certified and classified handbook


jackson county school system

jefferson, georgia

The mission of the JacksonCountySchool System is to provide and support challenging and rigorous educational opportunities to ensure academic excellence for all students in a safe and caring learning environment.



Board of Education

School Calendar/Work Schedule

School Calendar 2008-2009

School Work Schedule

School Year

School Day for Teachers

Emergency Closing for Schools

Professional Learning/Planning Days

System Philosophies and Beliefs

Philosophy and Purpose

Jackson County School System Strategic Planning

Code of Ethics

General Administration

Board Policies

Drug Free Work Force

Professional Dress Code

Telephone Usage

Distribution of Teacher or Student Names

Board of Education Meetings

Solicitation of Funds

School/Community Relations

Administrative Bulletins




Administration of Corporal Punishment

AIDS Education

Policy Concerning Discrimination


Complaints and Grievances

Procedures for Handling Student Peer Sexual Harassment

Reduction in WorkForce

Teacher ofthe Year

Check Requisition Payment Request

Amended Change of Address Form

Timeline and Procedures for Teacher Authority Provisions of HB 605

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act

Employee Compensation/Staff Benefits

Pay Dates

Salary Schedule

Automatic Deposit Form

Transfer of Experience for Non-Certified Personnel

Worker’s Compensation

Group Insurance

Social Security

TRS Retirement


Supplements for Extra-Curricular Responsibilities

Professional Development

Registration for Conferences and Workshops

Travel Regulations

Instructions for Completing Travel Expense Statement

Sample Travel Expense Statement

Excess Lodging Approval Form

Hotel/Motel Exemption Form

Paraprofessional Programs

Universal Precautions for Prevention of Transmission of HIV

Employee Leave

Sick Leave

Retirement Credit for Unused Sick Leave

Sick Leave for Personal/Professional Reasons

Professional Leave

Death in Family Leave

Jury Duty

Family and Medical Leave/Maternity Leave


Substitute Teachers

Application for Leave Form

Verification of Annual Leave, Sick Leave, Approved Personal/Professional Leave

Summary Information Personnel Sick Leave Bank

Application for Sick Leave Bank

Sick Leave Bank Withdrawal Application

Family Medical Leave Form/Certification of Physician or Practitioner

Certification and Teacher Evaluation

Teacher Evaluation Procedures

GTEP Annual Summary

Georgia Teacher Duties and Responsibilities Instrument Notification and Documentation Record

Tenured Employees

Non-Tenured Employees


Assessment of Performance

Student Services

Administering Medicines to Students

Request for ExtraTrips for Buses

Permission Slip to Parents

Attendance Procedures

Duties of the Homeroom Teacher

Withdrawn Student Procedure

Student Attendance Protocol

Identification of Child Abuse Victims

Student Support Teams

Referral and Testing for the Gifted Program

Substance Abuse Intervention Services Referral Form

School Nutrition


Welcome to the staff of the Jackson County Schools. The Jackson County School System is committed to the relentless pursuit of educational excellence and this handbook is issued to assist you in performing your duties more efficiently as we strive to reach our vision.

This handbook is subject to revision. The administrative staff welcomes your constructive criticism, comments, and suggestions at any time. Please keep this for reference and add to this handbook all memos and special bulletins issued by the central office during the school year.

* The complete Policies and Procedures Manual is located on the school system website.

Board of Education

Mrs. Kathy WilbanksChairperson

Mrs. Jill ElliottVice-Chairperson

Mr. Tim Brooks Board Member

Mrs. Lynne WheelerBoard Member

Mr. Michael CronicBoard Member

Administration and Staff

Dr. Shannon Adams, Superintendent

Mrs. April Howard, Assistant Superintendent for Teaching and Learning

Dr. Jeff Sanchez, Assistant Superintendent for Finance and Information Services

Dr. Keith Everson, Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources and Support Services

