iscussions for Beware the Ides of March (BIM)
Using Canvas course management system. Students divided into groups according to faction.
Students read the assigned passages on-line using the IUPUI library subscription to Loeb online. I created links to the specific passages so students would not have to search for them
Discussion 1: Cicero, de republica, parts
Read the following sections of Cicero's de republica: Book I. 1-13; 39-70; Book II 42-63; Book III.43-48
As you read, think about the material from the view-point as a Caesarian, Republican, or Indeterminate. From that viewpoint, note what Cicero says about: rule by a king, an aristocracy and by the people, good and bad.
1) In your post Identify yourself by your role and give your opinion, agreeing or disagreeing and saying why, from the point of view of your faction and/or your role in the faction.
Note Loeb page numbers and the sections in the work itself, for example: "I agree with Cicero when he says in Book I, section 2 (Loeb p.15) that '…the existence of virtue depends entirely upon its use; and its noblest use is the government of the State,…' because…"
You may also post questions about points in the reading that you would like clarification from your colleagues.
What form of government does Cicero think is best, and why?
2) Once you have posted, take a look at posts from two (2) other colleagues in your faction and comment on the posts. You must say why you agree or disagree.
Discussion 1 Rubric Using Speedgrader
Criteria / Ratings / PtsResponds to all points w/ quote & citation
•View longer description
Justifies opinion based on sources
∆Includes quotes from the source & proper citation: Book, Section (Loeb p. #) / Full Marks
10.0 pts / Partial Marks
7.0 pts / Minimal Marks
3.0 pts
/ 10.0 pts
Responds to posts of 2 others
•View longer description
States the reason for agreeing or disagreeing / Full Marks
10.0 pts / Partial Marks
7.0 pts / Minimal Marks
3.0 pts
/ 10.0 pts
Total Points: 20.0
Discussion 2: Cicero On Duties (De Officiis) (parts)
I had created a supplement for BIM handbook which included Caesar's acta, and an overview of key Roman Virtues, that I got from Ted Gellar Goad.
In the Beware the Ides of March manual, read the selections from Cicero's On Duties (De Officiis) pp. 143-166. Pay special attention to the passages on war.
Also, in the BIM supplement, read over the Roman virtues.
As you read, think about the material from the view-point as a Caesarian, Republican, or Indeterminate. In your post Identify yourself by your role and give your opinion, agreeing or disagreeing and saying why, from the point of view of your faction and/or your role in the faction.
Note the Book numbers in Cicero's work itself and the BIM page numbers, for example: "I agree with Cicero when he says in Book I of On Duties (BIM p. 1 145) recommends that his son should 'have equal command in both languages [Greek and Latin], because…"
You may also post questions about points in the reading that you would like clarification from your colleagues.
1) What does Cicero say about justice and war? According to Cicero, can there be such a thing as a 'just' war? Explain with examples. Do you agree or not - justify your view with examples.
2) From the supplement on Roman Virtues Identify three Roman Virtues in Cicero's work. Note how Cicero shows that each virtue is demonstrated by Romans of the past or of his own time by noting who these individuals are and how each individual show a virtue.
3) Once you have posted, take a look at posts from two (2) other colleagues in your faction and comment on the posts. You must say why you agree or disagree.
4) Write out three talking points for Tuesday connected to the items on the agenda (Sextus Pompey, Parthian campaign, making Caesar a god) and tied to Cicero's work and to at least one Roman virtue. These can be posted here and on a separate piece of paper to use in class.
Discussion 2 Rubric Using Speedgrader:
Criteria / Ratings / PtsResponds to all points w/ quote & citation
•Longer description
•Justifies opinion based on sources
Includes quotes from the source & proper citation: Book, Section (Loeb p. #) / Full Marks
10.0 pts / Partial Marks
7.0 pts / Minimal Marks
3.0 pts
/ 10.0 pts
Responds to posts of 2 others
•Longer description
States the reason for agreeing or disagreeing / Full Marks
10.0 pts / Partial Marks
7.0 pts / Minimal Marks
3.0 pts
/ 10.0 pts
Provides 3 Talking points / Full Marks
5.0 pts / Partial Marks
4.0 pts / Minimal Marks
3.0 pts
/ 5.0 pts
Total Points: 25.0
I created these assignments as a means to make sure the students actually read the ancient sources to use in speeches and longer writing assignments. I think the assignment worked reasonably well for the discussions, but I don't think the material transferred into the longer writing assingnment at the end of the semester very well, as I did not see as many references to these sources as I would have liked. It seems that materials such as these also need some time for in-class discussion as well as discussion online in order for the concepts to sink in. That is one problem with the game --- there does not seem to be enough time to do everything that is needed.