AP World History Comparative Essay Outline

One of the two types of essays you will write on the AP World History Exam is a comparative essay. What they are basically asking you to do is examine two places and analyze how they are similar and different during a specific time frame. There are a couple key ideas to keep in mind when writing this type of an essay.

  1. ATQ – Answer The Question!

Your essay must address the question you are given. Make sure your response correctly addresses the topic(s) and the time frames of the question.

  1. WART – World Context, Argument, Reasons Three
  2. Your introduction/ thesis should have three parts:
  3. World Context – Place the events to place the change or events – Think big picture
  4. Examples – Age of Exploration, World War Two, Classical Civilizations
  5. This should be substantial – multiple sentences
  6. Argument – Your last sentence should lay out your response to the task, with your
  7. Reasons Three – A minimum of three groups/ topics that respond to the task that includes at a comparison of the themes or topics.
  8. Underline your thesis!
  1. Use Transitional Phrases

You should use good transitional phrases in your essay. They can be broken down for several ways.

  1. To Clarify a sequence of events: first, second, third, next, finally, last
  2. To show a similar relationship: similarly, in like manner, likewise
  3. To show or point out a result: consequently, as a result, therefore, hence
  4. To summarize a position: in summation, finally, in conclusion, in short
  5. To illustrate a point: for example, by way of illustration, for instance
  6. To contrast a position: on the other hand, however, but, yet, despite, although
  1. Detail
  2. Put as much detail as you can into the essay. It should be content rich. Use vocabulary terms, people, places, events, etc. to flesh out your essay. Load it up!
  3. Minimum 5 pieces to support your thesis!
  1. Analysis of Comparison
  2. Here you should choose at least one of the comparisons you have identified and explain why there it stayed they are the same.
  3. Must be substantial! Multiple sentences. Use detail!
  1. Manage Your Time
  2. You should write your essay in about 40 minutes, with the first 5 minutes outlining your essay. Stay focused on the task! You need to get to the point and move. Don’t dawdle!
  3. Take the first 5 minutes to outline your response. Key ideas and topics only!
  1. Write the Essay

Be calm, and write. Freaking out only wastes time and makes you nervous. Just do it!



You are to answer the question below. In writing your essay, use specific examples to support your answer. Your essay should be at least 2 – 3 pages handwritten.


Compare and contrast China and Japan.

  1. Contains brief description of the World Context.
  2. As neighbors only separate by the Sea of Japan, China and Japan have a long history together.
  3. Thesis – One sentence that contains a comparison of the theme or topic. Use big ideas.
  4. Ex. “Japan is similar to China in that both countries are located in Asia and practice Buddhism, but they are different in that they have distinct cultures and histories.”

Body Paragraph #1
  1. Topic sentence – “Japan and China are both located in Asia.”
  2. Discussion with facts (vocab terms, names, places, people, events, ideas).
  3. Analyze reason for similarity or difference (may be a separate paragraph).

Body Paragraph #2
  1. Topic sentence – “Japan and China are similar in that they both practice Buddhism.”
  2. Discussion with facts (vocab terms, names, places, people, events, ideas).
  3. Analyze reason for similarity or difference (may be a separate paragraph).

Body paragraph #3
  1. Topic sentence – “Japan and China are different in that they have different cultures.”
  2. Discussion with facts (vocab terms, names, places, people, events, ideas).
  3. Analyze reason for similarity or difference (may be a separate paragraph).

Body paragraph #4
  1. Topic sentence – “Japan and China are different in that they have different histories.”
  2. Discussion with facts (vocab terms, names, places, people, events, ideas).
  3. Analyze reason for similarity or difference (may be a separate paragraph).

Body paragraph #5
  1. Topic sentence – “Japan and China are different in that they have different histories.”
  2. Discussion with facts (vocab terms, names, places, people, events, ideas).
  3. Analyze reason for similarity or difference (may be a separate paragraph).

  1. Restate thesis
  2. Repeat introduction information