Lesson twelve
I Timothy 6:11-21
Flee, Follow, and Fight
1 Timothy 6:11-21 But you, O man of God, flee these things…
The word flee is a command/imperative in the Greek. It isn’t a suggestion but a divine directive straight from the General to the troops. The word means to run away, but the Greek word here has the idea of vanishing. It is kind of like when we are in uncomfortable circumstances, saying, “I’m out of here” or “I’m gone”. Timothy and all believers are to get away quickly from any notion of being sucked into any pursuit or mindset that is directing us towards a fall into temptation or traps set by Satan. We should remove ourselves from the possibility of being entrapped so quickly that people look around say, “Where did he go?”
The improper pursuit of money brings people into a whole new set of temptations that lead to desires that hurt the soul and sink men into damnable ruin/destruction or eternal punishment. Christians should see through this and avoid such pursuits that have been the ruination of many unsaved people. Christians that have been deceived by such pursuits have paid a high price with many sorrows and regrets.
What do you do to maintain a proper view of money?
What is the best practice that helps one to maintain a proper biblical view of earthy goods?
What kinds of hurts have happened to Christians because of a wrong pursuit and priority of money?
…and follow after righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, and meekness.
The word “follow” is also a command in the Greek. What a man pursues/follows speaks volumes about his attitudes and priorities. The biblical priority is to follow after those things which have eternal value connected to them and glorify God. ( see - Mat 6:33)
How can a man examine himself and measure accurately what he truly follows?
(12) Fight the good fight of faith. Lay hold on eternal life, to which you are also called and have professed a good profession before many witnesses. (Read - Eph_6:10-17; 1Co_9:26-27.)
The word “fight” is also a command in the Greek. This expression is an allusion to the Grecian games that were so popular in Paul’s world. Fight, conquer, seize the prize; and listen to the cheers of the throngs of people as they show honor and respect for the fruit of your preparation, and skill leading to your victory. There are clouds of witnesses cheering us on that have gone before us as we run the race and fight the good fight. (See Heb. 11)
This verse doesn’t teach that we earn eternal life by how well we fight. The crown of victory is yours in Christ, and is held out to you. Seize His reward as eagerly as the competitors at the Grecian games laid hold on the prize. This is our calling.
Paul’s Charges And Our Ultimate Example
(13) I charge you before God (who makes all things alive) and in the sight of Christ Jesus (who witnessed the good confession to Pontius Pilate), (14) that you keep the commandment without spot and without blame until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ.
The first charge
The word rendered “charge” means, properly, to call to witness; then to affirm with solemn attestations; and then to admonish solemnly, to urge upon earnestly. It is a word which implies that the subject is of great importance. We saw it previously used in 5:21. Paul gives this charge to Timothy as in the presence of God, and of Jesus with his eye resting upon him. (compare Luk_16:28; Act_2:20.)
The one observing us was also a fighter of the faith and had a great testimony before Pilate. Jesus came only to keep His Father’s charge given to Him and never split a hair’s breadth from doing His will. Now as believers we have a charge and commandment to Flee from the love of money, follow the things of God, and fight the good fight of faith.
(15) For He in His own time will reveal who is the blessed and only Potentate, the King of kings and Lord of lords, (16) who alone has immortality, dwelling in light which cannot be approached, whom no one of men have seen, nor can see; to whom be honor and power everlasting. Amen.
It didn’t appear to the crowds that Jesus fought a good fight or won anything before Pilate. He looked like a loser and was severely abused by torture and mockery to the point of death. However, those that believed in Him were amazed at his demeanor, stamina, power, commitment to His purpose at any cost, and His humility. It is God who decides what a victory is and what a victory isn’t.
Are you willing to look like a loser to glorify God?
Knowing Who Jesus really is, how serious should you take His commandment of fleeing, following, and fighting?
According to verse fifteen and sixteen, what should be our motivation?
The second charge
(17) Charge the rich in this world that they be not high-minded, nor trust in uncertain riches, but in the living God, He offering to us richly all things to enjoy, (18) that they do good, that they be rich in good works, ready to share, to be generous, (19) laying up in store for themselves a good foundation against the time to come, that they may lay hold on eternal life. .
Now the charged one, “Timothy” is commanded to charge the more financially blessed within the church so as not to be proud or have misplaced trust in temporal things. Paul makes it clear that God allowed them to have money and nice things to enjoy. However, with the blessing comes responsibility but also to do good, and to be wealthy in good works unto the Lord.
All we have materially has come to us through the sovereign fingers of God. The more we have the greater the accountability with our stewardship.
The believer’s attitude toward financial blessing was to include willingness to share with others to the point of being generous. The results of such attitudes and practices would bless them in the life to come having invested in the kingdom of God and grabbing hold of eternal life.
What determines if one is rich? What do many rich/wealthy believers lack in their walk with God, but yet abounds in the lives of many poor believers? (see – James 2:5) How do present riches grant opportunities for future riches? How do means and faith work together for God’s glory? (II Cor. 9:8-13)
The final charge
(20) O Timothy, guard the Deposit, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of falsely-named science, (21) which some professing have erred concerning the faith. Grace be with you. Amen
Paul was telling to be a guard or sacred keeper of the spiritual truth and traditions that had been handed to him by Paul. Nothing was to steal away the deposit nor was the deposit to be hoarded. That which was deposited to him was to be deposited in others. (see II Tim. 2:2 “commit”)
A primary way to guard the deposit and properly exercise himself in this sacred trust was to speak truth which liberates and builds up people in their holy faith. Profane and vain babblings brought about the opposite. (1Ti_1:4; 1Ti_4:7.) This is referring to controversies and doctrines intended only to produce strife, and not intended to promote the edification of the church.
Another enemy of truth is false science. Christianity has nothing to fear from true science. Real science, in all its advances, contributes to the support of a creator and corroborates biblical claims. The bible isn’t a science book but the statements found in the bible align with empirical science, thus is another witness that confirms the claims of the bible itself as the Word of God. It is only false or pretended science that Christians should be against. The meaning here is, that Timothy was to avoid everything which falsely laid claim to being “knowledge” or “science.” There was much of this in the world at the time the apostle wrote; and this, more perhaps than anything else, has tended to corrupt the truth since.
The pseudo science of this world changes like the wind as new discoveries shatter the old lies. As believers we must hold fast to that which is eternal and unchanging. Many believers have gone astray because they have believed the vain babblings of men who speak in the name of non empirical science.
What errors have believers fallen into today due to believing the false teachings of pseudo science?