Jill Schartner (Cocherl) was born in Columbus, Ohio. When Jill was quite young her family moved a couple of times and byJill's 4th gradeyear the Cocherls (2 sisters/1 brother) had settled in Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin. Jill grew up on a 180 acre farm located 6 miles from SturgeonBay. She assisted a local farmer with milking/chores most mornings/evenings, in exchange the farmer taught Jill and her brother how to trap. When not playing sports,Jill spent her spare time in the woods, and then once she turned16 her father finally allowed her to begin hunting, which soon became an addiction.Jill attendedschool in Brusselsandgraduated from Southern Door High School in 1980. After high schoolJillbegan hanging out with a high school classmate, Tom Schartner (to say that the Schartners and local wardens were acquainted,isan under statement, the "Schartner Name" was on the warden's poaching list). Tom and his father, Len, taught Jillthe skills of bow hunting and ice fishing and she and Tom became inseparable.

The fall of 1980 Jillattended UW Stevens Pointand in 1982she married Tom Schartner, her lifetimehuntingpartner.Tom and Jill have two children, Joshua and Jessica. In 1983 JillattendedFoxValleyPoliceAcademy andbeganworking the summer months (for 7 years)as a Park RangeratPottawatomieState Park, which is located on the Bay of Sturgeon Bay.In1989 Jill also workedthefall asa Special Conservation Warden,where she assistedwardens inthe Sturgeon Bay Area. After only working3 months as a special warden,Jill realized this job would becomeher life time career.That fall Jilltook the warden exam and was offered a full time positionin1990,only 5 other wardens were hired that year.With her 5 other classmates, Jillattended theEau ClairePoliceAcademy and went through theyear long DNR Warden Training Program. Jill trained withField Training Wardens Tom Kroeplin(Woodruff), Bill Schwengel (Portage) and Brian Fellrath (Luck). Then in1991Jillwasstationed toMonroe which is located in GreenCounty.

Over the next 17 years whilecontinually putting in for transfers, trying to get back up north,the Schartners raised their kids, who both graduatedas Cheesemakers from MonroeHigh School.Because of their love of the north woods and passion for hunting/fishing, the Schartners had decided thatonce the kids left for college they would again attempt to move north. The Schartners became"empty nesters" during the summer of 2006 andon November 2,Jill Schartneraccepted a transferto the Drummond Station in BayfieldCounty. Fortunately for the Schartners, Monroe Truck Equipment, where Tom had worked for the past 15 yearsas an Inside Sales Manager, also allowed Tom to transferto Drummond, wherehe took the District and Regional Outside Sales Manager position for Northern Wisconsin and Minnesota.

When not working, the Schartners enjoy their residence which is located in the middle of the ChequamegonNational Forest.It iswhat they consider their"little piece of heaven".Jill also enjoysice fishing,archery hunting, duck hunting, canoeingand training herdog, Citori.