Dennis Patrick, Director of Administrative Services

Sarah H. Greene, Director of Personnel

Melanie Brittain, Director of Special Education

Wanda Oliver, Director of School Nutrition

Gwen Hartman, Director of Special Programs

Kathy Miller, Director of

Bob Betz, Director of Information Technology

David Peek, Director of Instructional Technology

Betty Varnadore, Director of the Business Office

Patty Griffith, Asst. Special Education Director

Cassandra Robinson, 6-12 LA Instructional Coordinator

Teresa Strickland, Instructional Coordinator

Deborah Riddleburger, Professional Learning Coordinator

Tracey Oxley, School Social Worker

Susan Shadix, School Social Worker

Rachel Renfroe, School Social Worker

Amanda Hewell, Administrative Assistant to the Superintendent

Kathy Anderson, Accounting Supervisor

Janice Snelling, Payroll Supervisor

Barbara Banks, Payroll Assistant

Vicky Evans, Transportation Route Coordinator

Allen Dillow, Maintenance Coordinator

Ray Anderson, Transportation Shop Supervisor

Doris Lester, HQ Teacher and Paraprofessional Recruitment and Retention Specialist

Helen Farmer, Secretary to Teaching and Learning

Jennie Smith, Secretary to Special Education

Diane Epps, Bookkeeper/Secretary to Food Services

Angela Brooks, Accounts Payable Clerk

Debbie Gammon, Receptionist/Accounts Payable

Jessica Adams, Secretary/Accounting

Angie Morrow, Secretary/Special Education

Tammy Dearing, School Nutrition Training Manager

Bree Marsh, School Nutrition Education Coordinator

Carol Finley, Secretary/Maintenance and Transportation

Kalen Searcy, Student Information Data Specialist


Pam Shields, BentonElementary School

Denny Turner, WestJacksonPrimary School

Diane Carr, WestJacksonIntermediateSchool

Dr. Pat Stueck, EastJacksonComprehensiveHigh School

Dr. Todd McGhee, JacksonCountyComprehensiveHigh School

Dr. Jane Scales, MaysvilleElementary School

Kathy Elrod, NorthJacksonElementary School

Pam Johns, SouthJacksonElementary School

Dr. Joann Zupsic, GordonStreetCenter

Rise’ Hawley, WestJacksonMiddle School

Vacant, East Jackson Middle School

Dr. Debra Morris, KingsBridgeMiddle School

Jennifer Norris, EastJacksonElementary School

Alisa Hanley, GumSpringsElementary School

School Calendar/Work Schedule

JacksonCountySchool System

School Calendar 2008-2009

Pre-PlanningAugust 1-6, 2008

1st Day of SchoolAugust 7, 2008

End 1st Month of SchoolAugust 31, 2007

Labor Day HolidaySeptember 4, 2008

End of 2nd Month of SchoolOctober 2, 2008

End 1st 9-week Grading PeriodOctober 9, 2008

Teacher In-Service October 10, 2008

Teacher & Student HolidayOctober 13-14, 2008

End of 3rd Month of SchoolNovember 4, 2008

Thanksgiving HolidaysNovember 26-28, 2008

End 4th Month of SchoolDecember 5, 2008

End 2nd 9-week Grading PeriodDecember 19, 2008

Christmas Holidays BeginsDecember 22, 2008

Teacher In-ServiceJanuary 5, 2009

Students Back to SchoolJanuary 6, 2009

Martin Luther King, Jr. HolidayJanuary 19, 2009

End of 5th Month of SchoolJanuary 20, 2009

End of 6th Month of SchoolFebruary 17, 2009

Student/Teacher Holidays or Snow DaysFebruary 19-20, 2009

End 3rd 9-week Grading PeriodMarch 12, 2009

Teacher In-ServiceMarch 13, 2009

End of 7th Month of SchoolMarch 20, 2009

Spring HolidaysApril 6-10, 2009

End of 8th Month of SchoolApril 24, 2009

End of 9th Month of School &

4th 9-week Grading PeriodMay 22, 2009

Memorial Day HolidayMay 25, 2009

Post-PlanningMay 26-28, 2009

JacksonCountySchool Work Schedules

Employees Working 240 Days

240 Work Days

15.72 Days Sick Leave (includes 3 days personal)

10.08 Days Annual Leave

17 Holidays

Christmas & New Years 9 days

July 4th3 days

Labor Day1 day

Thanksgiving3 days

Martin Luther King 1 day

Memorial Day 1 day

Annual leave will be accumulated at the rate of .84 days per school month. Employees may use accumulated days for annual leave with the approval of the superintendent (see appendix page). Twenty days of annual leave can be accumulated beginning with FY88.

