BERKS & BUCKS FA Affiliation: JYD00800

Minutes of the Annual General Meeting

held at the Shinfield British Legion, Monday23rd April 2012

PRESENT:Mike Perrett, James Roth, Heather Prowse, Sue Gowen, Sarah Tuckwell, Tamsin Cox,Tim Booth, Will Prowse, Peter Graham, Marie Marshall, Abbie Mulcahy, Michelle Brennan, Raymond Barclay, Mike Cuckow, Theresa Robinson, Luke Nijjar, Dawn Cooper, Laura Woodley, Keith Ellis,


Minutes of the 2011 AGM were agreed and approved.

An agenda was distributed to the meetingand these minutes follow that order.


Mike Perrett, the out-going club Chairman, opened the AGM by welcoming parents and committee members to the meeting. Mike thanked all the parents for their support of their children in playing for the club, and to all the players for representing us in a sporting but competitive manner. He extended special thanks to: Heather Prowse for all her efforts as Club Secretary and keeping all administration work up to date and compliant with all the leagues, Sue Gowen for looking after all the club finances and developing/maintaining very accurate accounts, Sarah Tuckwell for overseeing all child welfare administration and help with organising events along with Marie Fleetwood, Tim Booth and Tamsin Cox. Last but not least, special thanks to James Roth for all his support this year as Vice Chair in dealing with various issues over the course of the season,Shaun Tuggey for all his support in maintaining the ground/pitches and finally to all theteam administrators for ensuring that parents are kept informed of matches and training schedules and for their support of the team’s managers.

Mike thanked the committee members and volunteers for their continued support in organising and supporting fund raising activities such as the Girls tournament, organising the Club Registration nights last May and running the Tuck Shop and barbecue at training nights and matches.

During the course of the season the Shinfield Rangers FC website was updated by James and Raymond and the club would like to thank them for all their efforts in developing it into a much more user friendly site and hope that in the near future we may see some financial reward from the site in terms of selling advertising space generating much needed income for the club

At the start of the season the U18 and U15 teams decided not to continue but the club did take on a new team ( U13 ) who came across from Eldon Celtic.

Last season the club were approached by Reading FC about a partnership scheme which we joined this season.After a slow start Darren Hawley became the dedicated scout from Reading FC and assisted the club by running training sessions for the various age groups which was aimed at both player and coach development.

Mike also made special mention to the following managers and teams for their success this season:-

  • Gary White ( U13’s ) for winning Division 5 of the EBYFL and getting to the final of the ‘Plate’ which takes place on the 28th April
  • Will Prowse ( U12 Boys ) for winning Division 3 of the NEHYL ( and are still in the Ash Trophy )

The other teams within the club all deserve a special mention for their efforts this season and the way they have conducted themselves and represented the club. At the time of the AGM two other teams have done well so far this season:-

  • Pete Graham ( U11 Rangers ) currently 3rd in Division 3 of the EBYFL
  • Tamsin Cox ( U12 Girls ) currently second in the BCGFL with one match left to play on the 28th April


1)Accounting period income was £12,078.80, with outgoings of £ 12,901.42

2)Opening balance of £5,725.86 on 1st May 2011, Closing balance£4,953.42 on 30th April 2012.

3)Cash incomeis made up of £11,512 from players subs and fund raisingof £566.80 from U11G tournament, 2011 Fun Run,and Presentation Day.

4) At the closing of the accounts there was £305 outstanding from players subs with £275 written off as paid but not included as banking credits.

5)Major expenses during period included £1,276.57 for last season’s trophies, £3,499.00 for all league affiliations and team entries and matches fees, £2,600 for rent to Shinfield Association (incl £1,000 from last year), £2,189.50 for equipment, kits, kit replenishments and footballs, £1,406.91 on ground maintenance and pavilion cleaning and £1,240.64 on training and coaching.

6)Overalldecrease in cash of£822.62 from the opening balance position.

7)Out of season outgoings will include £600 rent, £1,200 trophies, £1,500 league affiliations and initial match fees for the BYDL, a total of £3,300 leaving a season start before subs of £1.653.42.

Full audited accounts will be available upon request to club members, league and FA officials.


Being co-opted onto the Committee in mid June last year required steep learning on my part as to what the Club Secretary’s role in youth football actually involved. I would like to thank Jan Matthews for his support at this time and sharing the mountain of knowledge and contacts he has built up. The role essentially involves representing the Club in all communications between Berks & Bucks FA and the 4 leagues in a timely and courteous manner.

Player registrations

The player registration procedures were concluded successfully and satisfied league requirements - albeit to the wire in terms of timescale for a number of teams. Going forward I am hoping for a more timely registration process this coming season! Documents are thoroughly checked to ensure age eligibility. Unfortunately Nigel Rixon was unable to continue his U15 team this season due to insufficient players but we were pleased to welcome Gary White and his U13 team to Shinfield Rangers.

