Teacher: Ms. Blackmore

School: Harold Peterson Middle School

Unit: Leadership and Team Building

Grade: Six

Date: April 8th, 2013

Title of Lesson: “Rescue the Cup”
Curriculum Outcome
Class Objective
Students work together as a group using communication and leadership skills to find a solution of how to “rescue the cup” from the circle of lava without using their hands or entering the circle. / Assessment (Products)
Students are not assessed in this class; however, they are expected to behave according to school standards and contribute to the team.
Time Required for this lesson: 30 minutes
Materials/ Resources
String / Yarn
Hair Elastic
Methods / Structure
Students will work collectively as a team to solve the problem presented to them
Text/Audio/Video-based Resources
Deepak Chopra Leadership Video / Features
Rescue the Cup Activity
Leadership Video / Vocabulary
Instructional Strategies/ Procedure for the Class
Phase 1: Engagement/ Review
Time: 5-10 minutes
Step 1: Review communication skills and previous activities
Step 2: Watch Deepak Chopra Leadership Video: Are you ready to be a leader? Video can be accessed at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O4QAaCwPk2o
Phase 2: Content/ Application
Time: 10-15 minutes
“Rescue the Cup” Activity
In this activity, students will work together as a group using communication and leadership skills to find a solution of how to “rescue the cup” from the circle of lava (taped circle) without using their hands or entering the circle.
Step 1: Provide students with the following materials
-  Yarn/ String (each student receives string)
-  1 Hair Elastic
-  Cup ½ filled with water
Step 2: Tape a circle on the ground roughly 4 feet in diameter
Step 3: Place the cup of water in the center of the circle
Step 4: Instruct student that they must find a way to “Rescue the Cup” from the circle of lava without stepping into the circle or entering the circle in any way and without touching the cup with their hands or any part of their body. Remind students to work together with their classmates and the provided material to find a solution.
Phase 3: Closure
Time: 5 minutes
Step 1: Discuss the activity with students
Step 2: Celebrate their success (High-Fives)
Step 3: Instruct students to pack up their things and prepare for lunch
Working as a group allows everyone to use their strengths as a contribution to the group. All students, regardless of their level, experience the pride involved with solving a problem as a team and are valued members of the team/ group.
Deepak Chopra – The Rabbit Hole Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O4QAaCwPk2o