Student Health Services
Health Services Advisory Committee
Meeting Minutes 12/12/2012
Attendance: Tina August, Michelle Dowling, Jeane Erlenborn, Ruth Ann Grogan, Cheryl Higgins, Arthur Hsieh, Ricardo Navarrette, Susan Quinn, Anna Valdez, Catherine Williams, Deborah Ziccone
Agenda Review: by Catherine Williams, Committee Chair
Approval of Meeting Notes: Approved for May 9, 2012; Approved for September 26, 2012; Anna Valdez offers to take notes in Spring; Cheryl Higgins will take notes today.
Anna Valdez: Hanover Group Grant listing was forwarded to Susan Quinn, pointing out one on health relationships which is perfect for SHS. Jeane Erlenborn and Becky Fein interested; Susan Quinn wonders ifit is capable of covering the necessary admin overhead involved, both within SHS and Accounting. Anna Valdez remarks that grant administration can be built into the budget. Jeane/Becky will get details of grant requirements.
Susan Quinn: SHS is adopting an Effective Facilitation meeting format within the department. There is a learning curve. Staff feedback is positive.
Ricardo Navarrette: Budget, Strategic Plan and Grants
- Budget – Reminder: complete Doug Roberts’ survey on cost saving/revenue generation ideas
- Strategic Plan –There is not a specific integration mechanism betweendepartment and district plans.
- Grants – Departments are encouraged to look into grants, taking into account both Accounting and Research,building funds in for these services as appropriate, i.e. improve SRJC’s bottom line.
Catherine Williams: CIRT activities Fall 2013:
- Hosted successfulstatewide threat assessment training.
- Front office threat assessment/de-escalation training for 90 classified staff.
- Susan: SHS is developing a database on tracking behavioral incident reports, as a preliminary documentation system for shared access.
Jeane Erlenborn:Kognito
An online training, Kognito, is being launched at SRJC, which teaches participants how to recognize students in distress and how to intervene. Kognito has modules for faculty, (CIRT is steering this launch) students,(PEERS Coalition is steering this launch) and Veterans (CIRT/PEI). Anna Valdez will promote Kognito to her faculty. Flex credit will be available, Kognito is available at SRJC free through July, 2015.
Updates: Please refer to “Health Fee Fiscal Midyear Update” attachment
Health Fee Cola
Board Policy Review
Brief Fiscal Review
PEERS Coalition
Health Fee COLA:Presentation of the attached materials was done with the Student Senate on Dec. 10th, by Susan and Alan. Information about the purpose, planning, and use of Health Fee dollars was an important piece (students generally are unaware of the dynamics). The public health funding model is different than traditional healthcare topics, (insurance, and focus on individual services only) and was received well. The need to maximize expenditure cuts within the department, combined with diverse revenue searching was made clear.
The Student Senate approved the $1 COLA increase to begin Summer 2013. This is going to the District’s January Board meeting, with anticipated approval.
Board Policy ReviewThe Student Senate did not consider the Automatic COLA policy at this time, and is open to looking at this as part of the broader District wide review process needed for policy change, during Spring 2013, and another Student Senate presentation/discussion.
Brief Fiscal Review: Susan Quinn walked through the SHS budget document, “. (See attached) Discussion points included:
- Projections: It’s very hard to work with projections for SHS budget development, as most variables are “unknown” in March, when the next year’s budget is developed. (i.e. current year’s revenue, employee benefit costs, enrollment realities) This year, it was quite a bit off, due to these particular variables.
- Adjustments to 12-13: were made to more accurately project revenue and expenses for 12-13, but this still has significant “best guesstimate” data. (not known until late July 2013).
- HF revenue down more due to enrollment cuts
- MAA down due to impact of Accounting moves July 2012
- Personnel expenses much higher than projected “blended benefits”, PERS increase, etc.
- Over $200,000 will most likely need to be withdrawn from the reserve funds this fiscal year, leaving only about $175,000, with is below the “trigger point” of maintaining 15% of the operational budget reserved.
- Expenses exceed revenue for 2012/13:
- Discussion:
- Advised additional number crunching as Spring arrives, caution against section increases resulting in comparable rises in unduplicated credit headcounts (Health Fee marker). A specific % to use is lacking in institutional data, again, difficult to project. Remember add –on of the Gateway grant and International Students for increased enrollment/Health Fee revenue. An additional COLA may be forthcoming soon as well.
- District has carried negative balances in the Health Fee fund historically, taking the money (loans) back as the reserves built up again. The District also can file for mandated costs claims for this if desired. The District is in worse shape now than it has been in the past, though.
- With 93%-95% of Health Fee costs being salary and benefits/critical personnel, there really isn’t much wiggle room in terms of cost reductions,.i.e. out of SHS control. Any major S/B tilt could result in program loss, not just service/access loss.
- Revenue generation is an effective use of focus, possibly within our control. Automatic COLA policy for the Health Fee, as recommended is obvious. Maximize MAA revenue. Federal funds as related to Medicaid programs (MAA) are uncertain, assumptions need to be considered carefully.
- Projections farther out, i.e. 14-15, 15-16 – employee bargaining units will most likely ask for restoration of salary reductions. Count on increases in S/B costs to SHS.
- Cost shifting of line items and % of S/B to appropriate alternative funding sources is necessary (grants, District, other) Health Fee dollars need to be extremely focused on student service, other expenditures towards district support functions need to be examined.
- Will be discussed more at HSAC’s March meeting for 13-14 budget development input.
PEERS Coalition update: Jeane
- Launch of meetings
- Interns selected, budget system getting organized
- First Regional Strategizing Forum: Student Focus Group on mental health issues
- QPR train the trainer coming up
- NCHA coming up
- Clinical Services Presentation: Cheryl Higgins (see attached)
- Discussion?
Meeting adjourned