Canadian Association of Elizabeth Fry Societies

Minutes of the Teleconference Meetingof the Board of Directors

13 February2011

1.Identification of Board Members

a)Board Members

Lucie Joncas, President

Cathie Penny, Treasurer & Board Member- Atlantic Region

Sue Dunlop, Secretary and Board Member – Ontario Region

Louise Richards, Staff Representative – Pacific Region

Mollie Both, Board Member – Pacific Region

Nancy Poon, Board Member- Prairie Region

Bonnie Parker, Board Member– Prairie Region

Caroleen Wright, Staff Representative, & Regional Advocate– Prairie Region

Leanne Kilby, Staff Representative– Ontario Region

Diana Majury, Board Member– Ontario Region

Denise Durette, Staff Representative & Regional Advocate – Atlantic Region


Jo-Anne Wemmers, Board Member – Quebec Region

Ruth Gagnon, Staff Representative & Regional Advocate – Quebec Region

Jennifer Harrington, Vice President & Board Member– Pacific Region

Carley Parish, Board Member – Atlantic Region

Bernice Perkins, Regional Advocate & Okimaw Ohci Healing Lodge Representative


Kim Pate, Executive Director

  1. Approval of AgendaAppendix I

Motion:That the agenda for this meeting be approved, with addition of discussion about successionplanning for the Board for next year.

Moved by Sue Dunlop; seconded by Cathie Penny; carried unanimously.

  1. Approval of MinutesAppendix II

Motion:That the minutes of the November 7-8, 2010 meeting of the Board of Directors be approved as circulated.

Moved by Nancy Poon; seconded by Leanne Kilby; carried unanimously.

4.President’s Report

Lucie encouraged the membership to continue to work on the issues of legislative reform. The membership is urged to also voice opposition and contact their Members of Parliament to register their opposition. She will try to discuss the repeal of the accelerated parole provisions with the Bloc Quebecois. She is also continuing her work on behalf of the women at Nova, with respect to the inadequacy of the resources for food allocations.

Motion:That the Board accept the President’s Report.

Moved by Denise Durette; seconded by Diana Majury; carried unanimously.

5Treasurer’s ReportAppendix III

Sue, Mollie, Jennifer and Cathie will review the salary of the Executive Director before the AGM. Cathie reviewed the financial statement.

Motion:That the Boardaccept the Treasurer’s Report, including confirmation and approval of all financial decisions and payments made on behalf of CAEFS since the last Board meeting.

Moved by Cathie Penny; seconded by Denise Durette; carried unanimously.

5.Executive Director’s ReportAppendix IV

Kim reviewed the highlights of her written report.

Bedford Case Intervention – Kim also reported that, thanks to the assistance of counsel, Fay

Faraday, and Diana Majury,we have contributed an affidavit, on behalf of CAEFS, in support of

the coalition’s application to intervene in the Bedford case. The fact she et will be included with

the new fact sheets for E Fry Week 2011.

Motion:That the Board accept the Executive Director’s Report.

Moved by Cathie Penny; seconded by Diana Majury; carried unanimously.

6.Regional ReportsAppendix V

  1. Pacific Regional Report

Mollie Both and Louise Richards reported on behalf of the Regional Advocate Team for the Pacific Region. A written report will be circulated as soon as possible.

  1. Prairie Regional Report

Caroleen Wright reported on behalf of the Prairie Regional Advocate Team.

  1. Okimaw Ohci Healing Lodge

Bernice Perkinswas not on the call, so Caroleen included the Okimaw Ohci Healing Lodge report with the Prairie Report.

iv.Ontario Regional Report

Leanne Kilby reported on behalf of the Regional Advocate Team for the Ontario Region.

  1. Quebec Regional Report

Ruth Gagnon is recovering from surgery, so was not able to be on the call, but she has undertaken to send her written report within one week.

  1. Atlantic Regional Report

Denise Durette presented the Atlantic report on behalf of the Atlantic Regional Advocate Team, the Atlantic Advocacy Committee.

Motion:The Regional Reports be accepted as presented, andwill include the written reports, as they are received.

Moved by Sue Dunlop; seconded byDenise Durette; carried unanimously.

7.Committee ReportsAppendix VI

a)Social Action

Co-chairs:Louise RichardsJo-Anne Wemmers

Members: Caroleen Wright

Leanne Kilby

Carley Parish

Diana Majury

Nancy Poon

Bonnie Parker

Lucie Joncas

Kim Pate

The Committee has not had an opportunity to meet since the last Board meeting, but Louise

reviewed the Social Action priorities and work plan.


