December (for Manhattan) – 2007
/ Mon / Tue / Wed / Thu / Fri / SatNov. 30 Holy Glorious & All-Laudable & First-Called among the 12 Apostles Andrew
Orthros: 8:30am
Divine Liturgy, 9:30amSun.School
Bible Study, 6-8pm
Pre-Christmas Fast! / Dec. 1 The Holy Prophet Nahum
Pre-Christmas Fast! / 2 The Holy Prophet Hab-akkuk
Pre-Christmas Fast! /
3The Holy Prophet Ze-phaniah
Great Vespers (Readers’ Class), 6:30pm
Strict Fast Day! / 4Holy-Virgin-Martyr Bar-bara & Our Venerable Fa-ther John of DamascusPre-Christmas Fast! / 5Our Venerable & God-Bearing Father Sabbas the Sanctified of Palestine
Abstinence! / 6 Our Father among the Saints Nicholas, Bishop of Myra in Lycia
Great Vespers & Confession, 5:30pm
Pre-Christmas Fast!
710th Sun. of Luke & Our Father among the Saints Ambrose, Bishop of Milan
Orthros, 8:30am
Divine Liturgy, 9:30am
Annual Parish Meeting
All Saints Men’s Group , 6:00-7:30pm
Pre-Christmas Fast! / 8 Our Venerable father Patapius
Pre-Christmas Fast! / 9The Conception by St. Anne of the Theotokos
Pre-Christmas Fast! / 10 The Holy Martyrs Me-nas, Hermogenes & Eu-graph
Advent Paraclesis (catechism)
/ 11 Our Venerable & God-Bearing Father Daniel the StylitePre-Christmas Fast! / 12Our Father among the Saints Spyridon the Wonder-Worker, Bishop of Trimythus
Abstinence! / 13The Holy Virgin-Martyr Lucia of Sicily
Great Vespers & Confession, 5:30pm
Pre-Christmas Fast!
14The Sunday of the Holy Fore-fathersof the Lord
(Choir Sunday to honour our readers & chanters for their loving service)
Orthros, 8:30am
Divine Liturgy, 9:30amSun.School
Adult Discussion, 6-8pm
Pre-Christmas Fast! / 15 Holy Sacred-Martyr El-eftherius, Bishop of Illyri-cum (patron of the Dio-cese of Wichita)
Pre-Christmas Fast! / 16 The Holy Prophet Haggai
Great Vespers (ff. by baked fish dinner), 5:30pm
Pre-Christmas Fast! /
17The Holy Prophet Daniel & the 3 Holy Youthsof Babylon
Advent Paraclesis (readers’ class), 6:30pm
Abstinence! / 18 The Holy Martyr Se-bastian & His CompanionsStrict Fast Day! / 19 The Holy Martyr Boniface
Strict Fast Day! / 20 Fore-Feast of Nativity & Our Father among the Saints Ignatius, 3rd Bishop of Antioch (patron of our Father in God, His Bea-titude Ignatius IV Hazim, Patriarch of Antioch)
Great Vespers & Canon of Preparation, 5:30pm
21The Sunday before the Nativity of Christ
Orthros, 8:30am
Divine Liturgy, 9:30amSun.School
Vespers & Canon of Preparation, 6:30pm
Abstinence! / 22Fore-Feast of Nativity & the Holy Martyr Anastasia, Deliverer from PotionsMystery of the Holy Prayer-Oil (Holy Unction), 6:30pm
Strict Fast Day! / 23 Fore-Feast of the Nat-ivity & the Holy 10 Martyrs of Crete
Vespers & Canon of Preparation, 6:30pm
Strict Fast Day! / 24 Vigil of the Nativity of Christ; Christmas EveVesperal Liturgy of St. Basil, 4:00pm
Festal Orthros, 10:30pm
Strict Fast Day!
/ 25 Feast of Nativity of our Lord God & Saviour Jesus Christ according to the FleshMidnight Divine Liturgy
Merry Christmas to All / 26 Synaxis of the All-Holy, Ever-Virgin Theotokos
No Fasting! / 27 Post Feast of the Nativity & St. Stephen the First-Martyr
Great Vespers,5:30pm
28The Sunday after the Nativity
Orthros: 8:15am
Hierarchical Liturgy (His Grace Bishop Basil), 9:30am
Bible Study, 6-8pm 9:30am / 29 Post-Feast of Nativity & the Holy Innocents of Bethlehem Slain by Herod / 30 Post-Feast of the Na-tivity & the Holy Martyr Anysia / 31 Leave-Taking of the Nativity of Christ & Our venerable Mother Melanie the Younger
Orthros, 5:15pm
Hierachical Liturgy (St. George, Wichita), 11:00pm
No Fasting! / Jan. 1 Circumcision of the Lord & Our Father among thje Sains Basil the Great, Archbishop of Caesarea in Cappadocia
May God grant you & yours a blessed New Year! / 2 Pre-Feast of Theophany & Our Venerable & God-Bearing Father Seraphim of Sarov
Vespers & Canon of Preparation, 6:30pm
No Fasting! / 3 Pre-Feast of Theophany & the Holy Prophet MalachiGreat Vespers & Canon of Preparation, 5:30pm
Fast Day: 1 meal & abstinence from meat, poultry, dairy, fish, wine & oil.
Abstinence: 2 meal & abstinence from meat, poultry, dairy & fish; wine & oil are permitted.
Pre-Christmas Fast: 2 meals with abstinence from meat, poultry & dairy; fish, wine & oil are permitted. (All who are under penance should also keep a strict fast on Mondays!)