Employees Working 220 Days

220 Working Days

14.41 Days Sick Leave (includes 3 days of personal)

190 Work days the same as the regular school calendar plus 30 additional days as specified by the Superintendent of Schools each year.

Guidance and vocational personnel working on 11-month contracts will work 210 days.

Employees Working 190 Days

190 Work Days the same as the regular school calendar

12 ½ Days Sick Leave (includes 3 days of personal leave)

Employees Working 186 Days

12.18 Days Sick Leave (includes 3 days of personal leave)

Persons requested to work on specified holidays will be given equal release time.

Employees Working 180 Days

11.79 Days Sick Leave (includes 3 days of personal leave)

Application for all leave types should be made 10 days prior to leave except in cases of emergency.

The School Year

The school year is determined according to the requirements and guidelines of the State Board of Education. All teachers are to work 190 days, including 180 with children and ten (10) planning days. In order for teachers to gain one year’s experience, they must be certified and work for 120 days on contract during the school year.

The School Day for Teachers

Teachers are expected to work an 8 hour minimum day. The duty schedule for each individual school will be posted by the principal. Sign-in sheets will be provided in each school. System-wide teachers will be sign in at each school they report to on any given day. The official starting time for the school day is the time at which teachers should be signed in and ready to assume their designated duty stations.

Emergency Closing for Schools

Under emergency conditions created by snow storms, severe weather, or other conditions, it sometimes becomes necessary to close the schools. The decision to cancel classes is made by the Superintendent or any official designated to act for him. The decision will be made by 6 a.m. if at all possible. When schools must be closed, local radio stations will be notified.

Professional Learning/PlanningDays

The school district calendar contains some days designated as professional or planning days when activities aimed at professional learning are planned. Professional days are considered regular eight-hour workdays; therefore, all professional staff members are expected to attend and participate in these activities. Schedules for early release days will be provided by the principal Each principal will inform his/her staff of the events scheduled for professional days.

System Philosophies and Beliefs

JacksonCounty Board of Education Philosophy and Purpose

Members of the Jackson County Board of Education have responsibility for setting the basic direction for JacksonCounty education through their philosophy of education and a statement of purpose.

The board has adopted these statements of philosophy and purpose.


Educated citizens are essential to a democratic society. Intelligent functioning of that society depends upon citizens having and applying knowledge and developing positive attitudes about themselves and society. The public schools play a major role in promoting these characteristics and qualities in students.

Students have a constitutional right to a free and comprehensive public education. The Jackson County Board of Education and the personnel in its employ are responsible for seeing that each student is afforded the right to such a free, equal, and comprehensive public education.

Public school education should prepare students for a satisfying, meaningful, and productive life, including the necessary responsibility of earning a living. Educational programs should be developed and offered that meet the needs of all JacksonCounty students and help them reach their potential as individuals and as contributing citizens.

Skilled certified personnel are a basic component in our system of public education. Teaching is a process which not only helps the student develop skills, but also prepares him to work independently and productively as an adult.

The family should support and be involved in the educational process. The process should provide for interaction between home and school. Parents have a major responsibility for their children taking advantage of educational opportunities and for providing positive reinforcement. Individual students have the primary responsibility for learning.

The community should be both a contributor to and a beneficiary of the educational process. The entire community has the responsibility to support the local school system financially as well as with community resources since the entire community profits from a quality educational program.

The schools and educational programs provide the means for the delivery and merging of learning efforts. The physical environment in which the educational processes and services are provided should be functional, safe, comfortable, healthful, adequately equipped, and aesthetically pleasing.




The JacksonCountySchool System is committed to the relentless pursuit of educational excellence.


The mission of the JacksonCountySchool System is to provide and support challenging and rigorous educational opportunities to ensure academic excellence for all students in a safe and caring learning environment.


Providing a highly effective, committed staff and resources needed to achieve high expectations.

Providing a safe, clean, nurturing, and respectful environment.

Providing a rigorous and challenging standards based curriculum guided by data and research-based best instructional practices.

Developing a mutual respect for and partnership among all stakeholders.


