CPU - Linux Attack Plan
Pre – Competition
-Download and transfer images to all computers.
-Have unique ID and password to extract images ready
-Make sure all computers are up to date
-Make sure there is enough storage space in hard drive
-Give VM a ram boost (2-4gb)
-Enter Unique ID
-Read Readme File
-Make note of scored/forensics question( answer these as soon as you find the answer)
Remember not to delete/remove any user account, file, or script as they can be the answer to your questions
Write down every change you make that gives you points. This is just incase you need to restart your image.
DO NOT disable CyberPatriot Scoring Engine
User Accounts
-Create/change passwords for all accounts (Root,Admins,Standard)
-Make sure all user accounts are in their respective groups
-Disable all user accounts not authorized
-Disable Guest Account if not stated in readme file
Useful commands/config files
Change Passwords – sudopasswd “username”
Disable/Lock Accounts – sudousermod –L “username” ;sudodeluser –l “username”
/etc/passwd/ - contains list of usernames, user IDs, group IDs
/etc/shadow/ - contains list of ““, password hashes
/etc/group/ - contains list of groups
Format: groupname:x:groupid:”username”;”username
Background Tasks
Because we cannot pre-stage anything for linux all downloads will have to be done in
real time.
While reading the readme file or securing your user accounts do the following:
-Update/Upgrade OS
-Download, install and run any software (antivirus, network scanners, etc).
Useful Commands
Update Repositories – sudo apt-get update
Download & Install Updates – sudo apt-get upgrade
DO NOT run the following command: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
This will update your OS from 14.04 to 16.04 and will break your scoring engine.
Quick and Easy Tasks
-Bring up firewall
-Enable Automatic Updates
-Disable automatic login (found in System Settings in UI)
Checking & Disabling Services
-Make sure only to run services stated in readme file.
-Services Previously seen in CP:
SSH, Telnet, Apache, FTP, Mysql, Filezilla, Samba
-Configuration files for most of these services are found in /etc/
Useful Commands
ps aux – will show process with their respective directory/file in which it was used to create
top – terminal based task/activity monitor.
Htop – interactive terminal based task/activity monitor. ( must install: apt-get install htop)
Rcconf – interactive terminal based manager that shows startup services. Can be used to disable start up services. (must install: apt-get install rcconf)
Local Security Policies
-Account Policies
-Password Policies
-Lockout Policies
Use similar settings to that of Windows:
Min ageAccount Lockout Threshold
Max ageAccount Lockout time/counter
Most security policies can be found in /etc/pam.d/
Files to look at:
Login.defs – can be found in /etc/
Useful links – Remember: A google search can take you a long way.
Firewall and Ports
-Quick scan of open ports (this will often show if there are any services you may have missed)
-Double Check and see if firewall is on
-Block any ports used by services either than those stated in Readme & Scoring Engine
Useful tools for port scanning:
Nmap – to run use command: nmap localhost or nmap
This will show you any services that are currently using a port
Netstat – to run use command: netstat –plnt or netstat –punta
This is a more detailed report similar to nmap.
Remove Malicious/Unwanted software
-Check all packages/software installed and remove any software that may seem fishy
-Common software often found in images:
John the Rippertelnetnetcat
Useful Command
Dpkg – this will show all packages installed
Run as: dpkg--get-selections
MISC. Items
-Search User Directories for “non-work related” media files
-Check and see if user account directories are not shared publicly (777)
Use command: chmod 700 /home/*
This will make user account directories private
-Check crontab/cronjob to see if any scripts are running in background
-Update any programs that should be on the OS
What to do if you are stuck?
-GOOGLE! Search things such as: linux hardening checklists, how to secure linux, etc
-Take a break! Competition can be stressful.
-Ask your team for help.
-Remember, the team is only as good as how well we have documented our notes and how well we communicate between each other.
-Do not be afraid to ask questions.