Positions Available
Please number your choices of positions you are applying for in order of preference. Number as many as you feel qualified for and are interested in.
Senior Counselor
Junior Counselor
Program Assistant
Drama Director
Crafts Director
Media & Photo Specialist
Video Specialist
Health Care Manager
Maintenance Host
Dining Room Hostess
Leadership Staff
Program Facilitator
Office Administrator
Women’s Director
Men’s Director


Present Address (College, mission base, etc.):

City: State: Zip:

Phone: Cell:

Email Address:

Permanent Address:

City: State: Zip:


Best time to be reached:

Drivers License Number: State: Class:

Emergency Contact Person: Phone:

Relationship To You:

Have you been disqualified from service under the grounds for denying employment or have you been convicted of an offense similar in nature to the crimes listed under the grounds for denying employment under the laws or former laws of the United States or one of its territories or possessions, another state, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico or a foreign nation, or under a former law of this commonwealth?


Do you have any charges pending against you and/or have you ever been convicted of or pleaded “no contest” to a felony or misdemeanor resulting in imprisonment or a fine over $500 during the last ten (10) years?

YES NO If yes, please explain:

Have you ever been accused or convicted of physically abusing or sexually molesting anyone?

YES NO If yes, please explain:

Do you object to any of the background checks required by PA state law for applicants hired in a position working with children?

YES NO If yes, please explain:

Black Rock Retreat is a drug and alcohol free organization. All employees are subject to random drug testing. Refusal to consent to being tested will result in withdrawal of any provisional employment offer. If a provisional offer of employment is extended to you, will you consent to being tested? YES NO

If yes, please explain:

What years and positions have you served at Black Rock Retreat?

What church, if any, do you currently attend?

Personal/Ministry Questions

Please answer the following questions in full.

1. You are already aware that we ask all staff to commit to the ENTIRE camp program. This year the dates are May 31-August 13 (May 30 for Program Staff). PLEASE NOTE that camp is starting and ending one week later than last year. Also, Pre-Camp Training is two days longer, starting on Tuesday for Program Staff and Wednesday for Counselors. Please list the dates and times of any dates that you are requesting off and a brief explanation of why you are requesting it. Keeping in mind that we do not typically grant time off for family vacations, mission trips, or school related trips, especially if requiring 3 days or more.

2. Describe your spiritual journey currently: How have you seen God pursuing you and how have you been seeking God?

3. Reflect on what you learned practically and spiritually during the last summer you were here.

4. How would you challenge yourself in new ways this summer?

5. Why do you want the position(s) you are applying for? How do your strengths and experiences equip you for this position?

6. The theme this summer is “Oasis” with a theme verse of Psalm 63:1. We will be teaching about deserts in the Bible as well as desert times of our lives and how God is an oasis to us in those times. Read the theme verse as well as other key passages (Isaiah 35:1-7, Deuteronomy 1:30-31, Psalm 105:40-42, 1 Kings 19, and John 4:1-42) and then comment on how you think this theme could be taught to campers.

7. What is the hardest thing you are facing right now that you think I should know and how do you think it could impact your ministry at Black Rock? You may choose to save this answer until the re-interview.

8. Briefly summarize any significant ministry opportunities you have had since you were last at BRR and how God has used them to impact you (e.g. working with youth, missions trips, volunteer work, conferences or seminars attended, etc.).

9. What are some key aspects of summer camp at BRR that you think should be emphasized during pre-camp training?

10. What other thoughts, concerns, encouragement, suggestions or comments would you like to give as you look back on the last summer you were here that would be helpful feedback for us to consider in order to improve summer camp for 2017?

Signature: Date:

To submit: complete the entire application, save, and attach in an email to Josh Foley at: