The first BHS PTO Meeting was held Oct. 29th in the MediaCenter. Please mark your calendars with the next three meetings (there are only four all year!) and try to attend -- Dec. 6, Feb. 6 and April 30 at 7:00PM. Check the BHS website for PTO activities and meeting agendas. You’re involvement is greatly needed and appreciated!
Co-Chair Mary Ford Clark asked parents to consider joining the PTO Leadership Team or volunteering at upcoming events. Help is always needed baking, chaperoning and on various committees. Email Patti DiBona, , to get involved.
Students at the October meeting spoke to parents about Spirit Week and their recommendations for the Homecoming Dance. Mr. Swanton stressed that it is more casual than prom and explained the parental contract. This year the PTO will supply water bottles and a coat check.
Lisa Heger, BHS parent and webmaven for the school’s website ( said the site has received 30,000 hits since starting with 10,000 this school year. The website is loaded with information about BHS events, clubs and guidance information and has links to other school sites. Bookmark it and visit often.
A Health Fair was held at BHS for sophomores and seniors on Nov. 9th featuring health and wellness experts and speakers from the District Attorney’s office. Mr. Swanton and Dr. Clark told parents about the School Crisis Team and its importance during emergencies and reviewed signs and symptoms of prolonged grief that may lead to depression. They also addressed evacuation and lock down procedures. Mr. Swanton also explained the new MIAA regulations for student athletes caught abusing alcohol or drugs which will be implemented from the first day of fall practice until the last day of the school year.
PTO is organizing a Teacher Wish List to provide teachers with classroom supplies distributed in December. Keep an eye out for information about this program – teachers loved it last year! The Teacher Appreciation Breakfast will be on Friday, Dec. 7th. Please bring breakfast items to the PTO Meeting Dec. 6th or drop them at the security booth on Friday morning.
Students have opened a BHS Store with great Wamps clothing for sale. Help out our student entrepreneurs and start your holiday shopping!
The All Night Graduation Party committee is planning the 2008 after-graduation party. This is a fun and safe evening for seniors and requires lots of parent help! Please contact Cindy Lane () to get involved. The parents chairing this committee will be moving on after their kids graduate – underclass parents are greatly needed!
Future PTO meetings will address new driving laws and the In Control Driving Program as well as Substance Abuse. PTO plans to bring in more speakers of interest to BHS students and parents. Please let us know if you have any topic ideas or speaker recommendations. Email with suggestions.