Effective August 15, 2005


The Code of Ethics for Educators defines the professional behavior of educators in Georgia and serves as a guide to ethical conduct. The Professional Standards Commission has adopted standards that represent the conduct generally accepted by the education profession. The code protects the health, safety and general welfare of students and educators, ensures the citizens of Georgia a degree of accountability within the education profession, and defines unethical conduct justifying disciplinary sanction.


“Certificate” refers to any teaching, service, or leadership certificate, license, or permit issued by authority of the Professional Standards Commission.

“Educator” is a teacher, school or school system administrator, or other education personnel who holds a certificate issued by the Professional Standards Commission and persons who have applied for but have not yet received a certificate. For the purposes of the Code of Ethics for Educators, “educator” also refers to paraprofessionals, aides, and substitute teachers.

“Student” is any individual enrolled in the state’s public or private schools from preschool through grade 12 or any individual between and including the ages of 3 and 17.

“Complaint” is any written and signed statement from a local board, the state board, or one or more individual residents of this state filed with the Professional Standards Commission alleging that an educator has breached one or more of the standards in the Code of Ethics for Educators. A “complaint” will be deemed a request to investigate.

“Revocation” is the invalidation of any certificate held by the educator.

“Denial” is the refusal to grant initial certification to an applicant for a certificate.

“Suspension” is the temporary invalidation of any certificate for a period of time specified by the Professional Standards Commission.

“Reprimand” admonishes the certificate holder for his or her conduct. The reprimand cautions that further unethical conduct will lead to a more severe action.

“Warning” warns the certificate holder that his or her conduct is unethical. The warning cautions that further unethical conduct will lead to a more severe action.

“Monitoring“is the quarterly appraisal of the educator’s conduct by the Professional Standards Commission through contact with the educator and his or her employer. As a condition of monitoring, an educator may be required to submit a criminal background check (GCIC). The Commission specifies the length of the monitoring period.


Standard 1: Criminal Acts - An educator should abide by federal, state, and local laws and statutes. Unethical conduct includes but is not limited to the commission or conviction of a felony or of any crime involving moral turpitude. As used herein, conviction includes a finding or verdict of guilty, or a plea of nolo contendere, regardless of whether an appeal of the conviction has been sought; a situation where first offender treatment without adjudication of guilt pursuant to the charge was granted; and a situation where an adjudication of guilt or sentence was otherwise withheld or not entered on the charge or the charge was otherwise disposed of in a similar manner in any jurisdiction.

Standard 2: Abuse of Students - An educator should always maintain a professional relationship with all students, both in and outside the classroom. Unethical conduct includes but is not limited to:

1. committing any act of child abuse, including physical and verbal abuse;

2. committing any act of cruelty to children or any act of child endangerment;

3. committing or soliciting any unlawful sexual act;

4. engaging in harassing behavior on the basis of race, gender, sex, national origin, religion or disability;

5. soliciting, encouraging, or consummating an inappropriate written, verbal, or physical

relationship with a student; and

6. furnishing tobacco, alcohol, or illegal/unauthorized drugs to any student or allowing a student to consume alcohol, or illegal/unauthorized drugs.

Standard 3: Alcohol or Drugs - An educator should refrain from the use of alcohol or illegal or unauthorized drugs during the course of professional practice. Unethical conduct includes but is not limited to:

1. being on school premises or at a school-related activity involving students while under the influence of, possessing, using, or consuming illegal or unauthorized drugs; and

2. being on school premises or at a school-related activity involving students while documented as being under the influence of, possessing, or consuming alcoholic beverages. A school-related activity includes, but is not limited to, any activity sponsored by the school or school system (booster clubs, parent-teacher organizations, or any activity designed to enhance the school curriculum i.e. Foreign Language trips, etc).

Standard 4: Misrepresentation or Falsification - An educator should exemplify honesty and integrity in the course of professional practice. Unethical conduct includes but is not limited to:

1.falsifying, misrepresenting, omitting or erroneously reporting professional qualifications, criminal history, college or staff development credit and/or degrees, academic award, and employment history when applying for employment and/or certification or when recommending an individual for employment, promotion, or certification;

2. falsifying, misrepresenting, omitting or erroneously reporting information submitted to federal, state, and other governmental agencies;

3. falsifying, misrepresenting, omitting or erroneously reporting information regarding the evaluation of students and/or personnel;