BSSV Port Explanation:
There is lots of confusion on ports for Web Services Testing, and hopefully this will help explain what is happening with ports.
1. Within the BSSV Server Settings under the HTTP Settings, under HTTP Callback, there is a setting for BSSV HTTP Endpoint. The port that is used in the url should match the port that is configured in OAS for the BSSV server. This port defines how an external call to the BSSV server will be able to find the WSDL. So if you are using BPEL or SoapUI to find the endpoint of the web service, you would need to know this port.
2. When you see the list below of ports in OAS, this is just showing you all the ports to the many containers that are used by OAS. For your web service testing, you can select any of these ports and it will automatically find the BSSV test web service. As long as you don’t select a certificate security port, it doesn’t really matter which one you select to do a web service test. However, when trying to call a WSDL from a 3rd party system, it does matter which port you give it so it can find the correct endpoint. This should match the setting in #1.
3. In the BSSV Runtime Settings, there are 2 ports that need to be configured – Incoming and Outgoing JDENET Port. The Incoming Port can be any unique port that BSSV uses to receive requests coming from E1. This is important for your testing, as this port will be used by E1 to connect to the BSSV server when sending the response back out of E1. This can be any number, but needs to map to the Configure Server settings for your BSSV Server. The Outgoing Port should match the serviceNameListen =<port> found in your jde.ini on your enterprise server, or what you have in your local jde.ini setting on your client. See examples below: