How to upload inventory files and manually add SKU’s:
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There are two ways you can add your inventory items to CommerceHub.
1)Manually add each SKU in the OrderStream ™ (formerly Drop-Ship Master) web application (recommended for less than 10 items)
2)Uploading items with an Excel file (recommended for more than 10 items)
In addition to the instructions listed below, please also visit the OrderStream Resource Center to view training videos on managing your inventory.
To locate the inventory training videos:
1. Log in to DSM and navigate to the Resource Center by clicking on ‘Resource Center’ at the top right.
2. Once on the Resource Center download the zip file at the “DSM-115 Inventory Guide” link here:
On the page that opens click on ‘Inventory Tutorials’:
The video tutorials are within a zip file in this folder:
Manually adding SKUs:
- Go to the Inventory tab at the top of the page and choose ‘Add Inventory’ from the dropdown:
- Next, choose the Merchant name for which this item is being added. If the item is being set up for multiple merchants, you will need to create each separately.
- After selecting the Merchant name, an asterisk will display next to any required fields for this merchant relationship. All other fields are optional.
Uploading with an Excel File:
- To locate your merchant’s inventory template, click the “Resource Center” link at the top right of the page:
- Once the Resource Center opens, select your merchant connection from the left hand side (if you have multiple connections), then scroll down to locate the “Web Materials” heading and click on the “DSM-115 Inventory Guide” link :
3. This is a zipped file which you will be prompted to open or save. Open this file with WinZip or another Zip program.
4.Within the zipped file, locate the “DSM-115 Inventory Template” Excel file and save it to your computer:
5.The inventory template indicates any required fields in orange. Any recommended fields are highlighted in blue. All other fields are optional.
7.Populate the inventory template file and save this to your computer.
8. To upload your inventory file, select “Files” at the top of the DSM page and choose
“Upload Files” from the menu.
9.On the Upload File page, click the “Browse” button to locate your saved inventory file on your computer. Once your file is selected, click the “Upload File” button:
*Note - You will receive confirmation within the website if your file has been successfully uploaded. Please be aware that this is confirmation that your file has been received and does not guarantee the file has processed.
- To verify if your file has successfully processed, go to the ‘Files’ brick at the top of the page and choose ‘File History’ from the dropdown.
- Click on the number to the left of ‘Inventory File’.
- The file history that appears will advise the processing status of the file and will indicate if any errors occurred.
- If errors occurred, you can click on the word “Yes” to be directed to the inventory file error log.
If you have any questions or concerns feel free to contact us anytime.