League correspondence

We have been represented at all compulsory league and annual general meetings. It is important that we take our place at these meetings to keep abreast of all the changes which are happening in youth football. It is the team manager’s responsibility to attend these meetings. We have dealt with 2 complaints relating to our teams this season. One resulted in suspended fines for the Club but the Manager actually decided to fold the team instead. So we have said goodbye to Ash Clarke’s U11 Royals team.

At the time of writing the Club has not received any fines. Last year we had 7 fines which were all from the U18 team. Parents - it is worth reminding players that fines are imposed in older age groups and these are passed on by the Club to the players – we do not tolerate unsporting behaviour on or off the pitch.

I would like to thank all of the team administrators who have played a vital part in maintaining Shinfield’s reputation with their respective leagues by complying with rules around fixtures and submission of paperwork. The effort and time you put into your roles is greatly appreciated by the Committee, parents and myself.

Charter Standard

At the beginning of my term there was a lot of work to do to bring records up to date to ensure we would meet the requirements for FA Charter Standard status to be awarded. A spreadsheet of volunteer training and CRB checks is now available. All Club volunteers require CRB’s and these are submitted in a timely manner by Sarah Tuckwell, our Child Welfare Officer.


4 coaches have done their Level 1 training this season – Luke Nijjar, Laura Woodley and Keith Ellis took the Army FA course at Aldershot and Andy Chard earned his certificate with Reading FC. The Reading FC Partnership is beginning to pay dividends as we take advantage of their training sessions to remain compliant with First Aid and Safeguarding courses. Abbie Mulcahy, Tamsin Cox and Pete Graham have all completed their Safeguarding Children training and Abbie and Tamsin have also been put through their First Aid manoeuvres. Luke was offered a fantastic opportunity as a young coach to do his Level 2 training and we wish him well with the final few sessions.

Future Dates

Registration evening will be Tuesday May 22nd – venue to be arranged

Presentation Day will be Sunday May 27th – Millworth Lane Playing Fields

Mike Perrett thanked the committee for their help and assistance during the past season and advised the attending club members that the present committee must now stand down and a new committee be elected.

Election of Committee for 2012-13

The current Committee stood down and applied in turn for re-election.

Mr Mike Perrett asked the meeting to vote for each member starting with Chairman.

Mr Mike Perrett proposed that Mr James Roth be elected as chairman and this was seconded by Dr Will Prowse, voted.

Mrs Heather Prowse proposed that Mr Mike Perrett be elected as Vice Chairman and this was seconded by Mr James Roth, voted.

Mrs Tamsin Cox proposed that Mrs Sue Gowen be elected as Treasurer and this was seconded by Ms Abbie Mulcahy, voted.

Mrs Marie Marshall proposed that Mrs Sarah Tuckwell be elected as Child Welfare officer and this was seconded by Mrs Sue Gowen, voted.

Mrs Sue Gowen proposed that Mrs Heather Prowse be elected as Secretary and this was seconded by Mr Mike Perrett, voted.

Mr Luke Nijjar proposed that Mrs Michele Brennan be elected as Volunteer Co-ordinator and this was seconded by Mr Peter Graham, voted.

Mrs Marie Marshall proposed that Mr Tim Booth be elected to the Committee and this was seconded by Ms Abbie Mulcahy, voted.

Mr James Roth, incoming Chairman, then took the floor and thanked Mike Perrett, outgoing Chairman, for his hard work and dedication to the Club over the last few years. He said that Mike’s hard work had resulted in a far more stable environment for the children who play for Shinfield Rangers FC.

As new Chairman, James Roth said that we need to build on the platform that has been provided and focus on just a few key areas as follows:

  1. Additional funding for the Club through grants, sponsorship and income from marketing activities.
  2. Attract more children at a younger age to secure the continuity and future of the Club.
  3. Develop additional resources saying that we need to expand but to do so will require new pitches and playing facilities.
  4. To grow the Club we need to attract new coaches and managers and have a more structured approach to coaching.

James went on to say that with the continued efforts of the current coaches, managers and administration people, he was convinced that we can grow the Club further through 2012 and into 2013. He said that the next three years would be critical to the development of Shinfield Rangers FC as the community is set to grow by 2700 new homes with the plans already put forward for development by the University and we need to be ready to accommodate the additional children moving into the area. He went on to say that if we achieve three of the four key areas above, then he thought we would have a ‘good year’.

Meeting Closed at 21:45.

Affiliated to the Shinfield Association, Reg. Charity: 300201 Page 1