, especially on site and where the plans had been separated from the covering letter with the sequence number. It was agreed that Nulca would write a letter to Dial 1100 Before You Dig. In addition the letter would also address Telstra rural local, main and OF plans not showing street names.
  1. Alan Hunter asked the meeting to consider that all Nulca members should use the Nulca logo on Yellow Pages and other advertising to reinforce the association and the vales it stands for.
  1. Alan Hunter also asked the meeting if other members had received letters from Telstra informing them that farm location work is going to be outsourced and that did they want their details passed onto the ANAS contractors. The Secretary indicated that he would look into the matter with Telstra.
  1. The Secretary briefed the meeting about the training package. Discussion followed covering all aspects of the program including, trainee logbooks, articulation with civil and other qualifications, assessment of existing locators and assessment of new members among others.
  1. The President indicated to the meeting that the AGM in Melbourne later in the year should be held at 4.00 pm on a Friday followed by a members dinner. This received wide approval.
  1. The President also indicated that the next GM would be held at Western Sydney International Dragway, Eastern Creek on Friday 23 May 2008 commencing at 4.00 pm. The Secretary indicated that he would arrange the venue.
  1. The President asked all present to forward any article, picture, story or anything that might be interesting to other members to be included in the newsletter.

There being no further business the President thanked all present for their attendance closed the General Meeting at 1435.

John Croxson, Secretary

on behalf of

Elizabeth Boesen


5 May 2008