Chair:Sue Dunlop

Members:Nancy Poon

Carley Parish

Jennifer Harrington

Ruth Gagnon

Denise Durette

Lucie Joncas

Kim Pate

Sue requested an electronic copy of the terms of reference of the Committee, so Kim will

forward same as soon as possible. The Board supports inviting women with lived experience.

The Board agreed that the women who attend the AGM will be invited to a pre-meeting, with a

View to providing them with support and a briefing by the members who have nominated them

to attend the Board meeting.

c)AGM, Bursary and Membership Committee

Chair:Mollie Both

Members:Ruth Gagnon

Caroleen Wright

Cathie Penny

Lucie Joncas

Kim Pate

Marianna Stack (ex officio)

Paula King (ex officio)

AGM:Work is well underway for the AGM in Hamilton. We will be at McMaster University for all of the meetings, other than the AGM. The AGM will be held in GVI. We will encourage the prison to allow women to attend the AGM on ETAs.

After much encouragement by the other members of the Board, and upon reflection, Sue Dunlop has agreed to have her name stand for President of CAEFS for 2011-2013.

In preparation for the AGM, Sue will review the CAEFS By-Laws, with a view to recommending revisions, particularly to the portion pertaining to CAEFS’ Committees.

Bursary:Bursary application announcements are dribbling in.

Membership:We have applications from Vernon and PEI. PEI has not completed their application yet, but the Vernon application is complete. Mollie will contact EFS Central Okanagan and advise themthat the Committee will seek clarification from the group, with respect to whether or not they plan to adopt the Elizabeth Fry name and the Committee’s concerns that they do not provide direct service to criminalized women. For the workshop day, Kim will approach a consumer group of psychiatric survivors, as well as Mr. Justice Ted Ormston, who is a judge with the Mental Health Court in Toronto and on the Mental Health Commission of Canada. Please forward other suggestions to Sue at your earliest convenience.


Chair:Diana Majury

Members:Leanne Kilby

Mollie Both

Jennifer Harrington

Caroleen Wright

Louise Richards

Cathie Penny

Ruth Gagnon

Bonnie Parker

Lucie Joncas

Kim Pate

Focus:1. Ongoing Support for Regional Advocates – Kim is providing supervisory and professional support for the federal Regional Advocates. Each region needs to develop provincial advocacy initiatives and plans. The regional representatives will identify issues and send them to Diana, who will then facilitate publication of these for the membership.

2. Funding formula for Regional Development monies – for this year, the Atlantic, Quebec and Ontario regions have agreed to contribute $4,000 each, and Pacific has agreed to contribute $2,000 to the Prairie Region now, and possibly another $2,000 at the end of the year, if they can afford it; Ontario has contributed $1000. Cathie Penny, Caroleen Wright, Lucie Joncas and Jennifer Harrington are the regional contacts for Diana Majury, as she gathers information, so that the Committee may develop its recommendation with respect to future allocation of Regional Development resources. These recommendations will be presented to the membership in advance of, and for discussion at, the AGM in Hamilton.

e)Housing Committee

Co-Chairs:Jennifer Harrington & Paula King

Members:Nancy Poon

Denise Durette

Leanne Kilby

Ruth Gagnon

Membership is open to all members – 26 members attended the last meeting.

The Housing Committee has not met since the last meeting of the Board.

Actions:1. The Board representative on each of the Committees is responsible for

circulating the agenda and requesting contribution from the local societies, in order to contribute to the conference call.

  1. Committee Chairs will respond back to the CAEFS’ Board.
  2. Regional representatives on the conference calls will have the responsibility to also report back to the locals.
  3. Each Committee will plan to chair a discussion at the workshop day next year.

Motion:That the chairs, membership and work plans of the committees be approved as presented.

Moved byDenise Durette; seconded byCathie Penny; approved unanimously.

Call in Information for Conference Calls:

1. Call in to 1-866-797-9098

2. Enter our call number, which is, 668 4944#

3. If you are the first one on the call, please enter the moderator PIN, which is 1654*

8. Next Meetings:

Annual General Meeting:June 1, 2011 – Regional Advocate and Housing Meeting

June 2, 2011 – Executive Directors’ Meeting

June 3, 2011 – CAEFS’ Conference

June 4, 2011 – Annual General Meeting

June 5, 2011 – Meeting of the Incoming Board of Directors

9.Motion to Adjourn

Motion: That the meetingadjourn at 1:05 p.m. EST.

Moved by Leanne Kilby; supported unanimously.

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