Venice Biennale and Documenta Bursaries 2017

Application form

  1. Your contact details.

[Boxes will expand as you write into them]






a-n Artist membership expiry date:

  1. Do you have a preference for which event you would like bursary support to attend? Please mark with a cross. We will endeavour to accommodate preferences but this is not guaranteed.

Venice Biennale:


No preference:

  1. How might you benefit from attending Venice Biennale or Documenta and why is this the right time for you to attend? (up to 200 words)
  1. How might your network of peers benefit from your participation in the bursary activity? (up to 200 words)
  1. Name and contact details of arts professional or established artist who knows your practice well enough to recommend you for this bursary.


Contact details

Sending your application

Send the following 3 pdf files to with ‘Venice/Documenta Bursary’ in the email header:

  1. Your application form saved as a pdf (with your name first in the title eg Freda_Bloggs_Bursary_Application)
  2. Your up-to-date CV including links to relevant websites (in 1 pdf file, with your name first in the title eg Freda_Bloggs_CV)
  3. A completed equality and diversity monitoring form(in 1 pdf filewith your name first in the title eg Freda_Bloggs_EDform)

Applications accepted from now and up to 12 noon Thursday 12 January.


  • In submitting this application form you confirm that you meet the eligibility criteria and are not a student undertaking an undergraduate course, and artist within 24 months of completing an undergraduate course, and that you have not received a bursary from a-n during 2016 or received a Venice bursary in 2013 or 2015.
  • In order to preserve as much money for bursaries, a-n can’t respond to requests for advice in shaping applications or queries about the terms or eligibility criteria.
  • We advise not leaving the sending your application to the last day.
  • The decision to award or not is at the discretion of a-n The Artists Information Company.
  • There is a reporting back obligation on bursary recipients, designed to increase visibility for the bursary artists themselves within the artists’ community whilst widening access to and knowledge of Venice Biennale and Documenta to others across the visual arts.